The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 6 Chapter 30: : Be watched by a strong force!

The God's possession world originated from one of the finest sacs in the hands of the emperor—the God's possession bag.

Before the emperor left, he completely liberated the God's possession bag and merged it with the Xingzhou Great World to form the current God's possession world. [Search for the latest updates at

The academy of academy is based on the world of the God of Tibet, and it gradually develops and grows and sprouts.

After a long period of development, it has now formed the unique terror power of the Xingzhou Headquarters and branches all over the world.

However, the divine world is different from most small worlds such as the Longmen world. Longmen World forms an extreme environment, like a captive farm for wild monsters. The world of God's possession is equivalent to a bank.

The demon masters store the treasures they do n’t need in the world of God ’s possession in exchange for the right to a paid exchange. It's like saving money in a bank.

If you later see that you have something you need in the world of God ’s possession, you can also use the treasure in your hands or the right to exchange for a fee for equivalent exchange. Seems to exchange different banknotes in the bank.

The rules of the God World are single, integrated in Xingzhou, and have excellent defense. Attacking the God-Tibetan World is like attacking this heaven and earth and nature in Xingzhou. Therefore, it is very safe.

The so-called right of unpaid exchange is to give Chu Yun a power so that he can extract any treasure in the world of the Gods without paying any price.

Of course, this kind of treasure, including all aspects, can be a superb monster egg, a superb fairy sac, a superb Taoist law, or a master of alchemy. As well as all kinds of news, the opportunity to inquire about Gossip Vine Dragon King is included in this content.

Chu Yun will never underestimate this right of free exchange.

The Academy has developed since the Emperor "I don't know how many years have passed. In the long river of history," countless demon masters will put unnecessary treasures on it in exchange for a paid exchange right. In the future, if you find something you like in the world of God, you will use this right in exchange for it.

But in many cases, the demon master put in treasures, but suffered an accident, resulting in death without using the right to communicate.

For a long time, there are many unknown treasures in the world. It also led to the name of the world of Tibetan possession, becoming more and more fascinating, "Ran is the largest treasure land in Xingzhou.

In the previous academy conferences, the first place in the 19th project will reward the right of free exchange.

You can enter the world of God's possession without taking any cost and take away one of the treasures.

The Academy staff replied to Chu Yun that as long as he proved his innocence, he would have three such free exchanges!

"This is simply the winning of the three projects that were given to me in advance! Although I have the Bliss Boat"

But the fairy princesses are only master-level strengths, not guru. The three masters I defeated, the two seal masters relied on the way of Taoism, and one of the masters of military training relied on the Feiyang refining of warfare, and all of them had good luck. " The gap is very small. Eighteen projects are by no means eighteen winners. In fact, the results of the ten winners are all hanging. "

Participating in the discussion, Chu Yun naturally analyzed the intelligence. Despite the help of the Bliss Fairies ", it did not really give him the unmatched strength to sweep the conference. It is only the strength of the master level.

The compensation from the academy was waiting for him to put a pillow on his doze. It was so sweet and sincere that Chu Yun did not refuse to accept it.

Everything after that was very smooth.

With the aura contract, he can communicate with the fairy prince of Bliss. Chu Yun has no stage fright and talks with the masters of all walks of life.

"Master-level strength! Absolutely nothing wrong, Wushuang is a wizard who hasn't met for thousands of years. So young, he has master-level strength."

, "It's more than a thousand years? It's hard to come by forever! No, looking at the history of Xingzhou, it's only him. There is no one before, no one after!" Lost, but I think the three emperors and the four emperors should have reached this level. Star Saint is the source of everything,

Naturally unmatched. "

The masters communicated cordially, and everyone's expression was shocked with unstoppable expression.

The talent displayed by Chu Yun has become extraordinary and almost horrible. Unless they saw it with their own eyes, they would never believe it.

"On behalf of the Academy, I would like to express my most sincere apology to Master Wushuang. At the same time, I invite Masters to join the Academy Alliance with the most sincere heart."

"Yeah, join the academy and embark on a journey to pursue the peak. With the resources of the academy, with your talents, the future is unlimited."

"More importantly, with the protection of the academy, no force can force you.

There are too many people in the rivers and lakes to help themselves. After joining the academy, you are free. "

"Yeah, join us. Let's discuss everything and discuss together. Also, do you know that as long as you make breakthroughs and contributions in a certain field, you will get a win every month in the evaluation, and you will be paid for free The right to communicate. Do you know how many resources there are in the Tibetan world? "

For a time, the masters agitated. Among them, Master Wei Luhui and Master Kuihuā are the most enthusiastic and active.

Chu Yun shook his head and refused them firmly.

Since ancient times, the academy has strictly abided by the principle of neutrality. Once you join them, if you restrict your hands and feet, you can't participate in the battle with the Land King.

