The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 6 Chapter 9: : Fujinoki

‘L Xiao Xiaoxian, have n’t you always wanted to control God and steal? This ring will be given to you today. Reach out. Looking at Xiao Xiaoxian's dull look, Chu Yun smiled.

"But the head ..." Xiao Xiaoxian stared blankly at Chu Yun, and stretched out his hand indifferently.

Chu Yun put the ring of his head in his palm.

"Xiaoxian," he said, "From today on, you are the master of the thief. Take it and put it on your thumb. This is my command."

When saying this, Chu Yun's mouth slightly raised, with a gentle smile, but the tone was irresistible.

Xiao Xiaoxian felt a mountain-like weight in the palm of his hand.

His body was trembling slightly, his eyes were red, and his heart was full of surprises and surprises. For a time, he opened his mouth a few times, but he didn't know what to say.

At this time, a group of slave-servants were holding breakfast, walking briskly, moving like clouds and flowing water, and served exquisite breakfast on the table.

Chu Yun and Jin Bihan smiled at each other and sat down.

Xiao Xiaoxian was still stunned, standing on the spot.

"Xiao Xiaoxian." Chu Yun said.

"Ah, here, head."

"Let's carry the stolen door forward."

"..." Xiao Xiaoxian spoke, but he said nothing after all. At this moment, his tears replaced language, fully expressing his deep feelings and movements.

In an instant, he burst into tears.

Tears filled his eyes, blurring his vision.

At this time, the sun passed through the window and transmitted light. The dining room is bright and bright.

On the dining table, Chu Yun was shrouded in the sun, shining brightly, as if it had become the sun, exuding a warm glow. "The Wing Renewal Team shined into the deepest heart of Xiao Xiaoxian.

Because of the tears, Jin Bihan, and the figures of the slaves who were traveling around, turned into a shadow of uneasiness.

But the strange thing is that only Chu Yun's figure, like a crystal sculpture, shines and is clearly visible.

After many years, Xiao Xiaoxian always thought of this scene as it reappeared yesterday. The impression was so deep that he was carved in the depths of his heart, and he could not forget it for a lifetime.

The kind of blood that seemed to be boiling at the moment made him bend down, kneel on the ground on one knee, facing Chu Yun, while holding a fist in his right hand, his fist against his heart.

In the pious and serious tone that he was least good at and the least used in his life, Xiao Xiaoxian swore: "Young Master! Xiao Xiaoxian follows behind you."

He choked with a sore tone, sweeping away the usual mischief of Diao Erlang. At this moment the expression was solemn, and the whole person radiated a strong charm, which was very handsome and extraordinary.

Even Jin Bihan cast an amazing look.

She could understand Xiao Xiaoxian's eyes firmly, piously, with a sense of respect, and with the urge to die for the soulmate.

It was Chu Yun's thoughtful consideration to give Xiao Xiaoxian the position of the head of the thief.

He knew that becoming the head of the thief's door was in itself Xiao Xiaoxian's dream. Just because of his appearance, his dream can only retreat and secondly carry forward the gods.

Chu Yun has no interest in this point.

Originally, he mastered the ring of the master, to restrict Xiao Xiaoxian and let him use it for himself. This was just a helpless move under the circumstances. Chu Yun also understood that it is far more reliable to grasp people's hearts than to maintain rule by foreign objects.

After getting along with these times, let him know more about Xiao Xiaoxian's Bingn. This prompted him to produce this idea.

In fact, after giving the ring to Xiao Xiaoxian, the result was also very satisfying to him.

He did not misread Xiao Xiaoxian.

After breakfast, Chu Yun would walk out of the Young Master's Mansion and wander around in Huode City.

This is not aimless play, but Chu Yun found that this behavior helps him understand the way of man.

Sometimes, he will be alone, sometimes, together with Jin Bihan, walking together. Of course, every time it is disguised.

This blow is no exception.

Huo Decheng has changed.

It is built on the mountain, huge in size and extremely bold. From the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain, the red brick and copper walls of the city, with the architectural style of the ancient times, are simple and noble, rich and magnificent. It looks like a long copper dragon lay on the mountain.

Huode City is divided into outer city, inner city and underground city.

From the foot of the mountain to the mountainside, it is the outer city. The most prosperous, all kinds of shops are continuous, and the voice is full of people.

The mountainside to the top of the mountain is the inner city. The people are few and quiet, and the defense is strong. Chu Yun's House of Young Masters is among them.

The underground city is the underground world that was discovered when exploring the Huode King's secret collection. Now an underground city has been built. There is plenty of geothermal heat, and lava rivers are introduced to form the best military refining shrine in the Star Islands.

Relying on this underground city alone, the Shu family has attracted hundreds of military refining divisions and is stationed here all year round. While enjoying the Shu family's resources, while serving the Shu family.

"Come here and take a look, Shuijian's armor refined by everyone, such as fake replacement." Someone on the street vendor was shouting similarly.

