The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 6 Chapter 50: : Darkness is coming

In the battle with King Lu, Chu Yun did his best.

But the king-level strongman is, after all, the king-level strongman.

Unlike monsters, the most powerful demon master is the aura in 〖body〗, the wisdom of all creatures.

The Whale King ’s wisdom is unfathomable, first he broke the gossip battle array, then saw the existence of the psychic snake, and defeated the joint state of Chu Yun and Erlang Tianjun.

In this way, not only the increase and weakening of the battle array, but also the suppression and influence of the king-level spiritual pressure, Chu Yun and Erlang Tianjun are everywhere controlled, **** battles, can do this step, and force the Lu Jingwang Part of the fighting power is disintegrating, which is already terrifying, enough to laugh at the world.

It was this achievement that made the land whale king, who was originally an enemy, involuntarily develop a heart of pity and wanted to recruit them both.

Chu Yun did not answer, and his will had fallen into darkness. The extremely serious injury made him pass out.

However, in the boundless darkness, a whisper of singing came ...

The song was so familiar that he frowned unconsciously.

At that time, he had just been reborn, and Shu Tianhao was deeply relived. He just took a few warships, chopped off the wind and waves, sang the Shu family war song, war pirates, and rescued his righteous father.

Now that the light is flowing, the fate allows him and Shu Tianhao to exchange with each other.

This time, it was replaced by Shu Tianhao singing, evoking the supreme fighting spirit of every Shu family boy.

This is like a mysterious reincarnation.

The Land Whale King frowned, and the singing could actually reach this war space. It seemed that the East China Sea battle outside was not ideal.

The singing was full of generosity, giving him an inexplicable sense of uneasiness.

But he could not cut off the two monsters beside him, which could not make up the battle space. The battlefield space that was originally built is also dilapidated, and there are large voids throughout the world. If it is not repaired, the space will collapse soon.

One is why the singing voice can be communicated.

The singing sounded louder and louder, like a wave of tide, one wave after another.

Inexplicably, three old generals appeared in Chu Yun's mind, generously dying, and punctured the scene of the last layer of light and fog.

In an instant he frowned and broke free from the faint mí, bursting into tears.

He is taking the human road.

This thrilling war has brought countless people's spirit and will to the top. In the turbulent singing, there is a bōbō humane will, heroic glory, and endless dàngdàng endless.

What is humanitarian will?

Is not afraid, is not regret, is to fight to the end.

"Whether the wind is like a sword, the rain curtain is like an arrow! Whichever mountain and river is broken, the life is ups and downs!" "I'm not afraid of the thousand feet bōtao high as a mountain! I'm not afraid of that thousand troops and carbines like a forest!" The song of "Fighting to the Death! Fighting to the Death!" The song was generous and tragic. It made the people of the Shu family unite, let the East China Sea send out all the tragedies, and made all the heroes face red and their hearts surging. But for Chu Yun, it has an extraordinary meaning.

Because he took the human path!

In the trance, the humane will contained in the singing voice was poured into his body by bōbō. It seems that the Milky Way falls for nine days, it seems that the giant whale swallows the water, and thousands of horses gallop into the valley.

This unmatched fighting spirit and spirit raised Chu Yun's realm. He was originally the spiritual realm of Hou Class Great Consummation. With the help of this god, he finally broke through the bottleneck and reached Wang Class Realm!

However, the breakthrough to the king level is not yet satisfactory. The majestic human will of the singing will push Chu Yun's state from the breakthrough to the beginning of the king level, and finally to the middle of the king level. This stopped.

But the realm alone is not enough, it also requires physical qualities.

The undead fire started to burn!

The big Lei Zexuan gold armor on Chu Yun had already been destroyed.

He burned in flames like a demon soldier, performing an alternative "forge".

Before the battle, Chu Yun's physical fitness was under the bottleneck of Hou class high section. Therefore, his combat effectiveness is also limited to the high level of Hou class.

According to common sense, if you want to quickly improve your physical fitness, you must take Dragon Eye Fruit,

Or a treasure like Chiyanjinshen. Unfortunately, the dragon's eye fruit in hand has been swallowed up by Chu Yun, and the effect of Chiyanjinshen has reached its limit, and it is useless after taking it.

In Chu Yun's hands, there are no other similar treasures.

But he has a panacea.

Elixir for healing.

During a long battle with the King Lu Whale, he was seriously wounded and could not keep up with the healing effect of the undead fire alone. He had to take various healing remedies.

He has no shortage of elixirs, with small buns, and the help of Elysian Concubine and so on. His elixirs are all first-class sacred products.

He is very young, this body is not like the elder demon master, there is drug resistance. Every time he was injured, he put a pill in his mouth. After so long a battle with the land king, he has forgotten how many immortals he has taken!

