The Villain Fantasy Heroine is Completely Broken

Chapter 99: : Vigilance of Linnaeus 1

In fact, there is no way to do this. Originally, the novels written by Xia Ye are very lengthy, and each plot will have a different heroine.

It is inevitable to take care of one and the other, especially the female protagonists in the early stage. In fact, in the later stage, there is only one female protagonist, Lin Nai.

It's a pity that now Lin Naiyi is also out of the heroine's plot.

Ning Ruxue took a deep breath and stared straight at Xia Ye without moving.

At the moment, Xia Ye was silent in the future development of the plot, and he didn't notice Ning Ruxue's reaction at all. Xia Ye turned his head until he felt that there was no movement on the side.

"I go."

Ning Ruxue's face was about to come up, Xia Ye was so frightened that she shrank back, looking at Ning Ruxue's abnormal appearance, she had a bold idea and asked tentatively, "You won't. that man I'm talking about?"

"It's you. You're so smart. I've been thinking about how I can tell you about this..."

Ning Ruxue immediately became chatty, she reached out and grabbed Xia Ye's arm, hesitatingly said nervousness or something.

"Well, I have a fiancée, and you know..."

Xia Ye was quite frightened by Ning Ruxue's reaction, but she was already sitting on the corner of the carriage, unable to move at all.

[Gan! Is this woman crazy? Isn't the plot over already? The Ning family has spoken to ask Ning Ruxue to marry Zhao Hao, how could this happen? 】

[Could it be Ning Ruxue's trick again? Did Zhao Hao not leave at all? 】

【right! Must not go! Ning Ruxue couldn't bear it after hearing that Zhao Hao had a fiancée, and deliberately made herself angry with Zhao Hao! 】

[Almost fooled, I'll go, I remember that you are not so black-bellied, how could such a good heroine become like this? 】


The more Xia Ye thought about it, the more likely it was. After all, in Xia Ye's eyes, his relationship with Ning Ruxue was like a boat that had been overturned.

And it is impossible for this boat to reverse again, absolutely impossible!

Thinking of this, Xia Ye actually had a plan in mind...

"Didn't you yourself say that I want to fight for it? Besides, God arranged it, the biggest! And didn't you like me before? How can your relationship change? You and Linnai are not married now, plus I like you now, shouldn't you be happy?"

Ning Ruxue's face is full of smiles. He knows that Xia Ye still doesn't believe in him, but it doesn't matter, won't time tell?

When I go back and explain to my father, didn't my father like Xia Ye before? Zhao Hao was just a little taller, and he would not refuse him compared to his own father.

"I'm happy, I'm happy."

Xia Ye said that, but his eyes looked indifferent. He wanted to see how much Ning Ruxue could do for Zhao Hao.

No voice in your heart?

What does this represent? This means that what Xia Ye said is true!

Ning Ruxue's eyes lit up at the moment, she held Xia Ye's arm tightly and said, "Do you think it's okay? Then let's start this relationship right away, okay?"

"Okay, come on."

Xia Ye looked indifferent, but Ning Ruxue closed her eyes excitedly and slowly approached Xia Ye.

"Ouch, it will be delivered to the door automatically."

Seeing Ning Ruxue getting closer, Xia Ye was scornful at first, but when he was about to touch Ning Ruxue's lips, Xia Ye looked at Ning Ruxue's cheek but couldn't get any interest.

Yun Mei and Lin Nai were enough to give Xia Ye a headache, but now there is another Ning Ruxue, Xia Ye really can't stand it.

After pushing Ning Ruxue away, under Ning Ruxue's puzzled eyes, Xia Ye said with some disgust, "Didn't your father marry you to Zhao Hao?"

Xia Ye didn't take the words too seriously, he just didn't understand, the story of Xia Ye was completed, his father was going to leave Zhongcheng, and Yun Mei was going to Shenzhou.

Except that Linnaeus's plot line has changed, everything else has not changed.

How could Ning Ruxue suddenly say that she likes her?

Isn't this a big joke?

[Crazy, this woman is so... really so...]

Can't hear?

I can't hear Xia Ye's heart anymore!

Ning Ruxue's first reaction was panic, why couldn't she hear?

"That's my father's decision, and it has nothing to do with me!"

After Ning Ruxue explained quickly, she stared at Xia Ye attentively.

But this time, I couldn't hear it at all. I saw Xia Ye said lightly: "I really gave up Ruxue, we will be people on two roads in the future, no matter what you are for today, will you stop here?"

Even if he does complete the plot and go home, whether the villain value he gets can take away Linnaeus is one thing or two.

It's not that Xia Ye didn't have a heart for Ning Ruxue. As the saying goes, good looks start with looks.

The beginning of a relationship must begin with appearance.

When Xia Ye started writing the book, the first heroine to appear was Ning Ruxue. She really wrote it according to her ideal type.

A little bit kind, with a temperament like that of a sister next door.

It would be nonsense to say that after Xia Ye crossed over, he didn't have any dissent towards Ning Ruxue, and anyone would be moved by this matter.

But after staying in this world for such a long time, the plot has undergone a lot of changes, and many things are out of Xia Ye's control.

The most important thing was Lin Naiyi, that woman unknowingly occupied a big place in Xia Ye's heart.

In addition, he has experienced life and death together, and Xia Ye has long since changed from his original appearance.

Ning Ruxue on the other side was really panicked at this moment, and she really couldn't hear it. Occasionally, there were only a few intermittent words, and she couldn't hear a complete sentence at all.

Why can't you hear it? !

Numerous thoughts flashed through Ning Ruxue's mind, but the carriage had stopped in front of the Xia Mansion at an unknown time, only Xia Ye's voice came from outside the carriage: "Send Miss Ning back to the Mansion."


"Summer night!"

Ning Ruxue immediately jumped out of the carriage, but when the words reached her throat, she saw Lin Nai slowly walking out of the Xia Mansion, staring at Ning Ruxue with a smile and asking, "Miss Ning. Is there anything else you need to find my husband?"


Naked oath of sovereignty.

Ever since Ning Ruxue started running to Xia's house, Lin Naiyi saw that something was wrong with Ning Ruxue.

To say that Ning Ruxue is still as usual, thinking of using Xia Ye's inner voice to **** herself off, Lin Nai is not worried at all.

But the bad thing is that Ning Ruxue during this period of time is simply too well-behaved. She has no cold words about Xia Ye, nor did she deliberately use the plot that Xia Ye pursued to destroy.

Just like this, it was Linnaiichi's worry.

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