The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 6 Chapter 42: : A sudden turn of events, a dangerous situation

The sudden appearance of the Falling Sakura King is beyond the expectations of many people. The Falling Cherry King has always lived in Anding, and has rarely been dispatched. The relationship with other kings is not deep, and they live a rural life that is almost in seclusion. Unexpectedly, he actually appeared at this juncture.

Chu Yun is the first time to see the King of Cherry Blossoms.

I saw him in a top jade shirt, tall and tall, with his hands behind his back, standing in the void, and a master of Yuanting Yuezhi.

He must have been a very handsome man when he was young, and now he has white temples, but he still shows the once handsome wind. flow.

His eyebrows were not thick and thick, nor Jianmei's fierce, but soft and slender.

He looks majestic and chic, elegant and profound, and always has a good appreciation and nostalgia for the world.

Time also lays down on the whole body, and makes traces. Give him a gloomy and mature through the setbacks of life.

Combining all of the above, he formed his unique charm. It is unforgettable and impressive to people to see.

"In this way, I have almost seen the seven old kings of Xingzhou. The wine king is heroic, the wolf king is greedy, the mystery of the poisonous king, the noble mermaid, the ancient king of the fairy sac, the king of the cherry tree are really all The master among people, just why the King of Cherry Blossoms is coming to deal with me? Is this the plan of the mysterious dream talker? "Chu Yun's eyes flashed with worry.

The Falling Sage King is extremely polite and chic, but no one in the place will misunderstand his intention.

The King of Jiuhao smiled bitterly at Chu Yun, stood up, took a foot, and crossed the distance of dozens of feet, came to the front of the Falling Cherry King: "Haha, no matter. Let me see and see the Falling Cherry King again. Yours A hundred battles. "

"Respect is worse than asking." Falling Sakura King flew countless streamers out of the fairy sac, opening up space for battle instantly.

Jiuhao Wang stopped talking and rammed into it. The two king-level powerhouses disappeared in the eyes of everyone.

"Chu Yun, my father invited to fight against the senior Jiuhao Wang. As the saying goes, the father and son soldiers, my son as a son, it is a little bit itchy and unbearable. Ben Jun heard that Master Wushuang had turned to you, and it happened that Ben Jun cultivated an item There is a lot of research. It is also a grand occasion for me to discuss with Master Wushuang in front of everyone. "

Nine Life Demon King laughed and stood up. He originally wanted to challenge Chu Yun, but after seeing Chu Yun's strength, he didn't dare to make it again, and immediately stepped down to seek the second place. His father Luo Ying is the master of cultivation. He was nurtured since he was a child, and he was naturally confident in cultivating one.

However, Wushuang is Chu Yun, and everyone knows nothing. Now Jiu Ming Yaojun challenged how Chu Yun can evoke the unparalleled Wushuang come?

Trouble came one after another, but it was far from over.

"Senior Capsule King and younger generation are entrusted with you to bring you a letter." The voice of Chang Hou spread to the banquet far away.

"What letter?" The king of fairy capsules stood up.

Chu Yun's heart flashed with a bad hunch, and Wu Changhou was led into the banquet with his hands and letterhead.

Fairy King opened it and suddenly changed.

The letter reads: "The king of fairy capsules, I told you that you should return the claim of the secret of the emperor. You should immediately withdraw from the Star Islands and continue your investigation without asking the world for three months."

The final payment in the letter was nothing but the Emperor Fuzhao.

"This thing turned out to be the old man who manipulated it behind the scenes!" The king's forehead dropped into the cold well in an instant.

For a time, his face was very ugly.

"This is difficult. Chu Yun is by no means his old man's opponent, and even I am not sure of his victory. But if my research is successful, I will be able to exert the power of an emperor as a king! Now with him Fighting broke out, it was unwise. Moreover, Chu Yun and I were only trading relationships, and the superior fairy capsules were exchanged ... "

Thinking about this, the king of fairy capsules has made up his mind. He sighed quietly and said to Chu Yun: "Human debt is the most difficult debt to repay in the world. This time it is the loss of the king, and I can't help it, and it will be compensated in the future.

When Chu Yun heard his sigh, his heart sank, and he had a bad guess.

After the fairy tale king said the bad news, Chu Yun did not change his face, but his heart was shaking: "It's amazing!

What letter is this? Actually let the king of fairy capsules retreat. The so-called human relationship is just an excuse. Even the king of the fairy sac must be afraid ... "

"It's okay, Senior Clan King can leave." Chu Yun smiled, calmly and calmly, so that people could not see the truth and reality, but in the dark he was crying. In the blink of an eye, the two king-level helpers were lost one after another. Before the official battle with the Land Whale King, half of your high-end combat power has been lost!

"Good means, this must be the arrangement of the mysterious mathematician." The intuition in my heart told Chu Yun the truth.

"Hahaha, I am also a taster of the Black Mountain Barbarian. I want to talk to Master Wushuang for advice." The arrogant laughter came, and the Black Mountain Barbarian's ridiculous smile came out of the crowd and forced me. Chu Yun.

As soon as his words fell, the wolverine monarch over there also stood up: "Wushuang Master Mingzhen Academy Conference, sensational Xingzhou. Ben Jun also wants to ask for advice."

