The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 6 Chapter 37: : Actually? !

[] Near noon, the recruitment is suspended. The latest and fastest updates are all made .. Boys and girls walked out of the hall successively and were taken to the dining room for lunch.

"Who is that young son? Refining soldiers and alchemy are all clouds and flowing water, and they are even good at seals and tasting. They are admirable.

"He and the inexplicable son Leng incomparable sword, three swords retreat the enemy. Son Yan Yan and he compared with the trial soldiers, lose face white. The seal of the master Li Li is not as good as his half. The méng flying little prince is even more with him After debating some current affairs, he took the initiative to obey, with admiration. "

"Although he looks a little more ordinary, he is gentle and gentle in the lupin. With a green shirt, he is smart and impressive. Alas, I don't know what his name is."

"There is no way. In recruiting, our women want to hide their faces, and men want to hide their names. Sun Yan, Leng Moming, and Méng Fei, the famous sons, we have seen the portraits in advance, so we know their origin. But that A young man, it's as if the immortal immortal suddenly went down, and no one knows his origin. "

The sound of discussion around him drifted into Yu Wenwan's ear. She was very surprised that the four eldest sons were actually defeated by a mysterious teenager.

Who is this boy?

Rao is Yuwen Waner's heart indifferent, at this time in her heart, can not help rising a sense of curiosity.

After the cattle meal, they returned to the hall again and continued to invite the family.

The competition is getting tougher, and the atmosphere in the hall is getting more and more tense. The princesses danced with long sleeves and performed all kinds of tricks. They were really the three princesses, six princesses and thirteen princesses of the heirs. They were the most gorgeous and eye-catching.

The man, however, is the sāo who leads the pack.

This person is naturally no one else, it is Chu Yun who pretends to be his true face. Although Wushuang is famous at the Academy Conference, it is famous all over the world. But after all, the time is quite short, and no one expected that he would come to join the recruitment of Mermaid Island, so there is no portrait of him in the hands of the women.

Yuwen Wan'er has seen Chu Yun in the world of Longmen. She has a good impression of Chu Yun, but she has never had any thoughts from friends. She knows that Chu Yun and Jin Bihan are a pair of lovers, and she has never thought about getting involved.

But for the first time, she saw Musou.

No double-sided appearance is ordinary, no match for the cold and inexplicable Leng Jun, méng Fei's British tǐng, the ill-gone morbid beauty, Sun Yan's handsome pride. But it is strange that he is not the type that disappears on the street.

He exuded all over him, exuding a different temperament. This temperament is very special and contains many things.

The scholar's elegance is somewhat superficial compared with it. The grandeur of the Ranger, compared to it, looks too rough.

His steady and generous, unruly eyes, but the vicissitudes of the facts. These are all combined into his unique charm.

At this time, he was in the limelight, facing the siege and challenge of all the men around him, he was calm and calm, and he calmed down and resolved all of them, showing his boundless talent.

In Yu Wen Wan'er's eyes, a trace of amazement flashed involuntarily.

In this world, rabbits have such strange men! In other respects, Yuwen Wan'er is not very clear, but his views on cultivation are really incisive and unique.

Involuntarily, Yu Wen Wan'er's heart surged, and he wanted to communicate with Wushuang.

But she didn't want to make a show in the next recruitment.

"Maybe if possible, you can have a deep discussion with him after recruiting relatives, and discuss the experience of cultivation." Waner summoned the courage and quietly thought.

"Strange, is it my illusion? Why does he always look at me without trace?" Yu Wen Wan'er wondered.

"This is the granddaughter of Wandu Wang? Oh, really, as Wang Wandu said, he really didn't wear any accessories. At the recruitment meeting, he didn't have any performance at all, just like a transparent person. Perseverance is a very pretty woman. "Chu Yun secretly evaluated.

He has the Bliss Fairy Princesses to help out, and has the first combat strength of his peers, sweeping all competitors is not a matter of course.

Originally, he had the mermaid island jade and jade in the inheritance of the sea dragon king, so he could avoid this procedure and directly marry Yuwen Wan'er. But Wandu Wang asked him to win the top spot in recruiting relatives, walked to Yuwen Wan'er in front of everyone's eyes, and expressed his heart.

Chu Yun was very puzzled and asked why Wan Du Wang.

Wandu Wang rolled his eyes and said irritably: "Wan'er is indifferent and doesn't care. But the old body doesn't like the princesses around her. You just do it, don't ask so much.