If it were changed to normal, the power of these large elixirs would explode him alive. But in the battle with King Lu Whale, he was continuously injured, and the medicine continued to play, sinking into every corner of his body, blending in the blood, muscles, bones.

The fighting is too intense.

Many of these medicines were too late to be absorbed, and they were overwritten by the new medicine Chu Yun took again.

Gradually, in Chu Yun's 〖body〗, there are countless medicines, sè all kinds, entangled together. This is a disaster, not a blessing. It can be said that it is too far, and Dabu is a poison.

But now, the intense burning of the undead fire is constantly refining these medicines. Chu Yun's body healed quickly and swelled up. It seemed to be swollen, full of green muscles, and the whole person became fat all at once. This is the medicine rushing in his body.

But soon, he lost weight again. The medicinal power was purified by the undead fire, and only the most essential part remained, blending with Chu Yun's body.

Then the next bō's medicine was burned up by fire, and Chu Yun began to gain weight again. Then he lost weight again.

Every time his body shape changes, his physical fitness gets a huge rise. His state is already in the middle of the king level, which is too high. The physical quality will not be constrained, and all the way forward, from the Hou class to the peak.

"Huh?" King Lu Wu keenly perceives that Chu Yun's momentum is constantly increasing.

This is a combination of various factors.

"How could it be possible for you to unscrupulously raise your cultivation base under my eyes?" Lu Jingwang had the wisdom of the king and immediately realized that it was inappropriate, like a tiger coming down the mountain and rushing to Chu Yun.

Once he breaks this state, Chu Yun's promotion will come to an abrupt halt, and he will even be exploded by the chaotic power.

"Come on!" At the critical moment, Erlang Tianjun flew over and blocked the way of King Lu Wing.

"What qualifications do you have to stop me?" Lu Jingwang sneered with a sneer, the momentum continued to increase, like a black meteor, breaking through the space, the momentum was extremely terrifying.

Once Erlang Tianjun was hit by a head-on, he would die instantly, with no bones left.

Faced with the threat of death, Erlang Tianjun smiled a little: "Is it not qualified? Then look, God channel Fasenhai!" To the present day, only the remaining 67 grass-head gods, once again Debut. Several of them were seriously injured and several of them were near death. In this state, to evoke the Divine Passage, their ending will surely be death.

But at this moment, Erlang Tianjun could not care.

Chu Yun's changes made him see his only hope in this arduous battle. The grass-headed **** will be able to collect again, but once he misses this hope, what he is about to face is the hug of death.

"Huh ?!" Lu Jingwang suspiciously, the impulse suddenly diminished. Boundless vegetation, derived from the void, crazy green, as if prehistoric monsters were cruelly eating every inch of space.

The fighting power of the land whale king has also shown a trough. Facing the magical level of Taoism again, he was immediately stretched out, entangled in the wildly growing trees and trapped in a huge spherical cage.

The only remaining chaos and boneless octopus on the court were treated the same.

Erlang Tianjun's Qiqiao bleeds, and the aura brightness decreases rapidly. He was unable to move while performing this Taoist method. He could n’t even look back, and could only shout in his heart: "I can only support half a quarter of an hour, Chu Yun, be quick!"

Mermaid Island, Coral Palace.

"Cough cough" Wandu Wang paused on the ground, coughing out a pool of black blood "You won, kill me." The Mermaid King stood in front of her, shaking his hand holding the sword: "Your majestic Wandu Wang is nothing more than that. But before I die, I would like to ask you why you should do this?" Wandu Wang was silent.

"She did this, naturally unspeakable bitterness. Ha ha ha" A strange voice suddenly sounded in the quiet palace.

"Who ?!" Whether it is Wandu Wang, UU reading or the Mermaid King are surprised. After such fierce fighting, their strength has fallen into the lowest point of their lives. And how did this person break through? When did the breakthrough come in? None of them noticed the slightest.

The footsteps of the coming people returned to the àng in the damaged palace.

Finally, he came out of the darkness.

He was dressed in black and was holding an umbrella, so the whole person was still shrouded in darkness.

However, after seeing this umbrella, the Mermaid King was caught in a huge shock: "Ghost umbrella, is Feng Hún you?"

The man laughed, full of mockery, ruthlessness and disdain. The Nether Umbrella lightly turned, sending out a gloomy mane, which instantly penetrated the space and appeared in front of the Mermaid King.

"1 Be careful!" Wan poison king tǐng came out and blocked this fatal blow for the mermaid king.

"Ah!" The Mermaid King was caught off guard by a sudden change. The coming person was not Feng Hún, but he had his demon soldier ghost umbrella. Whereas Wandu Wang saves himself, what the **** is going on? ! @.

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