The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 5 Chapter 88: : The mystery of luck monster

How important luck is, this is very deep in Chu Yun.

The self in the previous life has experienced ups and downs, but in the end it is a regret of a lifetime, and it is difficult and unpredictable. Since his rebirth, his luck has deepened, and his adventures have been repeated. Although he has suffered many disasters, he has finally turned to danger. Every time a difficulty passes, its own strength has skyrocketed and many benefits have been gained.

The most important of these is, of course, Chu Yun ’s own hard work. But the role and influence of luck in it must not be underestimated.

Why did so many people enter the endless forest, but Chu Yun could get the heritage of the Beast King?

Why only Chu Yun and Xiao Xiaoxian touched the coffin of the night emperor in the night emperor city, and others clearly had strength, but they were unable to set foot even in the central tower of the night emperor city?

Transported to the world all work together, the hero is not free to go.

In the past, Chu Bawang was the first force in the world, but for many reasons, the restoration of the country failed. why? Bad luck.

There is a saying that is very good, luck is also a part of strength.

Luck is incomparable, but in this world, it can be captured. That's one lucky monster.

Every king-level strongman has at least one luck monster. The dragon wishing tree of the sea dragon, the nine-color deer of the king of beasts ... Throughout the Xingzhou, as long as they are kings, without exception, there are luck monsters.

Above the king, the three emperors and four emperors are even more so.

As for the Star Saint, it is not possible to test. It is estimated that there are definitely a lot of lucky monsters.

This is why Chu Yun was so dismayed when he heard the news that "greedy snakes can devour the luck of others ...".

Not only him, Erlang Tianjun and Jin Bihan were also very surprised.

"It's too much to eat someone's luck, this greedy snake is really against the sky. Isn't the greedy wolf king gradually invincible?" Jin Bihan took a breath.

Erlang Tianjun also closed his brows, he inherited the heritage of King Bimu, and also possessed a lucky monster. He has been kept in the snow and knows the importance of luck.

"It's not enough." The wine lord Wang shook his head and pointed at everyone. "The luck is not static, it will also pass away. Turning the danger into a fortune, winning the battle with the powerful enemy, the powerful and powerful, harvesting the treasures, being favored by the beauty, meeting the noble. It is a good performance of luck, and it is also an experience of killing luck. "

The wine king explained slowly.

The luck will also increase and decrease. People can't always be lucky. When the luck is good and the luck is good, the luck is good and the bad things happen. Even drinking cold water can stop your teeth.

"So, what is the relationship between Qiyun Monster and Qiyun?" Erlang Tianjun asked.

Jiuhao Wang: "If luck is compared to water, qiyun monster is a basin for holding water. Sometimes, even if you have qiyun monster, it doesn't mean you have luck."

He gave an example.

It is the famous Zhuge Ming. (The wingspan update team updates the fastest) He has the Qiyun Demon Soldier Seven Star Lamp, but unfortunately, because of the change of the sky, the Qiyun was exhausted, and even he himself died quickly.

Chu Yun immediately thought of King Hailong. He possessed the Dragon Wish Tree, but was defeated by Chu Bawang, and died of serious injuries. Obviously, the luck on the Dragon Wish Tree at that time should be very low. No match for the luck of Chu Bawang. After that war, it was exhausted.

Then he thought of himself again.

In the past two or three years, the dogs have been fighting constantly, and they have repeatedly disappeared from the battlefield, the endless forest, and the night emperor city.

Now that the Shu family unifies the star islands, he is the owner of the Shu family, and he is definitely a distinguished person.

Along the way, all kinds of rare and precious treasures, he gained a lot. The monsters in the hands of the Thousand Beast Kings, the Five Virtue Kings, and even the Night Emperor and the White Emperor all came to him.

Between him and Jin Bihan, the affection was strong. It is loved by beauty.

It is even more numerous to meet nobles, such as Master Yu Ya, Master of Tiange Academy Feng Bole, Master of Mansha, Jiu Hao Wang, Wan Du Wang and so on.

He was suddenly horrified: "I have achieved the achievements of ordinary people for fifty or sixty years in these two or three years. The consumption of luck in various aspects is too great! Not as good as it is today. It takes a lot of ups and downs and it will never be so smooth. "

"I just fought a war, but I also turned the danger into danger. But the fighting power has been unprecedentedly damaged in this life. This is a warning. My luck has been consumed violently by me, and now it is scarce to a certain extent!"

There was an enlightenment in his heart, and the more he thought, the more correct he felt.

In fact, the Zhuxing Islands have been in civil strife, and the five luck monsters of the Five Virtue Kings have been constantly wearing away each other's luck. In fact, there is not much luck in it. Chu Yun was losing again and again. Although there is some luck now, it is already reluctant to fight against impermanence and others.

Therefore, in the fierce battle of Fang Cai, he suffered a loss.

"The basin is a basin, and the water is water. But it is not so simple to breathe the monster, and it will slowly warm up and send out the gas. This basin is a basin that can produce water." At this time, the wine king king said, "And all luck Monsters have extraordinary mysteries. "

"What's the secret?" Jin Bihan Ran.

"The mystery of destiny. But as for the mystery, each qiyun monster is different." The king of the wine king started to give an example, "like the greedy snake of the greedy wolf king. It can swallow the luck of others, plus Pay attention to yourself. Therefore, the greedy wolf king is lucky and the most active king in the contemporary era. He is rich and can be called the first person in Xingzhou. "

"Luck is destiny. Transport comes as destiny. The most typical is the ancient five virtues. For example, the fire lord has endless wood, which is the fire monster. Therefore, the life of the fire lord is particularly related to the fire monster. In the end, all of them are fire monsters. They are called King Huo De, and they deserve it. "

"Like Zhuge Ming ’s Qixing Lamp, it is said to be able to change the trajectory of fate. I always believed that Chu Bawang and his old man were not defeated by Zhu Geming, but by fate. Alas ... The air is fragile, only Be speculative. At this point, the mathematician knows best. You do n’t need to look at me so admirably, I also learned these things from my friend Gu Xiankou. ,,

"Unexpectedly, there are so many secrets."

