And Yunzhou guessed that it was generally the same.

At the bottom of this Heavenly Demon Mountain was indeed the location of the treasure of the soul.

The dark weapons inside flashed with treasure light, accompanied by the gentle flick of the cuffs of the cloud boat, and the eyes were full of eyes in an instant.

So what’s next to find the treasure?

Definitely want to “fight the house and rob the house”!

Yun Zhou didn’t say a word and directly put away all the treasures.

Then he picked out a few Dan medicines and Daoist instruments suitable for Shangguan Wan’er and threw them over.

Shangguan Wan’er made her eyes flutter, not knowing what she was looking down and thinking.

After dividing up the booty, Yunzhou did not leave at the first time.

He looked up at the big hole above his eyes, and his mind had drifted away.

I don’t know what happened to Master Dabao and Wu Zhao now. 】

Although these two people joined forces, the three elders of the Lin Gate could not be opponents, but Yun Zhou still had some worries in his heart.

After all, even if his life was not in danger, he would be hurt if he was injured.

Shangguan Wan’er saw his trepidation, and there was an inexplicable unnaturalness on Wen Wan’s pretty face:

“Which nun are you thinking about again?”

Yun Zhou was stunned for a moment, smiled and shook his head: “You are about to become a roundworm in my stomach.” ”

He rubbed his eyebrows and said, “I’m worried about Master, the strength of the people coming from the Immortal Realm this time should not be low, although I have confidence in them, I am also afraid that they will be hurt.” ”

“That’s the way it is.”

I don’t know why, hearing that Yunzhou was worried about his master, Shangguan Wan’er actually had a feeling of relaxation in her heart.

She looked at the side of Yunzhou’s face.

I don’t know if the string was wrong, but the ghost made God ask:

“You are so worried about your Master… She’s important to you, right? ”

“Hmm.” Yun Zhou nodded calmly, “To me, she is one of the most important people in my life.” ”

Upon hearing this, Shangguan Wan’er was a little strange, and inexplicably suddenly had a sense of expectation:

“One of several people … That means there are other people who are as important as she is? ”

After saying this, Shangguan Wan’er pursed her red lips.

The tone of her speech betrayed her anticipation.

“What the hell am I thinking?”

“I’m just a little female officer by Your Majesty’s side…”

It was said that Yun Zhou did not notice anything wrong.

After thinking about it, he said softly, “Well, in my heart, it should be as important as Master.” ”

Thinking of Wu Shiyao, Xuanyuan Tianling and Yu Ting’s gentle shadow, Yun Zhou’s heart throbbed slightly.

Well, the most important thing arranged!

Shangguan Wan’er groaned slightly, “She… It should also be a superb beauty, right? ”


No, it should be them!

Yunzhou did not pick this “language disease”, but just nodded: “In my heart, I am the most beautiful person in the world.” ”

Seeing that his eyes were gradually confused, Shangguan Wan’er bit her red lip lightly.

Although she said that she did not see herself as having the confidence to occupy the position in Yun Zhou’s heart.

But there is still a kind of vinegar in my heart that is meant to rise.

To be reasonable, after so many years of being a female official around the female emperor, she has never been in contention.

This was the first time she had a heart jam because of a person.

It can only be said that “jealousy” is the nature of women.

It has nothing to do with identity.

She looked at the past with beautiful eyes: “In your heart, she is perfect?” ”


Yun Zhou thought for a long time, then shook his head: “It’s not perfect.” ”

“It’s just that I think it’s good, that’s enough.”

“In fact, I am a very superficial person, a visual animal, like a person mostly looks at the face, and has nothing to do with identity.”

Yu Ting’s voice and smile appeared in her mind, and Yunzhou smiled lightly and shook her head:

“In her case, although she is very low in status, I still like it.”

“Even to me, she is more important than your female emperor.”

“There’s no other reason why I feel comfortable around her.”

“She has a hard mouth and a soft heart, and she will serve me with all her heart, even if I never treat her as a subordinate.”

“When in danger, she will hide behind me, and when she gives her benefits, she will accept it, and she will live… Cough. ”

Yun Zhou said this, and stopped talking.

In front of Shangguan Wan’er, what did he say about these things?

It can’t affect the Royal Sister’s Daoist Heart.

But she didn’t pay any attention.

Shangguan Wan’er on the other side had stopped speaking after hearing these words.

She looked at Yun Zhou sheepishly, and her eyes were misty.

The status is very low… More important than the female emperor… Serve you with all your heart… In the face of danger hiding behind you the benefits will be accepted…


This is all right with her!

In a trance, I remembered Yunzhou’s words “You are more cute than Wu Zhao”.

Shangguan Wan’er only felt a burst of lightness in her body.

Is it difficult to become someone as important as his master in the heart of the Cloud King…

Shangguan Wan’er sipped her red lips, and there was inexplicably a nervous look on her delicate face.

She whispered, tentatively, “You like her so much… Surely you’re always tired of being with her? ”

Hearing this, Yunzhou cried and laughed:

“Who told you that if you like it, you have to be together every day?”

“Liking a person is not about the length of time together, but about the kind of spiritual communication… What do I explain to you what these do? ”

Yun Zhou shook his head and did not say anything further.

However, Shangguan Wan’er was completely stunned.

Liking a person is not about the length of time together…

That is to say, although I don’t spend much time alone with Yun Wang, Yun Wang still likes me?


God-level self-attack!

“It turns out that he was very kind to me, saying that I was cuter than His Majesty because he liked me…”

Shangguan Wan’er’s beautiful eyes sparkled, and a wonderful feeling that had never been felt before was bred in her heart.

All along, she thought her fate was pandering.

To His Majesty’s preferences, to His Majesty’s disposition, to His Majesty’s sorrows, and even, to those whom His Majesty likes.

But at this moment, she suddenly felt that her fate had changed.

At the very least, she had someone with a heart.

And this man is a man whom His Majesty likes!

Extra tacit understanding belongs to yes!

The fingers in Shangguan Wan’er’s sleeve robe squeezed the palms of their hands, her cheeks flushed with a faint red glow, and her beautiful face full of breath looked inexplicable, and her heart was full of mixed feelings.

She was just a small female official, and Yun Zhou could not care less about her feelings.

And now, the other party is confessing to her in another way!!

Ripples…… Swing up ~

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