The Vicious Stepmother and Her Baby Became Popular All Over the Internet

Chapter 605: Mr. Song was teased so much that he lost his temper.

In the car, Ye Zhenzhen nestled in the man's arms and complained, "I haven't finished talking to Director Yang yet, why did you... just..."

 After changing the environment, the cool breeze was replaced by heating. The dizziness quickly worsened, so much so that she couldn't say the second half of the sentence. She only frowned and said, "Well... it's so hot..."

 It’s okay to feel dizzy and uncomfortable.

Upon hearing this, Secretary Zhang immediately opened the window on the passenger side halfway to let in the cool breeze from outside.

Song Jinze lowered his eyes and stared at the person in his arms, gently rubbing her temples with his fingertips to relieve the discomfort after being drunk, "Don't drink like this next time."

With the man rubbing her temples, Ye Zhenzhen's dizziness was relieved.

She tilted her head slightly, looked at him with squinted eyes, wrinkled her nose and raised a finger, "I just... drank a little bit..."

There is no one in this circle who doesn’t drink.

Of course, she must be more careful in the future. She can’t drink wine she doesn’t recognize!

Song Jinze looked at the thin white finger she raised and couldn't help but sneer, "A little bit? A little bit when you're so drunk?"

Ye Zhenzhen naturally would not admit how much she drank, and turned her head back, not looking at him, "You... believe it or not."

  What she said was not true anyway.

 “I still don’t listen to the advice.” He added another sentence.

 I immediately picked up my phone and sent a message to the housekeeper at home...

Ye Zhenzhen frowned and said dissatisfied, "Don't stop, keep rubbing."

Song Jinze was not annoyed and continued to rub her temples after the message was successfully sent.

Secretary Zhang, who was driving, quietly observed the expression on the president's face through the rearview mirror. to describe how he feels now.

Even if someone else comes tonight, no one will believe that this is President Song of their group.

The car drove to the gate, and the butler came to greet him and opened the door.

Song Jinze hugged Ye Zhenzhen and got out of the car, asking the housekeeper to send Secretary Zhang back and then carried her all the way to the house.

As soon as she got out of the warm carriage, she was suddenly blown by the cold night wind. Ye Zhenzhen sneezed twice in a daze.

Song Jinze frowned and walked faster and faster.

After entering the house, Li’s mother asked, “Sir, the hangover soup is ready, where can I let my wife drink it?”

 “Take it to the bedroom.”


Ma Li then asked the servant in the kitchen to follow the couple upstairs carrying hangover soup.

After Song Jinze put the person on the bed, Li Ma came over to help take off Ye Zhenzhen's shoes.

Song Jinze said calmly, "You go out first, I will take care of you."

Ma Li glanced at her drunken wife, who was unconscious, with a hint of worry in her eyes, "Okay, sir, just call me if you need anything."

In the Song family for so many years, only servants have served Mr. Song. She has never seen her husband serve anyone else. She is worried that her husband cannot take care of his wife.


Ma Li walked to the door and heard Song Jinze say again, "Don't let the Song family know about my wife's drunkenness tonight."

 There were some things that he allowed Ma Li to tell over there, but there were some things that he could tell in just one word.

 Li Ma turned around and replied, "I understand, sir."

After everyone left the bedroom, Song Jinze helped the person up from the bed, "Drink the sobering soup before going to sleep."

The sudden male voice in her ears frightened the still drunk woman, her eyes were half-opened and half-knocked, and the man's handsome face magnified in front of her eyes.

"where am I?"

"Who are you?"

Song Jinze laughed angrily at her, "Ye Zhenzhen, next time you drink like this, I..."

 “Oh~~” The infinitely prolonged ending abruptly interrupted the second half of the man’s warning.

 “It turns out to be my husband~hehe~”

She raised her eyes to look at the man facing the light, with a playful smile on her flushed face. "She must be my...husband if he is so good-looking~"

As she spoke, her hand had already touched the man's lips dishonestly. Her pretty nose wrinkled and her pink lips muttered, "Husband...your lips...are so soft~"

 The idea has arisen and the action has immediately followed.     First, there was a kiss like a dragonfly on water.