Since Chu Yun promised to help Wandu Wang, Suo xìng also helped in the end, and participated in this recruitment meeting as unparalleled.

Time rushed, a few hours passed by, and it was time for dinner.

"Did you find that, the young man has been watching me quietly." A princess who was originally sitting in front of Yu Wen Wan'er put down her chopsticks and was excited in the room.

"I have observed it carefully. He did look at you in the direction of Princess Fourteen. But it doesn't have to be who you see. I'm sitting next to Princess Fourteen. He might be looking at me." The princess played with her hair, looking forward to the authentic.

"Huh. Come on, there are three people between you and me, why are you looking at you? Please think about it with your head. If you are so brainless, you still worry about not marrying." The fourteen princess scoffed. The tone is harsh.

"Princess Fourteen, what do you say? I know that you always envy me, but this is a natural beauty, and I can't help it. Besides, what if I can't get married this time? I'm only fourteen! Ten At the age of five and sixteen, I still have the opportunity to participate in recruiting twice. Unlike you, at the age of fifteen, be careful. "While saying this, the girl glanced at Yuwen Waner's direction slightly. .

In order to prevent the serious result of not marrying, almost all royal princesses, at the age of fourteen, began to participate in recruiting relatives. Similar to Shangguan Wan'er, when she was 16 years old, she came to join the recruiting, only her case.

Among the princesses here, only Shangguan Wan'er is the oldest.

"Sister Fourteen, this time it is bound to be married. She has already lived with her son, Lin Xi, for life, haven't she seen the golden amethyst hairpin pinned on her head? This is the code between lovers. "At this time, the thirteenth princess raised her eyebrows and said.

In order to prevent losing the election at the relatives meeting, masks are worn for life, and the serious consequences of marrying the lover should not be discussed. Most of the royal princesses will decide to live for life, and discuss the secret code with the lover in advance.

This situation is very common in the Mermaid. The recruitment meeting has also become the final stage for the competition between rivals.

"Mr. Lin Xi, is the young proprietor of the Yanju Chamber of Commerce?"

"Not him, or which one?"

"Fourteen sisters are happy to marry him, and they will have no worries for life.

However, in the envy of the girls, the fourteenth princess suddenly gritted her teeth and pulled the golden amethyst hairpin from her head.

"Fourteen sister, what are you?"

"Oh, what is the son of Lin Xi? That son's talent makes the four eldest sons willing to worship the wind. If I can marry him, my life is more than food and clothing? "The fourteenth princess smiled softly and glanced around again, her face arrogant.

The women couldn't help but suffocate. The fourteenth princess is right, what does wealth look like? With the talent and power of the mysterious young man, the rich and the rich in the world are as easy to find out.

"It may not be the one that catches you. I remember Sister Wan'er, sitting behind Princess Fourteen, maybe the mysterious son actually looked at Sister Wan'er." After a long silence, a girl finally suffered. The princess of Fourteen can't be proud. Road.

She didn't say okay, as soon as she said this, the fourteenth princess laughed. Not only she but also the other women laughed at the corners of her mouth, aiming at Yu Wen Wan'er with pity, sympathy or mockery.

Yuwen Waner's performance, they all see in the eyes. After dinner, it was time for the young and handsome men to choose the bride. Even if Yuwen Wan'er was so tall, there was no chance to show it. Therefore, these princesses have no fear of Yuwen Waner.

"It's not that I said you, Sister Wan'er, you don't take recruiting too seriously. This is related to our girl, the key to happiness in the future."

"Yeah, Sister Wan'er, although you are very talented and look like a fairy, but you can't see it if you don't show it."

"What can I do, sister Wan'er, you are already 16 years old. This is your last chance. Life with a mask for life. Imagine this situation, it feels terrible."

Listening to the cynicism and sarcasm of the women, Yuwen Wan'er always smiled faintly. She gently shook her head and said, "It's not necessarily happy to marry someone. Happiness still depends on yourself."

"Hehehe, time is up, let's go." The fourteenth princess stood up first, and she was least accustomed to Yu Wenwan's indifferent attitude. This is true from small to large, it seems to be out of sight, looking at the pale red fairy. With her, people always feel that they have become vulgar.

Princess 14 went to the hall happily, and the more she thought, the more she felt that Chu Yun took a fancy to herself. She couldn't wait, and wanted to continue the recruitment conference immediately.

