The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 7 Chapter 2: : Enter Danzhou

The gem door is a special demon soldier. Although it cannot be used against the enemy, it has been widely used.

It is the most famous auxiliary demon soldier, capable of communicating two disjoint spaces so that the distance between them is only one door away. Greatly facilitated the action of the demon plug.

Gemstone doors are divided into four types: small, medium, large and micro. The first two are more common, the latter two not only require extremely high refining levels, but also extremely high cost, requiring a lot of resources.

If it really counts, the secret door of the sky should also belong to the category of the secret door of the gem.

At this time, there was a secret door standing in front of Chu Yun and Gua Xian.

It is three feet tall and three feet wide. The whole body is bronze, but it is not made of copper, but a translucent crystal.

Three days have passed since departure. Chu Yun came to the secret realm of Tongtian and found it here by relying on the jade jade map given by Shu Tianhao.

"I didn't think there was such a secret door in the sky. The refining technique of the secret door in the sky has never been circulated in Xingzhou. I just heard that there is such a demon soldier, which is not costly than the large and small gemstone secret door How many times has it come out. It is said that this door of Tiantian secret is made by Bingzhou. There is no other branch in this one, and no other big state can do anything about it. "Guxian looked at this door of Tiantian secret and looked amazed.

"Okay. To pass this secret door, there must be at least king-level spiritual pressure. You are all in the world of fairy sacs." Chu Yun took the celestial sac and collected the Bliss ship and Guaxian, and then released Out of the king-level spirit pressure, take a big step and directly penetrate into the multicolored rotating light door.

This door to heaven can be poor to Xingzhou and Danzhou, but I don't know who built it. Chu Yun entered, and he found himself in a colorful road with colorful lights.

An unparalleled mysterious pressure directly acts on the aura within his body. If he had not released the king-level spiritual pressure resistance early, I am afraid that the remaining one would have to be crushed by this pressure into a crushed powder.

I walked along the light path for more than three hours, and then I just finished. Another vortex light door appeared in front of me.

"No wonder you need king-level spiritual pressure, otherwise, you can't really stay here." ’Standing at the Gate of Light. Taking a deep breath, Chu Yun raised his guard for twelve points and stepped forward.

At the next moment, the scene in front of me changed dramatically.

But Chu Yun was a little surprised when he saw this scene: "Huh? Strange, isn't this just the heavenly secret realm? Did I go back to Xingzhou again?"

"Not right" ', Chu Yun noticed something wrong, he could feel that the vitality in the air seemed to have a different taste, which was different from Xingzhou. At the same time, there is a difference between heaven and earth.

"Both sides of the Tongtian Secret Gate" should be the secret world of Tongtian. Although the scenes are consistent, I should have set foot on the land of Danzhou. "Chu Yun looked at the jade map of the map and immediately found that the map in it also changed.

Half an hour later, through the jade map, he broke out of the heavens.

In the eye is a virgin forest, giant trees towering, ancient vines twine. The sky is covered by the crown, but through the gap between the leaves, you can see the sky fragments of orange and yellow.

"Nothing wrong, this is Danzhou. After listening to Lao Zi ’s attention, the sky of Xingzhou is azure, and the sky of Danzhou is orange." Seeing this, Chu Yun's spirit was rejuvenated.

He re-released Guaxian and Bliss Fairy.

Almost immediately, the face of Guaxian changed: "It seems that Danzhou has arrived. I can feel that the laws of heaven and earth here are very different from those of Xingzhou!"

Suanlin is most sensitive to the French Open. Although Guaxian is not as advanced as Chu Yun, he feels more profound than Chu Yun at the moment.

The voice just fell. ”Guaxian frowned deeply, and his face was extremely dignified:" My boat's strength has dropped so much that it is not even as good as Junjie. A thirteen-year-old novice demon may not be able to fight. "

"This is different from the law of the world. My original parents were king-level strongmen, but in Xingzhou, they were just Junjie strongmen. As long as they adapt to some time, cultivation will naturally rise up slowly. ' Chu Yun said.

His purpose of visiting relatives in Danzhou did not conceal the Guaxian.

But before that, he was honest. After Guaxian got used to Danzhou's environment, Chu Yun might have to rely on his talents to calculate clues for finding relatives.

"Strange. My cultivation behavior is still a king-level high section without any slight drop." After examining his situation, Chu Yun ’s face emerged with a weird god.

According to the example of his parents, even if he was a high-level king, he should have been reduced to Junjie level after he arrived in Danzhou.

"Is it because I am a person of Danzhou, carrying the blood of Danzhou? Bian or I am a congenital body, already overriding the French Open?" 'Chu Yun was a little bit opaque, but nothing Doubt, this is great great news.

Originally he also wanted to sleep for a while and find a place to rest. But now the cultivation is intact, which is very conducive to his actions.

