The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 6 Chapter 33: : 7 times free exchange

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The giant vines of the green sère, like all the green dragons, are entangled. In this vast expanse of heaven and earth, it stretches leisurely and shows the supreme charm of this innate demon plant that has been cultivated for thousands of years.

It is the gossip vine dragon king.

Although it was the second time to meet, Chu Yun still couldn't stop the exclamation in his heart. A monster, a robbery that has grown to tens of millions of years, does not know how many bumps and tribulations it will go through. Rumors and sayings The cultivation practice of the vine dragon king really occupied the top ranks of the monster. It is very likely that it was the demon plant of Xingzhou's first cultivation.

Especially after Chu Yun opened his eyes, he saw the sight that ordinary people could not see. The roots of the vines extend into the void, entwined in the Xingzhou Net. Communicating with the French Open all the time, the branches and leaves stretched out, seemingly echoing the road to the truth.

Chu Yun looked at mí more and more, the aura was consumed vigorously, and all kinds of inspiration and enlightenment came. He was originally a Hou-level high-level state of mind, and he also grew rapidly at this time, showing a sign of perfect harmony.

The God-Tibetan World, although unique, is a small world at the same level as the Dragon Gate World. The original master, the emperor, was even among the emperors, and there was a great existence comparable to each other.

Chu Yun often realizes the Xingzhou Net. In comparison, the Dharma World's legal net is unique, but much sparse than the Xingzhou Net. For example, is like an Oracle history book. Compared with it, Shenzang World seems to be a popular novel.

Chu Yun was accustomed to seeing, and now looking at the principles of God in the Tibetan world, he has a sense of ease and a lot of proof. In just a few minutes, he benefited greatly.

It is a pity that he does not have much time now, and there is a great enemy, otherwise he would like to stay here.

In addition, gossip and vine dragon kings are not allowed, and directly pointed out that if Chu Yun continues to do so and delays each other ’s time, he will need to consume his right to communicate for free.

After all, the magic net of God's possession of the world is a fortune. Anyone who can thoroughly understand will have the realm of the emperor. Such a value is much higher than that of the Tibetan world itself.

"Unfortunately, the realm of the book emperor is really too high. At my present level, I can only barely comprehend the one-hundredth of the mystery in the Shenzang Law. This is still an optimistic estimate. But my biggest problem is not enlightenment xìng is not enough, but there is too little time to grow. If you give me more time, whether it is the emperor, the emperor or the emperor, all can understand. "

It's a pity that Chu Yun sighed in his heart, closed his eyes, and talked with the rumored king Feng Tenglong. The right to communicate seven times for free seems to be a lot. In fact, he has already done a lot of careful calculations, and hopes to have ten times more.

Although the rule of the emperor is understood, the value is quite high. But by comparison, Chu Yun's plan is more conducive to today's situation. Therefore, he will not give up his right to communicate without any change.

"I want to use two free exchange rights in exchange for the first and second choices." Chu Yun said first.

Gossip Feng Yu Wang is especially new to Chu Yun. Of course he still remembers this so-called first choice and second choice.

Its magnificent sound, as if it were Huang Zhongda Lv, leisurely returned to dàng in the vast space: "A sword of robbery demon, a sword of supernatural power, is this like this?"

"Yes." Chu Yun confirmed.

Even in the world of Kamzo, there are only three robbery swords. After all, monsters that have grown up to this point are very rare, and most demon masters will choose to use them. Few people would give these treasures to the world of God's possession in exchange for a paid exchange right.

Among the three swords of robbery monster, one is Lei Yuan, and both gold and thunder belong to xìng. The blade is slender, and it is 1.8 million years old. A glacial river, ice and gold are both genus, two-handed sword, repaired for 900,000 years. A black prison, the highest repair, up to 8 million years. The sword body is dark, exuding a deep and horrible atmosphere like hell.

Chu Yun secretly considered.

Of the three swords, Lei Yuanjian is naturally the strongest offensive force. After all, Jin and Lei are the best at attacking.

The Black Prison is the highest, with a corrosive effect that belongs to xìng. The first advantage of choosing it is that you do n’t have to let Chu Yun spend any more money, and use the masterless demon crystal to improve the repair of the demon sword.

But in the end, Chu Yun abandoned both of them, and chose to repair the lowest robbery sword ice river.

The Glacier Sword is a two-handed sword style. The whole body is like an ice crystal, and the sword is broad and half a long. The entire sword body presents a kind of translucency, from one side of the sword you can see the other side.

It weighs more than three hundred pounds, but this is not a problem. In light of Chu Yun's current physical fitness, such weight is still somewhat light.

Although it is repaired to the lowest level, it is not a problem. Chu Yun can be supplemented with a crystal without a demon. What Chu Yun likes is that it belongs to ice and gold. It is matched with the snow and gold of the drunk snow knife.

The Glacier Sword and the Drunk Snow Sword really complement each other.

There are four pieces of supernatural swordsmanship. All are the famous 20-level kings in the history of Sin Chew, who have comprehended the peak and condensed the **** channel.

After considering it, Chu Yun finally chose a magical sword called "Tian Ji".