"I want to build a demon sword. I heard that Master Yu Ya of the Shu family won the refining trophies of this Academy Academy. I would like to pay a high price to ask Master Yu Ya to make a demon sword. It is considered that this is a feast for the glorious Tian Jianjian sitting aside,

He took a sip of wine and looked at Chu Yun, his eyes flashing coldly.

Get down!

This is Chiluǒluǒ's move to the ground.

The deterrent power of Jiuhao Wang and Xianyan Wang suddenly lost, even if Chu Yun had Hou-level strength and behaved lightly and calmly, it was no longer possible to contain the hearts of everyone present.

"Drunk Snow Fox Jun, Ben Jun has something to ask you to prove face-to-face." This is not finished yet. The Zen Master of Kutuo Temple, holding a strange stone in his hand, also left his seat and walked onto the field.

He actually wanted to attack Chu Yun long ago, but Chu Yun's Hou-level strength exceeded his imagination and disrupted his plan.

Now the King of Jiuhao and King of Fairy Bags are gone, and the scene is disrupted in an instant, forming a situation in which all the wolves eat the tiger. Zen King took advantage of the situation and asked Chu Yun: "Drunk Snow Fox Jun, I at Kudu Temple now suspect that you have murdered Master Beiguang. Master Beiguang is one of the four veterans of our temple, and he is also a grandpa The only blood line inherited by King Ku Tuo now. Since the disappearance, our temple has been searching and rescued. Recently, I got the instructions of the drunk life fortune teller, and I got this clue. "

"Drunk Snow Fox, my hand is my precious stone of Kudusi Town Temple. Its brilliance has been shining through the audience. Every time you answer, if this is a falsehood, this strange stone will radiate red. The light makes a hoarse noise. If it is true, it will bloom and emit the wonderful sound of Huang Zhongda Lu. I now ask you, is the disappearance of Master Beiguang related to you? "

Chan Jun asked anxiously, and did not give Chu Yun any chance to intervene. A stick hit the Tianling Gai, and Tu Qiong saw that he would push Chu Yun to the cliff.

Chu Yun couldn't help but sink in his heart: "The northern light is the northern sè. At the beginning, he fought against me in Yaoshan and was captured by the rioting ape. He was taken as a male favorite and is still imprisoned in the endless forest. His disappearance is of course related to me. This incident finally happened. No, it should still be arranged by someone. I heard from the sleeping old man that drunken life is his younger brother and enemy of the killing master. What a terrible net, infinite means ... "

"Chu Yun, please answer, why don't you dare to answer my question?" Seeing Chu Yun pondering, Chan Jun's eyes flickered sternly and asked sharply.

"Do you really want me to tell the truth?" Chu Yun sneered. The yín thief identity of Master Beiguang is definitely a scandal of Kutuo Temple. Now, under the shining of the real stone, every word Chu Yun can prove is true or false. I really want to say that the reputation of Kutuo Temple will definitely be reduced.


"If I said the truth, I also lost. The black hand behind the scenes must have calculated this situation, and Kutuo Temple will not be willing to give up. But if you don't say, anyone will think that I did it. No, it will be exposed in public! "Chu Yun was in a dilemma, and no matter how to deal with it. This is the strategy of the Hou class fortune-teller, which is terrible. No wonder that Chu Bawang's first courage was calculated by Zhuge Wenhou.

Although Chu Yun got the help of the sleeping old man, the sleeping old man was also the Hou class who was promoted only recently.

And the other party has arranged it properly, and the calculation is completed, confusing the heaven and earth with the méng cover, occupying the absolute opportunity.

After the sleeping old man noticed it, he could only cover it with the celestial machine méng, and then plug his hand. In other respects, it is difficult to take the initiative.

Seeing Chu Yun moving back and forth, Zen Jun sneered, just about to continue to force his words, and suddenly his face was stagnant: "What voice?"

At the same time, everyone in the field raised their ears and listened carefully.

Ooo ...

The generous and desolate horn sound came from a very far distance. It was very weak at first and could hardly be heard, but soon, the sound resounded through the world, and everyone was afraid of the eardrum.

Everyone in the field shook their faces, turned their heads together and looked in the same direction.

Huode City is built on the mountain, and the banquet hall is on the mountainside, so the view is excellent.

Chu Yun also followed, and saw the place where the sea and the sky lined up, and the sea level suddenly raised an arc. The higher the arc is, the closer it is to everyone. The green mountains and the brown earth form a huge drifting land, which pushes the waves all the way ~ ~ It is majestic and magnificent, rolling directly towards Huode City.

Chu Yun's pupil shrank suddenly.

The land whale king ’s voice has been heard: “Shu family, if you immediately give up the Star Islands, the iron family, this king can not be held accountable. Otherwise, there will be no amnesty, and the island of the Shu family will be razed!

The sound is full of earth-shattering fighting intentions, such as the rolling sky and thunder, which constantly explodes and roars between the heavens and the earth.

"Land Whale King, this is King Land Whale!" After some silence, someone shouted in silence.

"The East China Sea School is a super-class ranger. The soldiers are like rain and the good are like clouds. They really came to attack the Shu family." Someone sighed.

"The Shu family is over. There is no king-level strongman to contain the king of the land, the Shu family has no victory at all." Someone cut the nail and judged.

"Chu Yun, you don't want méng to cross the border. Say, is Master Beiguang your poisoned hand!"

Taking advantage of the danger of people, Chan Jun's eyes flashed yīn, raised his true heart and exquisite stone in his hand, and asked aloud. @.

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