The masters did not want to give up, and then persuaded, many people were stunned.

A dozen or so masters are all authorities in various fields, but now they are surrounded by a peer, and with a face on their face, they say that he has broken his mouth to invite him to join.

What a great glory!

But by all means, this young man rejected them now.

Li Er was among the crowd. The difference is that he was trembling all over, not feeling a little warmth.

"It's over! There really are such wizards in this world, and my future is completely over.

Damn it, why did I get mad and went to find him in trouble? ! "He cried without tears, and all thoughts were gray. With Chu Yun's current identity," just a light sentence "can drive him completely into the abyss. No hope exists, and his life will be destroyed.

"However, until Chu Yun was blamed, he did not mention Li Er. He had completely forgotten that Li Er was such a person, and he was not eligible to be his opponent. Li Er's previous insults against him, Chu Yun also completely Nothing to worry about. The provocation of an ant, if the elephant is so moved ", it has achieved the glory of the ant.

, "Did you see it? This is a sealer, and should have the gas. Li Er" ordered you to prepare a sincere letter of apology for the teacher and openly apologize to Master Wushuang. Do you want to? "

Li Er's teacher said to him seriously.

Li Er knelt down quickly, and knelt and wept: "It is the student's ignorance and ignorance. Thank you teacher for giving you a chance to make mistakes. Thank you teacher!"

"No, you're wrong. It's not that I gave you this opportunity, but that Master Wushuang didn't pursue it. It was the opportunity he gave you." The teacher helped Li Er up. "Do you understand what I mean?" "

Li Er nodded again and again, he regretted it, and in his heart no longer dared to have a trace of jealousy and resentment in Chu Yun, replaced by fear and respect.

After confirming Chu Yun's innocence, the academy made adjustments on that day. Separately opened a learning venue for him, and arranged eighteen lessons with him as the center.

Chu Yun no longer has to hurry around, often late.

But this way "undoubtedly took him out of the crowd to the front desk.

In the afternoon, Li Er's upper body shirtless carrying Jing Tiao, holding an apology letter in both hands, bowed his head all the way, and asked Chu Yun to blame Jing Jing. He shouted loudly along the way, acknowledging his ignorance and jealousy, earnestly understanding Yun's understanding.

Chu Yun started to attract attention, and Li Er's actions pushed him up to the top.

People have begun to explore who Wushuang is, why should he set up a learning venue for him alone, and Li Er is responsible for blaming him.

The news spread ten, ten spread hundred, and hundreds spread ten million.

The whole academy conference is boiling!

"I'm not mistaken? There are people like this! It's impossible, how can people reach this level?" Some people are unbelievable.

"There is nothing wrong. Even the academy conference admitted that what is impossible! You do n’t know, when dozens of masters were around Wushuang, Wushuang fan fan towels, they talked eloquently, pointed out the country, and were elegant. Ashamed and speechless. "Some people vowed to say the truth, but they actually heard it themselves.

, "Eighteen projects involving people like alchemy, refining soldiers, seals, and capsule making are rare in a million years. It is both an honor and a sorrow to live in the same era as him." Some people exclaimed.

Chu Yun was speechless.

After forgiving Li Er in public, he realized that it was not good, but he did not expect that such a hot scene would appear.

His meeting place is already crowded. People looked at him in the field, and 〖Xing〗 eagerly pointed out, "Look, that's Wushuang!" A scream came from the crowd.

"The face is very ordinary, it is really unimaginable." Some people said with a lip.

"Huh! What do you know, this is called connotation. Seeing people depends on the essence !! Do you have such connotation?" A group of female scholars immediately retorted.

, "Mushuang, we love you!" Then they yelled.

The staff of the academy in charge of the study were sweating: "It's all gone, it's gone. See what ~ ~ Haven't you seen anyone? Don't squeeze forward anymore, this is the meeting place, not the onlooker. "

Before he finished, someone in the crowd immediately responded: "It's not uncommon for people to have seen it. But Wushuang hasn't seen it, or it's the first one!"

It seems that in their hearts, "Wu Shuang" and "Human" have been separated to form two concepts.

The academy staff was furious, pointing at one of the crowd, and roared: "Don't squeeze forward anymore. You, you, squeeze the most. Yo, still squeezing inside! What do you want to do?"

"Hug, I'm sorry. I apologize for my lateness. I was the one who participated in this discussion, but there were too many outsiders, and I finally squeezed in." The person was disheveled, panting, squeezed in and back I glanced and exclaimed, "Gosh, I actually succeeded, I really have a sense of accomplishment!"

The audience laughed.

Chu Yun also smiled, shook his head, quite helpless. But at this time, his mind was no longer on the court.

"Shenzang World, the right to three free exchanges, how should I use it?" @.

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