"Next, I will use the third dimension to pay for the right to exchange in exchange for all the remaining masterless demon crystals in the world of God. The fourth exchange for the Senhaishen channel method."

Gossip Feng Yu Wang naturally one by one satisfied.

In this way, Chu Yun used the right of free exchange four times in a row, and only half of it was left.

He continued: "I need a group of the most powerful battlefield demon soldiers that can help the army and make a big sound in the cruel battlefield ....

There are more choices for blowing, including the powerful dragon king roaring crossbow, the healing spring Chunyu leaning against the flag, and the thunder of the thundering infinite warship group ...

"Take this set of true mirrors." Chu Yun finally said his choice.

This set of monster soldiers, there are a total of 108 pieces, each piece is the peak spirit demon. It is used to guard 108 islands in the Archipelago. These mirrors can elicit light beams and eject each other to form a light network. Under the coverage of the optical network, the army can be increased, and its strength, agility, and wisdom have been enhanced to a certain extent.

At the same time, the mirrors can be transferred to each other. It is equal to 108 secret gem doors.

But unlike the gemstone door, it is not easy to destroy and can be delivered in time. In addition to the distance, the transmission efficiency cannot be matched by even the large gem door. But it is not without weaknesses. Once opened, the energy consumed will be very large, which is not as economical as the gemstone door.

Every time it is used, a pile of Tiangang stone coins should be piled up next to the mirror to supplement the vitality. Otherwise, if the surrounding vitality is exhausted, the power of the original mirror will be greatly reduced. For the surrounding friendly forces, it is a disaster. Because the vitality is thin, it will make it difficult for monster monsters to replenish, which will greatly weaken the combat power.

The biggest weakness of the Zhuxing Islands is that they are all islands and cannot be connected to form a unified line of defense. I don't know from which direction the land whale king attacked. Every island must be divided into defenses. Choosing the true mirror can greatly compensate for this weakness.

"I don't know if there is a component of the Bliss Ship built by the Lord Tang Jinguo in the world of God. In some cases, I am willing to consume an unpaid exchange right in exchange for these demon soldiers." Chu Yun asked expectantly.

Without the help of the Bliss Fairies, Chu Yun would never get the right to exchange for seven times without payment. So Chu Yun voted for Tao Li to help Xianfeijiu find a sister.

Tenglong Wang's answer did not disappoint Chu Yun and the Bliss Fairy Princesses. The Shenzang World deserves to be called the "Shenzang", and there are actually several treasures.

Chu Yun was overjoyed, but this time, King Tenglong rarely made trouble: "The right to free exchanges also has a value ceiling. The value of fairy concubines is higher than ordinary people's imagination. If you open one, you are likely to get The assistance of a master. So one free exchange of power can only be exchanged for three such soldiers. "

There are five fairy princess soldiers in the world of God. Chu Yun only has two free exchange rights.

I was planning to use up the power of these two exchanges. At this time, Chu Yun ’s heart came with the words of Fairy Hongshang: "Our sister Chu Yun's kindness is remembered by our sisters. We have just discussed it and exchanged this time. The three fairy fairy demon soldiers are ready. The rest of the right to communicate without support, I hope you can choose the undead Phoenix feather Chu Yun. "

"Undead Phoenix Feather?"

"Not bad." This time it was not the red dress, but the sound of Feiyang Fairy. "The undead Phoenix Feather was made by Feiyang Sect Master himself. It was collected from the Phoenix's eight thousand tail feathers, mixed with the Sky God It takes crystal, living soil, endless wood branches and leaves and other materials to create a special demon soldier in three years and three months. "

Her voice just fell, and the fairy in the red dress echoed again: "Chu Yun, you must not underestimate the Feiyang Sect Master. Although the Feiyang Sect was destroyed by the Tang Jinguo Lord, it was because Tang Jinguo used Xingzhou's most elite Pegasus Elite soldiers. Master Feiyang is a master of military refining, beyond the master. UU reading You do n’t want to buy a life-saving item, this undead Phoenix feather should be the most suitable monster soldier . "

Fairy Fairy continued to explain, and Chu Yun knew that the undead Phoenix Feather had a great future. After the demon master urged, he could send out Phoenix Undead Fire to protect the body and mind. Even if the body is completely broken, it can be reborn. As long as the undead fire in the Phoenix Feather is not exhausted, its owner is equivalent to possessing unlimited physical recovery ability.

At the beginning, the Feiyang Sect Master refined a total of three undead Phoenix Feathers. One was given to Feiyang Fairy, one was for oneself, and the other one was put into the world of God's possession, in exchange for a large portion of the gods of military training.

Later, the master of Tang Jinguo greedy for the beauty and talent of Feiyang Fairy, and used the most powerful Tianma soldiers in Xingzhou. Although Feiyang Zong was a super-ranger at that time, he did not resist the yín and prestige of Tang Jinguo.

"Okay, this undead Phoenix Feather is exactly what I want. This is what you want. Feiyang and Hongshang, you can rest assured that one day we will come here again and take the remaining two."

Chu Yun is a decisive person. He no longer hesitates and consumes the last unpaid exchange right in exchange for this undead Phoenix Feather.


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