"Danzhou Bloodline will not have such a big effect. After all, your cultivation behavior of Master Chu Yun was cultivated under the Xingzhou Law Net. If it is an acquired body, it will be damaged when it arrives in Danzhou. It should be shared. For the sake of the body, you have been above the thousand law nets, and it will be the same in any state. Just like our innate demon soldiers., Xingyu Fairy thought about it and explained it carefully. After she finished, the red on the other side Fairy Sang then went on to say: "The rule here is, after all, very different from Xingzhou, which has seriously affected our strength. However, all Taoist laws, whether inferior, medium, or superior, cannot be used.

Divine passage depends on luck. It's good to play a third of its power. Our various methods of alchemy, refining soldiers, and capsule making also require a lot of time to adjust. ’It cannot be used in a short time. , Chu Yun nodded, which was also in his expectation.

He first pinched some alchemy handprints, and pinched the secret seals of the Thousand Beasts to control the Great Desolation, to no avail. In other words, he needs to re-learn and adjust.

"In Danzhou, even if it is a congenital monster, it takes a process of adaptation to use the Taoist method. Also, you have the master Chu Yun, you have a wonderful fairy capsule. When fighting, the enemy is photographed into the fairy capsule world. Immortal The law net of the world of capsules is a great danger to the people and things in Danzhou. And the monster in your hands is always like a fish in the world of fairy capsules., Guaxian is happy.

He was right.

Most of the laws in Chu Yun's gems are Xingzhou's laws. Therefore, it is more advantageous to deal with the strong enemy of Danzhou in the fairy capsule world than to deal with the strong enemy of Xingzhou.

"Gu Xian said very well, but even if there is a unique fairy bag in the body ', but the place here is unfamiliar, it is still low-key to be a good man. I plan to go out of this forest first, and rush to a place where there is smoke, slowly Investigate slowly. What does Guaxian think ?, Chu Yun said.

"Young Master Yingming, this move is extremely safe." Guaxian said quickly.


In the middle of the talk, a loud explosion exploded violently.

Immediately afterwards, the mountain shook, and the giant beast roared with a wave of breath, rolling around the lining wood in a frantic sway.

"What's going on? It seems that there is a Yu Yaozhe fighting." Fairy Hongshang stepped on the branch, looked up, and reported.

After hearing this, Chu Yun immediately expressed interest and said, "This is very good. Let's go and see the difference between the demon in Danzhou and what is different in the battle. Knowing yourself and knowing each other's battles and victories., Bliss Immortal concubine naturally took Chu Yun's horse as the leader. At the same time, the strength of Guaxian dropped to Zhougu, and he could only choose to rely on Chu Yun.

As a result, a group of people sneaked up and slowly approached the battlefield.

The situation is quite fierce.

On the one side is the group of the Imperial Demon, and on the other side is a giant monster with a height of three feet. It's shaped like a bear black, but it's covered with green hair, and its four-claws are sharp and powerful. Every time it strikes, it squeezes out the air and waves a strong wave.

The opening and closing of its mouth is surprisingly large. Giant like a python. . But the blood basin is large. In the middle, it was sharp teeth, flashing a cold awn.

On top of its head, there is a pair of brown and black corners. It seemed that huge tree roots were winding around his head.


The beast suddenly opened. , A green flame erupted. An imperial demon was unable to dodge and was caught in the green fire, immediately Qiqiao took the grass. In an instant, he grew into a Mo and became one with nature.

"Be careful of the green fire of the bears and beasts in the mountain", witnessing this scene, a female xìng Yuyaolin in the rear immediately raised her voice to remind.

Only then did everyone in Chu Yun know that this giant beast was called "Shandan Mountain Bear Beast."

"It's a little bit chic., Chu Yun looked at this giant beast, and he immediately felt conquered in his heart. His heart was as thin as" Dong Ruo Guan Huo ". After watching it for only a moment, he knew that this bearded mountain bear beast, although only the spirit demon peak Cultivation, but it is definitely a unique monster of wood and poison.

If you come to subdue ~ ~ to cultivate patience, irrigate the congenital essence, and promote the demon. More suitable than many innate monsters to serve as the eyes of the fairy sac world.

"Well, it's a bit chic. This woman is just like Shao Ling, her hair is like a cloud, her eyebrows are like a willow, her eyes are like a moon, Zhu chún's teeth. She wears a nèn yellow dress like a huāzhizhan. Even in battle, don't have a cute Beauty. "Beside her, the fairy in red dress suddenly said such a big deal, and then chuckled.

"What are you talking about? But I am talking about this grassy beast." Chu Yun was suspicious, and after seeing his eyes, he saw the girl who had reminded him loudly before coming, and then came to realize it. .

It turned out that the fairy in the red dress mistakenly thought that the woman was the object of self-praise.

"Okay. Why did Master Chu Yun cover up? There is a way to steal the ladies and gentlemen. It is clear that this woman is an important object of their protection. Even if the fighting is so fierce, the girl is always protected by two people. If Master Chu Yun can win this girl, it will definitely be very helpful for the trip to Danzhou. On the other side, Fairy Fairy Fei also smiled.

Chu Yun shook his head helplessly. He suddenly realized that the original Bliss Fairies had never misunderstood, just deliberately teasing themselves. ! .

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