The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 7 Chapter 9: : Chu Yun vs Qingdi

The moment of battle came, Chu Yun shot the fairy capsule and liberated it completely. Suddenly,

The Emperor Bai Emperor's back easily created a large territory.

Although this territory is not as large as Bai Di and Tie Di, nor their prosperity, it is colorful and colorful. The world of Bai Di's fairy sac is pale, and the world of Tie Di is black and red. Compared with Chu Yun's world, it is much more monotonous.

Bliss delighted that the ship was suspended in the sky, Chu Yun was standing on the bow of the ship, and his eyes were on the edge of the fairy capsule world.

There, the chaotic sea rolled violently, and a touch of green suddenly appeared. Immediately, a huge green world broke through the chaos and slammed into contact with Chu Yun's fairy capsule world.

"Huh? Where is this world of fairy capsules?" Qingdi whispered, surprised.

She was wearing a moon-white dress, in the middle of the green world, on top of a huge ancient tree, like a goddess of the moon.

Her hair is green, shining like jade.

Her facial features are exquisite and picturesque, her eyes are also Bihu-like, deep and cold.

Almost instantly, her eyes penetrated the endless fearful distance and projected directly onto Chu Yun.

"Young man, you are only a king, but you have a wonderful fairy capsule. You should cherish this opportunity and practice hard, why should you come to this muddy water? If you leave now, we will not be held accountable. Two fairy capsule worlds Once the battle is started, it is not so easy to end. "Qing Emperor's voice, Qingyue cold, passed into Chu Yun's ears.

Chu Yun did not speak, but showed the star card in his hand.

"Originally from the Xingzhou camp, huh." Seeing this star brand Qingdi suddenly knew that the persuasion had just been done in vain. Once the camp contract is signed, the relationship between allies is absolutely stable.

Without hesitation, she chuckled her jade hand and waved, and suddenly a large army mobilized to march towards Chu Yun's fairy world.

This army is very unique and is made up of monsters.

The moss-bearing wetland giant bears are all huge, and their limbs are lying on the ground at a height that is already the same. If a person stands up, the height can be as high as eight.

In the army, there are thousands of tree spirit deer demon. These deer demon, the upper body like a woman, the lower body is a deer body. There are beautiful lines all over the body. These lines are naturally grown, shining with the enchanting green ghost.

Behind the army is a large group of whirlwind crossbow vehicles. During the journey, the sound of the cheerleader turning is made. On the crossbow car, a special crossbow arrow like a triangular dart sharpened, exuding a sharp cold light.

In the air, it is a large area of ​​spiny horned beasts. This flying monster has an eagle's mouth and wings, and has elk horns on its head. The body is like a lion, the forelimbs are two eagle claws and the hind limbs are horseshoes.

Chu Yunning watched.

The composition of Qingdi's demon army is different from that of Baidi and Tiedi. The latter two are monster soldiers, but there are not only monster soldiers but monster monsters in this army.

Look at her vast world of immortals. The clear blue sky is clear like water. Fifty-five giant trees stood on the green ground. This huge monster plant has a dense canopy and can cover a thousand miles away. Obviously, its function is the same as that of Baidi's Platinum City Pool. As a squad, 〖Zhen〗 suppresses the fairy capsule time.

"This world of Qingdi's fairy bag is better than the world of Baidi and Tiedi." Chu Yun was startled.

Chu Yun ’s current fairy sac world, a riot of vitality, can only load monsters with strong defense in the robbery series. The worlds of fairy emperors of the White Emperor and the Iron Emperor are at a higher level and have developed large-scale monster soldiers.

The emperor's fairy capsule world has been able to allow monster beasts, monster plants and monster soldiers to survive and proliferate at the same time. Obviously the degree of development is the highest dog among the four.

While Chu Yun was observing, this monster army had already rushed to Chu Yun's site. They did not stop, and Bingfeng pointed directly at one of Chu Yun ’s fifty-five arrays of dragons and turtles, located in the array of ten squares.


Ooo ...

The wetland giant bear screamed first, and its speed of travel decreased sharply. The tree spirit deer demon spit out the green demon blood directly, and poured down a large piece. The spiny horned beast slammed down and fell to the ground. The whirlwind crossbow car also burst out and scattered into pieces.

Seeing this scene, weird gods suddenly appeared on Chu Yun's face.

The Guaxian and the Bliss Fairy princesses watched the battle beside him. Seeing this scene, many people laughed lightly.

The army of the Qing Emperor has been hit hard before attacking. The reason for this scene is nothing but the violent vitality in the world of Chu Yun's fairy capsule.

Chu Yun ’s fairy capsule world has just built a basic frame, and the vitality rage is much stronger than a hurricane or a deep-sea vortex. Can only load some defensive robbery. Nowadays, the Qing Emperor's army is a series of spirit demon. Naturally, they can't bear this kind of vitality strangling, one by one or death.