"Honest merchants, spit serum warehouse, outdated." Signs outside the shops have similar content. "Fresh fruits and vegetables. This season's new city, the sweetest copper bell coconut fruit. Not sweet, no money!"

"Gongluozi, Xiaolui sister, is the latest vine newspaper going to have a share?" A young boy with a handsome face, carrying a stack of leaves on his arm, ran to Chu Yun and Jin Bihan and asked.

Chu Yun glanced at it and knew it was a leaf on the Fujixun tree. This kind of leaf is as white as rice paper, and each leaf and wings are renewed as big as a grinding disc and silky as silk.

Tengxunshu is a demon plant in Xingzhou who is best at copying. The demon master who planted this kind of tree can use the genius Taoism that comes with Fujixun Tree to form the message in his mind and display it on the leaves.

People call these leaves "vine newspapers". Selling these leaves has become a business.

"Come here." Randomly took a Disha stone coin from his pocket and handed it to the little boy. Chu Yun got a rebate.

"Erlang Tianjun was promoted to Hou and became the second person of the younger generation!" This is the headline on the rattan newspaper.

Chu Yun and Jin Bihan looked at each other, and they both knew that Erlang Tianjun inherited the heritage of Chu Bawang, and he was already the pinnacle of the monarchy in the great wasteland. It is not surprising that he received Chiyan Jinshen tree and was promoted to Hou class one month later.

But this inside story is certainly unclear to outsiders. Nowadays, the promotion of Erlang Tianjun to Hou class has naturally aroused widespread concern in Xingzhou.

Erlang Tianjun was promoted to Hou class, and Chu Yun was also mentioned.

"Speaking of Erlang Tianjun, one must mention Dr. Snow Fox Jun Chuyun. Earlier, it was rumored that the young master of the Shu family had been promoted to Hou class more than a month ago. In the city of Stone Hammer, Looted a large number of treasures of the Aboriginal Dragon Club. Regarding this incident, the parties on both sides remained silent, making it difficult to clarify the truth ... "

In the end, many other geniuses were mentioned in this message. Sun Yan of the Lava Gang, Barren Wu of the Barren Dragon Society, én Fei, the little prince of Yuan Dynasty, Jin Bihan of Dunhuang Kingdom, etc., are the third seed players expected to be promoted to Hou level in this generation.

Withdrawing his eyes, Chu Yun looked at Jin Bihan and smiled: "Other people have no chance. The third person will definitely be Bihan you."

"Well, if there is no accident, it should be." Jin Bihan nodded, full of confidence in his tone.

A week ago, the bloodline of the king in her body reel began to greet her high-speed growth period. Every day, whether it is physical fitness or hn's physical training, the size of the aura has a considerable increase.

This growth rate made Chu Yun stunned on the spot after his first contact.

He even had a strong feeling of envy.

This level of rapid growth is terrible! After just seven days, Jin Bihan has fully consolidated the junior realm, with a deep heritage comparable to some middle-aged juniors.

At this rate, Jin Bihan has great confidence in becoming the third of his peers to become Hou.

Walking, you will reach the most prosperous area in the outer city market.

Various facilities such as pawnshops, restaurants, casinos, and shops are constantly consuming people.

People of all shapes and sizes walked around Chu Yun and Jin Bihan. Occasionally, someone will cast some eyes.

This situation is very interesting.

No one knows, because after the disguise, the ordinary wife and wife of the ordinary, one of them is the young master of the Shu family, and the other is the contemporary owner of the Dunhuang Kingdom.

"Wearing a layer of camouflage can hide 〖True〗. In fact, in this downtown, which one is not living with his mask? People use masks to shape different images and hide themselves. The most real thoughts and emotions in the heart. In struggle and compromise, play a role. People are multi-faceted, and the concepts of good, evil, beauty and ugliness cannot define people ... "

The aura within the body reel shook slightly, and this sentiment made Chu Yun take another small step on the road of Hou class.

His way is different from most Hou class.

In such a bustling city, we need to realize the various attitudes of the world and practice barnyard.

After walking around the market for a while, Chu Yun and Jin Bihan returned to the inner city.

"Master Shaodao, you are finally back. UU reading" Master Yu Ya immediately greeted him.

"Why is uncle leisurely, come to our house as a guest?" Chu Yun was surprised at the visit of this busy man.

"Listening to Xiao Xiaoxian's stinky, spreading his wings to update the group, the young master has the control center stele in the night emperor city. I am here for reference."

"Take it." Without saying anything, Chu Yun gave the stone tablet to Yu Ya directly. He has 100% confidence in Yu Ya.

Yu Ya took the stone tablet, a look of infatuation appeared on his face, and there was a loud voice in his mouth. Obviously, the stone tablet gave him considerable inspiration.

Chu Yun cried three times before he reacted and asked indifferently, "What are you talking about?"

"I asked you if the hurricane caused it, whether it was repaired." Chu Yun shook his head helplessly.

"Of course! I just patted my head for this incident and handed the repaired hurricane to Chu Yun again.

Chu Yun took his hand, rubbed two or three times, and nodded in satisfaction. @.

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