"Here is the final charter for recruiting relatives. The man stepped forward to select his favorite bride! According to tradition, the sons should first hand the crystal rose in their hands to the sweetheart. Then report their name and then reveal the princesses The mask. "The royal member who presided over the recruit snorted.

There was a slight sāo movement involuntarily in the hall. After a day of performance, the most critical moment finally ushered in, whether it was a boy or a girl, they were a little restless.

In the eyes of the public, the relevant personnel first handed a bunch of crystal roses to Chu Yun's hands.

The teenagers come forward to choose the bride, naturally there is a sequence. Chu Yun's talents conquered everyone, and he was the first to choose, no one objected.

Chu Yun's eyes are as warm as jade, holding the crystal rose in his hand, smiling, and moving forward.

For a time, the hall was silent and everyone's eyes were focused on him.

Whether it is a boy or a girl, they are all nervous. The boys worried that Chu Yun would steal his sweetheart, and the girls even beat their hearts, and many people cast their passionate and encouraging eyes on them.

Chu Yun turned a blind eye to these quotations, he had made up his mind and walked in one direction.

"No, I really walked in the direction of the fourteenth princess!" For a time, many women were uneasy.

"He's coming, he's really coming!" The fourteenth princess's heart surged, and the body shivered slightly. She was short of breath and covered her heart with her hands, fearing that her heart would jump too fast to withstand such a thorn.

However, with everyone's surprise, Chu Yun crossed the fourteenth princess and handed the crystal rose to Yuwen Wan'er.

Under everyone's dismay, Chu Yun bowed to Yuwen Wan'er, and the smile on his face was as gentle as the spring breeze: "Xiaosheng Wushuang, spurred by the princess's graceful temperament, the meaning of admiration is difficult to express."

In the hall, death was silent. Only Chu Yun's voice, in which you lingered back to dàng.


Then immediately, there was a huge noise in the hall, and everyone was in an uproar.

All shocked!

"Wushuang, he turned out to be the master of Wushuang of the famous Zhenxingzhou!"

"I should have guessed it already. The ability to suppress the four principals, this world of peace, besides Drunk Snow Fox Jun and Erlang Tianjun, who else can be in the same generation?"

The boys all stared at Chu Yun with shock in their hearts. Most of the girls cast a soft and envious look on Yuwen.

"How could this happen, Wushuang chose Yuwen Waner ?!"

"Why not me? Why not me!" Princess Fourteen's eyes widened, her fists clenched tightly, and her heart was filled with infinite disappointment and confusion, "Why is this? Why is this ?! Obviously I work so hard To show herself, she clearly could n’t sit still, and there was no audible sound during the recruitment! ”

"Deep hidden, deep hidden! I said Yuwen Wan'er, she was not anxious at all. It turned out that she had been determined to live for life, and she was still with Wushuang son ... Alas, why didn't I do this? Luck and opportunity! "

Except for Chu Yun, everyone present was very surprised. One of the most shocking was not Yu Wenwan, one of the parties.

"He even handed the crystal rose to my hand! God, is this a dream? Why is this happening, I obviously didn't show anything."

For a time, Yuwen Wan'er's heart pounded, and she felt her cheeks hot as if burning. Her confusion was terrible. The peace of mind and calm thoughts in the past all disappeared, and a huge wave set in her heart.

This! Cut, she was too unexpected.

There was a cloud of paste in her mind, and a pair of bright eyes were full of doubts. She was stunned in the seat, so that Chu Yun reached out and opened the mask on her face, and she didn't respond.

"His ..." There were faint inhalations from the boys in the hall. UU's reading Yu Wen Wan'er's beautiful face and fairy pose brought them great psychological impact.

"I can't think of this princess, so beautiful!"

"Compared with her, it seems that everyone else has become a vulgar fan."

"No wonder Wushuang didn't look at anyone, only selected her, and really looked like a torch."

Chu Yun stayed on the spot!

This Yuwen Waner, he has seen!

(So ​​thank you! I will try my best to change this aspect. Saving the manuscript is indeed the quickest and most effective way to change it. At least in the future, when I have emotional problems again, everyone will have to watch it. , I have recently reviewed myself and found my own flaws. But fortunately, I found the joy of writing again. If I can always grasp it, I believe that 11 days a day, also Not far away. Of course, please do n’t put pressure on me, I hate it, and I feel very stressed, and it ’s about to collapse.

Finally, there is no charge in parentheses! ) @.

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