The Villain Fantasy Heroine is Completely Broken

Chapter 107: : Forber's Choice

There must be a layer of restraint in this ring, and its power is not small. Fortunately, Xia Ye just used a little gas to probe, not forcibly break through the restraint, otherwise, Xia Ye might not be able to sit here safely.

In his slightly aged eyes, Fu Bo couldn't see what he was thinking, and he just said lightly: "The things your mother left you are just for me to keep temporarily. Actually, I don't know what is in the ring."

Good guy, is Faber and my mother so good?

Shouldn't this kind of thing be handed over to my father for safekeeping...

However, with such a big restriction on a storage ring, the contents inside must be very precious. Fubo is a first-class product, so it is indeed safer to put it in his hands.

"Then this... won't be the same as this ring, will it?"

Xia Ye pointed to the red jade pendant on the side, but this time he didn't start to move it directly. Having learned the lesson just now, it is still the best policy to be careful.


Uncle Fu's face became a little weird, he looked at Xia Ye with a scrutiny and asked, "Young master, don't you remember?"

Xia Ye shook his head, he could remember a ghost, he didn't inherit the so-called memory at all when he came to this world through time travel, okay?

"This is the young master's own thing."

Uncle Fu took the jade pendant out of the iron box and handed it to Xia Ye.

At first glance, this jade pendant is not a jade pendant around the waist. After all, it is too small. It should be worn around the neck. The piece looks like it was cut by something.

I can't see what was written.

The carvings are quite delicate, narrow at the top and wide at the bottom, with a red rope going through the middle, but the red rope seems to be broken, and another type of rope is used at the joint.

I still have such a girly jade pendant?

No, Xia Ye still has such a mother-in-law jade pendant?

It feels like nothing is right.

Xia Ye looked at the jade pendant carefully, and suddenly her heart clenched for a moment, Xia Ye clenched it a little bit unconsciously, and Uncle Fu's words came over.

"You seemed to be just seven years old at that time? Almost, Master and I took you out to play in the middle of the city. When you were about to arrive in a small town, somehow, if you didn't pay attention, you disappeared."

"Can't you?"

Xia Ye didn't care that something was wrong with her heart just now. It might just be the sequelae of being electrocuted by the system. Anyway, with the system in place, as long as she didn't die, she would be fine. .

"You are a first-class man. I disappeared under your eyelids at the age of seven?"

Xia Ye is 20 years old this year, and what Uncle Fu said was thirteen years ago. Even if Uncle Fu was not a first-class at that time, he was at least a second-class.

How could you not even look after a child?

Uncle Fu coughed twice, took a sip of water, and then said, "I went to the town to find a guest room in advance, and it was just the two of you, Master and you."

"and after?"

Xia Ye is a little interested. After all, this is something outside of the plot written by him, and it is about himself, so of course you have to listen to it.

"Afterwards, the master was so anxious that he and I searched everywhere. That small town is not far from the Demonic Beast Forest. My master and I were afraid that something might have happened to you. We searched for a whole day and night. Guess what?"

Fu Bo's tone suddenly stopped, and Xia Ye asked subconsciously, "What's the matter?"

"Hey~ you're back again."


Speaking of cross talk, right? !

Xia Ye's face darkened a bit, and he usually didn't see that Uncle Fu was such a pompous person.

Uncle Fu also had a smile on his face, and raised his brows at the jade pendant in Xia Ye's hand: "Then you held this jade pendant in your hand, and you won't let anyone else move it, and then you went back safely. When the rope breaks, you ask me to pick it up, and it happens to be raining that day, so I will find it and tie it for you tomorrow, but you will be sick the next day."

Uncle Fu's face was full of memories, and his warm smile was beyond words, then he sighed and said, "After lying in the house for seven or eight days, you also forgot about this jade pendant, and then I thought about collecting it. Get up, in case you remember it that day, it has been like this until now."

"It's that simple?"

Xia Ye held the jade pendant in his hand and put some next to the candle. He wanted to see the pattern on the jade pendant, but no matter how he looked, he couldn't see any secrets.

It is a jade pendant that is too simple to be simple.

"Well, it's that simple."

Uncle Fu leaned on the bed and watched Xia Ye quietly in the light of the candle, and in the next second, Xia Ye's problem also followed.

"Uncle Fu, what would you do if I was killed one day, and the other party had a great background, just like those big families in Shenzhou?"

After asking this question, Uncle Fu's expression froze, and the smile on his face became dull as he said, "Young master, did you want to talk about the assassination that day? I really haven't found out..."

"No, Faber, you misunderstood."

Xia Ye hurriedly shook his head, put the jade pendant in his waist pocket and said, "It doesn't matter that I have already checked the matter, it has nothing to do with you."

In the assassination that day, neither Lin Naiyi nor Xia Jiu said a word to others.

The bodies of those two assassins were destroyed by Nie Baili. Although Nie Baili was the one involved, he did not tell Uncle Fu. After all, the family standing behind Zhao Hao was not something that Uncle Fu could provoke.

This is also for Faber's good.

Only then did Uncle Fu relax, and he replied somewhat jokingly, "Of course I have to take revenge, let his family be buried with him, but young master, let's not say this is unlucky in the future... As the saying goes, Ning ..."

"I mean, what would you do if the people who killed me were much stronger than you, even more numerous, and all of them were first-rank masters?"

According to the original plot, after Xia Ye died, Fu Bo and Xia Yan disappeared. Xia Ye described the ending of the Xia family as someone who saw Xia Yan in a bitter cold place and said he was crazy.

But Faber didn't mention it at all.

He really wanted to know what choice Forber would make if the plot really developed according to the villain model.

For a character who did not give an ending, what was his ending?

This time, Uncle Fu was silent for a long time, and his back was straightened, as if he said earnestly: "Master, this world is very big, very big, there are too many people, too many things, whether it is you now , or I, can't bear it, but if such a thing really happens, I will still answer the same old man and avenge you."

"After all, we can't lose face, right?"

After speaking, Fu Bo laughed out loud, lifted the teapot and filled Xia Ye's cup again.

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