The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 6 Chapter 15: : Tell the world! Land Whale King Fuzhao

The thunderous sound that raged for a moment, gradually disappeared, and the looting clouds in the sky also quietly dispersed.

Standing in the courtyard, Chu Yun withdrew his gaze and looked back at the sky. At this point, the little demon robbery of the six demon scorpions has successfully survived.

The six yù heart demon scorpion is a unique monster, and it is as rare as Tianhu and Yuqingxinlian. Coupled with Chu Yun's full preparation, as soon as he hatched, its cultivation practice impacted ten years. Unexpectedly, Chu Yun ushered in its thunder.

Six yù heart demon scorpions have just hatched, without any means of self-defense. However, here in Huode City, the Lightning Tribulation hacked down and was firmly resisted by the light film emitted by Huode City.

Huode City is a huge combination of demon soldiers. Master Yu Ya constructed it with painstaking efforts, and its defense is quite excellent.

Moreover, this is just a little demon robbery.

Even if it is disturbing, the extent of the increase in Heavenly Tribulation is within Chu Yun's tolerance.

If it interferes with the spirit demon robbery, attracts natural anger and thunder robbery mutation, Huode City cannot resist. If it interferes with the robbery, the consequences will be even more terrifying, and Chu Yun ’s current combat strength does not dare.

The newborn six-hearted scorpion is crystal-like and crystal clear. It is small and exquisite, as if it is a delicate piece of art, lying in the palm of Chu Yun's palm, lifting the rounded scorpion tail and gently swaying in the breeze.

It is fully armed and covered in crystal alder. But none of them seemed clunky, but elegant and light.

Its first pair of claws, like two large pliers. It gives a chubby feeling, reminiscent of the nèn of the newborn baby.

"It's a lovely little guy. Grow up well and rely on you in the future." Chu Yun chuckled softly and reached out his finger to gently tease the little scorpion.

The small scorpion is too small, and his size is less than half the size of Chu Yun's palm. Chu Yunhu pressed gently against the scorpion's back tip, feeling the crystal-like hardness. Squeezing the tail of the scorpion again, it caused the six demon scorpions to open their teeth and dance claws, playing with Chu Yun, very happy.

The most peculiar thing is that when it is happy, it emits a layer of lemon yellow. The shining glorious glass is amazing.

This is the special feature of the six yù heart demon scorpions.

Chu Yun was not too surprised. Over the past few days, he has continued to study and find corresponding information, and has already known the information of the six yù heart demon scorpions.

When the six-hearted demon scorpion is angry, its whole body will be covered with a layer of red glow. When happy, when the light of nèn yellow glows peacefully, the green and green light is emitted. When it is quiet, it is blue light. In addition, there are other situations.

In short, six yù heart devil scorpions will emit different light stickiness with the change of mood. This is a very interesting in vitro feature.

Of course, the Six-Yu Heart Demon Scorpion is not just fun. It is an ancient beast. Chu Yun valued it quite a bit and prepared to spend great energy to cultivate it as one of the main monsters in the future.

All because of the six yù heart demon scorpions, is the world's best beast of the heart system of Taoism, can make up for Chu Yun's shortcomings in heart system offensive and defensive. Its gifted Taoism, known as "seven emotions and six yù", is extremely powerful.

The so-called six yù is the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind. The so-called seven emotions are joy, anger, worry, thought, sorrow, fear, and surprise.

Everyone has seven emotions and six emotions, and will be angry and angry, fearful and sad, and ecstatic.

With six yù heart demon scorpions, you will be able to seduce other people's seven emotions and six yù. In the battle, they will take a large advantage and enhance your own chances of winning.

At the same time, the spirit of the Six-Yu Heart Demon Scorpion will also enhance Chu Yun's physical quality, especially a certain part will be more flexible. Moreover, after a long time, Chu Yun's grasp of people's hearts and emotional control will be rapidly improved.

"Young Master, there is an urgent military situation!" Just then, Yan Que hurried into this courtyard.

He has always been known for his calm and steady style, what could make the Shu family's minister so panic?

At the moment when Chu Yun saw him, he immediately felt a shock from the body of Yan Que, mixed with a trace of panic.

This emotion seemed to be able to diffuse in the air, and also infected himself. Let Chu Yun feel inexplicable.

If it were changed to before, Chu Yun had never felt these emotions so clearly. But now, with six heart demons, I immediately grasped the state of human emotions.

According to the experience left by the passionate king, as the cultivation of the Six-Yu Heart Demon Scorpion improves, the demon master's feelings about emotional changes will become more profound.

Based on this ability, the King of Passion is able to clearly feel the bō movements of the women's feelings and moods, apply the right medicine, provoke the seven emotions and six yù, capture the hearts of all the women, build a big harem, and achieve the name of "Love King".

These feelings flashed instantly in Chu Yun's mind. On the surface, Chu Yun remained silent and stood still, asking Xiang Yan: "Don't worry, what happened to the well?"

"Young Master, please look at this. This is the king of the land of Whale King Fu Fu!" Yan Que gasped, not explaining in detail, but handed over a list.

When the demon master reaches the junior level, the cultivation of high-level changes leads to a qualitative change, and can exude spiritual pressure. When you reach Hou level, you will set your own path, and the spiritual pressure will be different. For example, Erlang Tianjun's landscape is like a green mountain and green water, and there is a flowing momentum between the majestic towers.

