The Villain Fantasy Heroine is Completely Broken

Chapter 113: : just fight for the day

(A friend said that the plot is a bit boring, and I have to speed up the plot. This chapter is an extended chapter, 600 words more than my original chapter, and the pace has been accelerated, so some details must not be in place... Take it easy, too I want to enter the Yunguanzong plot as soon as possible.)


At this moment, Xia Ye was really overwhelmed by Ning Ruxue's madness, she wiped the sweat on her palms and explained, "No, why are you living in Xia's house? I'm going to Yunguanzong tomorrow. Now, even if you want to marry, you have to wait for me to come back, right?"


Both Ning Ruxue and Lin Naiyi stayed where they were, and Lin Naiyi said first, "Didn't you say you will leave at the end of the month?"

"I mean to go to Yunguanzong at the end of the month, not to set off."

There was a cold sweat on Xia Ye's forehead. There was still some distance between Zhongcheng and Yunguanzong. The selection of Yunguanzong was about to start at the end of the month.

At this moment, Lin Naiyi and Ning Ruxue panicked. They both knew exactly what Xia Ye was going to do in Yunguanzong.

What if Xia Ye really died following the plot?

"So, it's useless for you to live in."

Xia Ye spread out his hands, not knowing when Xia Jiu had already stood behind Ning Ruxue, stretched out his fingers, gently placed it on Ning Ruxue's blade, and then pushed Ning Ruxue's body away. , took the blade away.

"Then a night is a night!"

After speaking, Ning Ruxue walked directly towards the Xia Mansion. With the act of suicide just now, Xia Jiu didn't dare to stop her, but picked up the broken blade on the ground, looked at Ning Zheng and said, "I want to No... put your daughter here first?"

Seeing that his daughter was all right, Ning Zheng was relieved, but he didn't have the face to stay here any longer. Looking at the unkind eyes of the people around him, Ning Zheng hurriedly got into the carriage.

Live if you want, anyway, Xia Manor can't possibly starve Ning'er.

Xia Jiu began to call for the people to evacuate in an orderly manner. Lin Naiyi also took a deep look at Xia Ye with hesitation in his eyes, and followed Ning Ruxue in.

"elder brother!"

Xia Jiu shouted, and in Xia Ye's puzzled eyes, she showed a thumb.

"You still think your brother is not annoying enough, right?"

Xia Ye said angrily, "I didn't sleep well all night, and there was such a bad thing in the morning, which made Xia Ye a little upset and had to find a place to sleep well."

In the courtyard, Lin Nai caught up with Ning Ruxue, stopped Ning Ruxue and said, "You acted well, you won this game."


Ning Ruxue chuckled lightly.

Her views on Lin Naiyi had changed a long time ago. In Ning Ruxue's heart, Lin Naiyi was someone who used Xia Ye's tactics to escape the plot line.

"I'm different from you. What I said in front of the Xia Mansion today is true. I don't have the heart to play tricks with you. I believe Xia Ye will be moved by my sincerity."

What are the people who play tricks most afraid of?

It is such a mindless person, just relying on the actions just now is enough to prove that Ning Ruxue's determination to pursue Xia Ye this time.

Lin Naiyi didn't expect that, he just stimulated Ning Ruxue a little, but he didn't expect Ning Ruxue to have such a big reaction.

"Okay, you like to live here, right? Then follow the rules of the Xia Mansion and call Sister Lin first."

Lin Naiyi was not worried about Ning Ruxue, but after seeing Ning Ruxue living in Xia's house, she felt uneasy.

This is why I need to find trouble for Ning Ruxue.

"You haven't passed the door yet!"

Ning Ruxue frowned and retorted.

Even if you want to be the second roommate, at least Xia Ye gets married and has a main room first, right?

Linnai just wanted to change his name just because he had a bargaining chip with a fiancée in his hand?

No, no!

Ning Ruxue quickly rejected herself in her heart, what does it mean to be a second room!

If I am not the second room of Xia Ye, I will be the wife that Xia Ye Ming medium is marrying!

"It's not called, is it? Xiaochun!"