Qing Emperor's heart moved, but his face remained unchanged.

She also knows that Chu Yun's fairy capsule world is full of vitality. Therefore, he did not make a big attack, but only sent this demon army for temptation.

I just didn't expect that Chu Yun's fairy capsule world was too low-level, and his vitality was so violent that he couldn't let her army attack the environment for a long time.

"Is this your plan, Baidi?" She glanced at the main city of the Baidi world, her eyes flashing in glance. Immediately transferred back to the remaining few demon army, while shaking a finger, flew out a few strange lights, came to Chu Yun's fairy world.

The roaring sounds were all connected.

This is four robbery monsters, a grassy mountain bear beast, an eight-treasure panda, an iron fist lion wěn giant tree man, and a cave fright bee.

The first three monsters are all majestic, as huge as mountains. One by one has reached the point of 8 million years. They rushed towards the dragon and the turtle, and their steps were on the ground.

The hole of the false mace was very small, only the size of an adult's fist. But there is no doubt that it is the most dangerous of the four-headed robbery.

But seeing this, Chu Yun's heart is Dading. He could not be more familiar with this battle scene.

He immediately mobilized the ten array eyes of the ten square phalanx to gather the power of ten congenital monsters and besieged the four robbers of the Qing Emperor.

When the Emperor Qing Emperor's face changed, she didn't expect Chu Yun's monsters to appear so unexpectedly.

Yunhai Tianlong, Polar Ice Dragon, Clever Xuanlong, Wanzai Dragon, Wanshen Dragon, Dragon Turtle, Shadow Phantom Dragon and Three Dead Bone Dragon Crows are all monsters of the dragon genus xìng. There is a vague tacit understanding between each other.

The four emperors of the Qing Emperor, but the acquired series, are inferior to the innate monster itself. Not to mention the quantity, it is also at a disadvantage.

After dozens of rounds, the Emperor's Cao Mang Mountain Bear Beast fell down, just exploded into a robbery demon crystal, and the essence was swallowed by the ten-headed dragon demon, dissipating to nothing.

Qingdi sighed helplessly and withdrew the remaining Zitou demon.

Chu Yun's ten-headed demon dragon can't leave his own territory. After chasing for a while, he can only let the three-headed robbery run back to the Qing Emperor's territory.

However, such victories have made the Qing Emperor's face dignified.

Inborn monsters are rare, and wild innate monsters are even rarer. However, the casting of every unique fairy sac must require fifty-five innate monsters as an array of eyes in order to successfully lay the foundation.

This problem, I do not know how many emperors and emperors were in distress. Many people have worked hard to complete the mission of their own camp, but the monks have more porridge and less, and the number of congenital monsters they exchanged is far less than fifty-five.

So they had to retreat and take the second place, consuming innate ingenuity to refine the innate demon themselves. Baidi refined the platinum city with innate gold essence and innate water. Iron Emperor used innate fire essence and innate gold refining to make Iron Flame City, while Qing Emperor used innate wood essence and innate water essence to cultivate fifty-five eternal giant trees.

For inborn monsters, innate essence is easier to obtain. In addition to completing the task,

It can also be explored from the chaotic sea.

But even so, the time for each emperor-level strongman to collect innate innocence is as high as the previous year.

The Qing Emperor did not expect that Chu Yun had collected all fifty-five innate monsters in his hands so early. Now these fifty-five innate monsters can move freely in the world of fairy capsules and support them at any time.

The ten large formations that make up the cornerstone of the world of fairy capsules have also been completely fused together, no longer distinguishing each other. In this way, the difficulty of the Qing Emperor to conquer Chu Yun's fairy capsule world is no less than a sudden rise to 990.

"If his world can develop better, the vitality will be more peaceful. I confidently use the army and can capture all positions. But in his world, the vitality is so violent that he ca n’t stand even the usual little robbery demon. . "

"If his world ~ ~ is even worse. From fifty-five, there are one or two inborn monsters. I mobilize the robbery in my hand, I can easily break through one by one. But his world has already It's as firm as a mountain, and the ten large formations are united together, and there are no more flaws. "

Qingdi frowned slightly, and suddenly felt extra thorny.

For Chu Yun's unstoppable situation, her only choice is to use dozens of heads to become a deep robbery, form a team, and make a fierce impact. If these robbery monsters are congenital series, the effect is better.

But where did she come from so many congenital robbers?

Once he gritted his teeth, the Green Emperor, unwilling to stop there, waved his jade hand and sent the remaining three congenital monsters and fifteen robbery monsters to the front to kill Chu Yun's fairy capsule world.

Chu Yunchang laughed, with one finger, thirty innate robbery monsters rushed up, a siege.

After the outbreak of a great war, the horrible volume of landslides and tsunamis, the dazzling light of Taoism clamored upwards, and the power of heaven and earth was frightening.

Half a day later, the emperor's robbery army of the Qing Emperor left six robbery demon crystals, and frustrated. ! .

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