"Guxian is worthy of being one of the three major arithmetic operators recognized by Sin Chew, amazing!"

Both Erlang Tianjun and Princess Dunhuang burst into praise, and both felt eye-opening.

Chu Yun was silent, (the fastest update of the wings spread update group) his heart fluttered. He thought of the Dragon Wish Tree. Seven-star lights can change the trajectory of fate, what about the Dragon Wish Tree? Rebirth, isn't it to reset fate?

Long Yuanshu is the second mysterious monster in his hand, and has never figured out how to use it. Rebirth is his biggest secret, so he can only fumble alone. Today, this conversation made Chu Yun gain a lot.

"Most of the kings of Sin Chau are simple in depth and rarely move around. In addition to their immense involvement and profound influence on every move, this is also due to the need to warm up and transport the monsters to keep the luck alive and prevent them from falling. These years, I walked all over the world ... I have had many adventures, and my luck has passed away a lot. The loss of the dragon corpse today is also the cause and effect of the past. Do n’t be too concerned about it. After sheltering you from the inheritance of Chu Bawang and his old people, I will retreat. It won't move around in a short time. "Jiuhao Wangdao.

Chu Bawang's inheritance is not far from them.

However, the haste is not enough, and it is imperative to restore the combat power as soon as possible.

To quickly restore the fighting power, you need immortality.

"I have Caochengdan, which can nourish the soul, calm the nerves, and have no curative effect." Erlang Tianjun said to take out four bottles of Elixir and handed them to Jiuhao Wang, Chu Yun and others.

He and Chu Yun are both enemies and friends, and now have a common enemy. The move immediately showed his spirit and mind.

"Haha, I have a few bottles of Tiger Yuan medicinal wine here, which can build muscles and stop bleeding, which is very useful for trauma." The wine king also took out a palm-sized wine bottle.

Chu Yun smiled and took the medicinal liquor and Caochengdan. Then reach into the fairy capsule and grab a lot of them: "This is Golden Jade Continued Ointment, Huimengdan, Zhengyuan Tianlidan, Ning Shenxiang, Honglian Fengxian Ointment, and the vitality is inexhaustible, just keep it. . "

For a time, Erlang Tianjun was full of consternation, and even the wine king could not help but glared his eyes.

"This is Golden Jade continued ointment, even if the whole body meridian is broken, applying this plaster can regenerate a new life."

"Return to Dream Pill? Is recognized as the best super medicine to restore aura."

"The vitality is not extinguished, after the rumor is taken, no matter how serious the injury, you can keep a trace of vitality!"

Jiuhao Wang said something every time he looked at a panacea. He has been thousands of years old and has a lot of knowledge and knowledge. The wind and waves went through countless times, but he was still shocked.

These elixirs are all first-class elixirs, and refining is very difficult. The success rate is very low. Among them, the best refining Zhengyuan Tianli Dan has only a one percent success rate. Moreover, Huimengdan, Red Lotus Impatiens, and Invigorating Powder are all panacea that have been lost for a long time.

These are all precious remedies for the wounded, holy, and valuable.

Unexpectedly, Chu Yun actually had it in his hands.

Also grab a lot!

"Well, the elixir is perfect, the medicine is strong, and the fragrance is pure. This is the elixir that has only been refined in recent days." The king of the wine took a pill in Zhengyuantianli, and his pale face immediately turned red. There are countless panacea he has eaten, and his experience is extremely strong, and he immediately tastes different.

"Is it Chu Yun you made these pill?" The wine king Wang opened his eyes wide and looked at Chu Yun with amazing eyes. These days, he is with Chu Yun, so there is such speculation.

Chu Yun touched his nose: "It's true."

These immortals are actually made from small buns (with the fastest update of the wings). It knew all the emperor's pill formulas, and these days Chu Yun suddenly moved, and ordered him to refine some first-aid pill, which was stored and prepared.

The little buns are Chu Yun's monsters. Isn't the panacea it refined the Chu Yun refined?

The small buns are very special and cannot be easily exposed, so Chu Yun actively admits, but it is not a lie.

"You can't think of Chu Yun as an alchemy master." The wine king Wang sighed, looking at Chu Yun's eyes with deep appreciation.

Even Erlang Tianjun's eyes flashed, and he couldn't help looking at Chu Yun again. UU Reading

The alchemy dog ​​master, who can refine these immortals, is definitely a genuine alchemy master!

Only Jin Bihan knew the existence of the little buns, and smiled aside.

"Genius, it really can't be estimated with common sense." The wine king nodded ... The expression became complicated.

Seventeen-year-old alchemy master!

The news spread out, it was definitely another uproar. Dan Master who doesn't know how many to die in shame.

But think about it carefully, and don't be surprised. In Chu Yun's early years, outbreaks of epidemic kelp in the Zhuxing Islands weren't he the first to develop Rising Pill, and the treatment effect was extremely excellent?

This is the talent

"Please also keep it confidential for me." Chu Yun said.

"Young people are modest and not proud of themselves. At this age, they know how to be a low-key person ..." Jiuhao Wang secretly praised him, and he appreciated Chu Yun more and more. (To be continued

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