The corners of Lin Naiyi's mouth evoked a beautiful arc. After a while, Xiaochun ran into the yard and panted, "Young madam."

Hearing Xiaochun's name, Lin Nai looked a little proud, and then said, "When will Dad come back?"

"Master said, it is estimated before sunset."

Xiaochun replied respectfully.

Afterwards, Lin Nai looked at Ning Ruxue and said, "I forgot to tell you that the reason why there are many rules in Xia Mansion is because Dad has many rules. If you don't follow them, Xia Ye will be the one who will be scolded."


The blood that had just stopped from the wound on Ning Ruxue's neck was swept out by Lin Nai's anger.

Xiaochun naturally knew Ning Ruxue. The maids of the Xia family actually saw the news at the door this morning. Xiaochun was also standing far away and knocking. kill yourself.

Xiaochun, who had been slow to respond at first, didn't understand even more now when she saw Ning Ruxue walk in.

Ning Ruxue understood why Lin Naiyi called Xiaochun over, and Xiaochun called Lin Naiyi the young lady.

Then in the Xia family, except for Xia Yan and Xia Jiu, everyone should call them Young Madam, which is the name of the servants.

And although Ning Ruxue lived in Xia's house, she didn't have a proper identity. Either she admitted that she was the second roommate, and called Lin Naiyi's sister.

Or just like the other servants, called Mrs. Linnai.

"Sister Lin."

Ning Ruxue had ten thousand unwillingness in her heart, so she could only bow her head at this moment, but she thought fiercely in her heart.

Wait until you save Xia Ye and let him see your true colors before you clean up!

"Scream louder."

Lin Naiyi frowned on purpose.

Ning Ruxue took a deep breath, forced a smile and said, "Ninger greets Sister Lin."

"That's right."

Lin Nai sneered and said to Xiao Chunkai, "Place Miss Ning in the yard in the west, and by the way, tell her about the rules of the Xia Mansion."


Xiaochun nodded respectfully. This morning, when Lin Nai called Xiaochun in and said those words, Xiaochun was still scared to this day.

Women's possessiveness is actually not weaker than men's.

Especially a woman with an independent personality like Lin Naiyi, naturally she didn't want a second lady to exist in the Xia residence besides herself.

Xiaochun listened to Lin Naiichi like this because Lin Naiichi still made a little concession, but that was all after marriage.

Ning Ruxue glanced at Lin Naiyi unwillingly, and then followed Xiaochun to the West Garden.

Lin Naiyi went back to his with a sad expression on his face.

Her troubles haven't been resolved yet.

Originally, Lin Naiyi thought that he didn't plan to talk to Xia Ye until he thought clearly about whether he was willing to leave this world.

Last night's episode was just because Xiaochun was excited, but tomorrow Xia Ye will go to Yunguanzong.

Do you have to wait for Xia Ye to come back before telling him your answer?

Lin Nai was distracted, watching the sky outside the window getting darker and darker, remembering the poisonous oath Ning Ruxue made at the gate of Xia Mansion today.

I don't even have the determination of Ning Ruxue...

Linnai cursed herself secretly, her eyes flickering...


Xia Ye, who had slept for a whole day, was in good spirits, and all the vitality that Linnai had tossed about last night also recovered.

Just as he was about to get up and do some exercise, as soon as he turned his head, he saw a beautiful figure standing beside him.

Lin Nai was wearing a light red transparent veil, and there was still some water vapor on her body. It was obvious that she had just taken a shower, but the veil was like the king's new clothes, and it was so light and fluttering on Lin Naiyi's body.

With that graceful figure in Xia Ye's eyes, it's easy to conquer a man.

Either to fill his stomach.

Or sleep with him.

At this moment, Xia Ye felt that he was on the verge of being conquered by Lin Naiyi.

As soon as Linnai exhaled hot air, her eyes were a little blurry, Xia Ye could see her body trembling slightly, and then a faint and beautiful voice came: "I've figured it out... about whether I want to go with you or not. Unfamiliar place, my answer is..."

Linnai paused for a while, and the red gauze seemed to flutter a little with the breeze outside the window: "Just fight for the day."

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