Song Jinze's dark eyes darkened, his eyes fixed on the woman's delicate lips. Without waiting for his reaction, she kissed him again.

Completely different from the first kiss, this time she became bolder, teasing him wantonly, her fingertips traveling along the side of his face, behind his ears, and then to the middle of his hair...

The extremely soft touch made him unconsciously respond to her rhythm, and his big hands went down to cover her waist.

Before he could take any further action, the woman pushed him away.

 “So dizzy~”

The twinkling eyes were still half-knocked, taking big mouthfuls of fresh air.

Song Jinze laughed angrily at her again, "Ye Zhenzhen, did you do this on purpose?"

“Hmm~~” She hummed and shook her head, her watery eyes blurred, her smile delicate and charming, “I…I’m not…”

 Soon, she fell into his arms and fell asleep again.

Even President Song, who was very comfortable in the mall, was now being teased by his drunken wife and lost his temper.

 Judging from the way she knitted her eyebrows while sleeping, it was clear that she was not sleeping comfortably.

He curled his lips helplessly, but still said patiently, "Zhen Zhen, drink the sobering soup before going to bed."


 No response.

Song Jinze supported her and reached out to try the bowl containing the hangover soup, which was still warm.

The words she just said at the door of the hotel about him not being gentle flashed through her mind. After letting out a breath, she held the sobering soup in one hand and coaxed, "Honey, be good, can you drink the soup before going to bed?"


 Gentleness really works.

 After drinking the sobering soup, he wiped her with a warm towel, changed her clothes, and then entered the bathroom.

When Song Jinze returned to the bedroom after taking a shower, he saw the woman lying on the bed retching. He frowned and immediately took the trash can...

 Mrs. Song vomited~

 Spit all over him…

 After vomiting, Mrs. Song felt physically and mentally relaxed, turned around and fell asleep again.

Song Jinze bit her lower lip tightly, called for Li Ma to help clean up, turned around and entered the bathroom again...

However, Ye Zhenzhen didn't sleep well that night. She felt cold and hot at times, kicking the quilt and kicking her legs constantly.

The man lying next to him was the same. He felt cold and hot for a while. The woman kicked the quilt away, and he flipped it over again to cover him. He had to endure being kicked by the woman over and over again.

This night, he didn't say whether he slept well or not, he didn't fall asleep at all.


 The next day, Ye Zhenzhen slept until almost noon, her head was still a little groggy.

 She looked at her phone and it was almost 11 o'clock.

In addition to Liu Rui sending her a message asking her to have a good rest, it was Director Yang who called her at around 9 o'clock.

 Director Yang didn't pick up the call when she came back, so he must have been filming.

After washing up, she went downstairs to eat. Li Ma served her a bowl of soup, her eyes flashed slightly, but she hesitated to speak.

Ye Zhenzhen raised her eyes and said with a smile, "Ma Li, do you have something to say?"

The smile on Ma Li's face was a little unnatural, "Yes, madam, that gentleman left early in the morning and asked you to wake up and call him back."

 “Okay, I’ll call him later.”

After thinking for a while, Ma Li continued, "Madam, you were a little drunk when you came back last night and fell unconscious. Do you feel better now?"

Ye Zhenzhen pointed at herself, "I was unconscious last night?"

 Obviously, she was confident that she was still as drunk as she was in her last life, and she had no memory of what happened last night.

Ma Li nodded and told her roughly what happened last night, "Madam, Mr. took care of you all night last night. When you went out this morning, your face looked very tired..."

 Ye Zhenzhen:…

Ma Li knew at a glance that Ye Zhenzhen had no knowledge of what happened last night. She kindly suggested, "Madam, when you call your husband, why don't you ask him if he has had lunch? You can send her some soup." , I think he will be very happy."

 Between husband and wife, taking care of each other can enhance the relationship.

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