At the king level, you can use the hún spirit. Condensing the intangible hún spirit into a tangible symbol.

Each king's hún soul is different, and Fu Zhao is naturally very different, and it is difficult to imitate. Therefore, the emperor Fu Zhao, the king of the land whale king, came out, and the world is known as authentic.

Tell the world!

Chu Yun opened his eyes and saw these three big characters in front of him, such as flying dragons and snakes, great pen power, and strong gestures, demonstrating a domineering king. It was clearly written by Lu King.

Chu Yun looked down again. The words were hundreds of words, and the words were drawn with silver hooks, which was very impressive. In between the lines, the landing king of whales filled the ocean, killing the whale and killing the chick.

"This king of land whales turned out to be the blood of the Tie family. The full name is Tie Donghai. He issued a slogan of the king, telling the world that he was going to challenge my Shu family and ask for the Tie family at the founding ceremony Fair! "Chu Yun also shook his heart after seeing it.

At the end of the list is Fu Zhao, the king of the land king. Like the seal of a great writer, Yuan Chunyue's breath exudes, telling the world that this list is definitely not a false thing.

"The Seven Kings are the pinnacle of Sin Chew ’s peak power, deterring one side, and dominating the world. The land of the Whale King is not moving, it is a blockbuster. Now such an example has spread to all parts of Sin Chew, triggering the world ’s turmoil. I did not expect that Lu Jingwang and Tiejia had such a source. The island owner was convening the public to discuss how to deal with the matter. The lack of special notice to the young master. "Yan Que this only came to light.

"Quickly go." Chu Yun was also of great importance to the governor, and immediately went to the deliberation hall with Yan Que.

On the way, he suddenly moved his heart, remembering the memories of the previous life.

"No wonder in the past life, Tie Aoneng and Ning Tianwang were fighting in court. I used to think that Jiang Hanguo's power helped Tie Ao in secret. But think about it carefully, Ning Tianwang is already a king-level powerhouse, and is proud of Xingzhou. It turned out that the king of the land whale was behind him, supporting him. As for the hidden power of Jianghan Kingdom, it was an intermediate force, balancing Tie Ao and Ning Tianwang. "

"Report the master of the island, the sleeping old man has something important to see." Thinking about the matter, suddenly came a guard from behind.

Chu Yun looked back, it was the guard of his young master's house.

"Sleeping old man?" Chu Yun raised his eyebrows, somewhat surprised. As he achieved higher and higher achievements in this life, his impression of the sleeping man became more and more profound.

This strange person on the vine list has remained independent for the rest of his life. Even the Civil War in the Star Islands did not involve him. Is a true hermit.

Unexpectedly, at this time, he suddenly came to visit.

What will happen?

In the remaining room, Chu Yun's aura shook. He opened his eyes and possessed the talents of a mathematician. Jing Mingming had a special intuition in his chance.

Suddenly, Chu Yun felt inexplicably that the visit of the sleeping old man should be related to the land whale crisis.

"Yan Que, you discuss it first. I'll see the sleeping old man first."

"Yes, young master."

Yan Wei retreated and continued to rush to the deliberate hall.

The last time I saw the sleeping old man, I was at a meeting with the island forces such as Fangjia on the Tianshan Mountain. At that time, the sleeping old man left a deep impression on Chu Yun, and he actually fell asleep in the hall.

But now, when he saw the sleeping old man again, Chu Yun was really taken aback.

The sleeping old man was haggard and his face pale, as if he were a dying person.

To be more precise, it is not "as if", but certain. The sleeping old man was very seriously injured. It was indeed a foot that had stepped into the gate of the ghost, and he was struggling on the verge of life and death.

Chu Yun quickly arranged the sleeping old man.

The sleeping old man lay weakly on the chaise longue in the back garden, and smiled bitterly at Chu Yun: "This time, the old deceased asked Master Shaohou for help."

Chu Yun has stepped into Hou class, and it is quite correct to call him "Master of Chu Shaohou".

"Senior, your injury is very weird. The body is unscathed, but the hún spirit is extremely damaged, and it has reached the edge of hún flying spirit. However, I have a cure here. Chu Yun checked the injury and took out a bottle of immortality.

The sleeping old man shook his head: "Treat hún Dan, I have taken a lot in my early years, and I already have anti-drug drugs, so it is not helpful to take more."

Chu Yun also took out Yang Pian Dan, Chui Yun Dan, Dong Zhen Dan, etc. The sleeping old man also shook his head: "The old deceased is the dream speech master, the dream calculation, the heavens are counterattacked, and the hún soul is most easily injured. Already useless. "

"Senior senior turned out to be a teacher of dreams." Chu Yunliu was surprised by the god, he knew it was a genre of the mathematician. Unexpectedly, the true identity of the sleeping man was like this, he didn't know it until now.

An intuition in Ming Ming told Chu Yun that saving the sleeping old man was very important to him.

He then took out more than a dozen kinds of panacea, many of which were aimed at hún's injury.

The sleeping old man was really taken aback: "Unexpectedly, there are so many elixirs on Master Shaohou's body." He pointed out that one or two bottles had been taken in small amounts, and the anti-drug resistance was not high. .

(To be continued. @.

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