The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 5 Chapter 83: : Why are they all juniors? !

Fear of the snowy hills, in the third layer of the Dragon World in the ice and snow, it is just an ordinary one. It is very likely that a blizzard will change the landscape here.

But at this moment, this ordinary snow hill is very special because of the group of people standing on it.

These six demon masters are all famous characters. Everyone has at least junior strength!

The weirdest thing is that they belong to the six parties, but they are entangled today.

Their goal was directed at Chu Yun and his party.

"What is the relationship between Erlang Tianjun and Drunk Snow Fox Jun? When he was clearly in Longmen Inn, he was fighting for a fight, and he was going to be born and died. But now he is walking together?" Heishan Manjun frowned, puzzled.

"These two little ones are okay, but they are just new junior ranks. Ben Jun is even more curious, where do they want to go? Hey, it seems that there is no other purpose." Jiu Ming Yaojun smiled Smiling, said.

"Regardless of the purpose, these two little dogs belong to me. Ben Hou will personally cramp and peel their skins, so they don't want to interfere." Wu Changhou's voice was cold and murderous.

"Huh, don't worry about these two small fishes. Remember, our goal is King Jiuhao!" King Greed frowned, grunting dissatisfiedly, "You have also experienced the battle in the Dragon Tomb, King Jiuhao. The cultivation base has been very close to the peak of the king level. Only one step away can comprehend the **** channel.

At that time, he will press the remaining six kings and become the king of the kings. "The most important thing is that this time he won three well-preserved dragon corpses.

As long as the Dragon Lone inside is taken out, plus his previous accumulation, it can be brewed into Jiulong Jiu. Once he drank it, "maybe he could immediately cross the last step, enter the state of enlightenment, and finally comprehend the divine channel."

"By then, the balance of the Seven Kings will be broken, and the interests of you and us will be damaged. Never let him take this step! Go! This time, we will work together to defeat the Jiuhao King. He must be destroyed to condense Jiu Jiu Jiu s plan."

The greed wolf king said he was full of confidence to win.

Qianfan was in the Dragon Tomb, and the Jiuhao Wang bargained. It's because everyone's hearts are not together and they are fighting each other. Nowadays, one king-level, one Hou-level, and four monarch-level united actions "is a terrifying lineup that is enough to cross Sin Chau and is unstoppable.

The six-strength spirit burst suddenly, and j fluttered in the snow. Six figures were soaring into the sky, and the throne of the Immortal Imprint directly killed Chu Yun's side, and the little snow mound at the foot was instantly flattened to the ground.

"Well ?!" Almost at the same time, the wine king stopped, and turned to look back.

Immediately, Chu Yun, Erlang Tianjun and others also moved one after another to experience the martial arts. The Holy King made the sacred king to kill the **** seal throne at night. Ao Shijiu Zhongtian is the strongest to abandon the Shaozhou Zhou Royal Martial Universe Qiankun will kill the God of the Immortal Throne in the night to seek the magic The Da Zhou royal family arrived in this menacing, full of spiritual pressure.

Six spiritual pressures.

"Four monarchs, one Hou class" and the most terrifying king class.

They did not shy away, and showed their true strength at will. They surrounded the gods to kill the gods, and the Buddhas stopped the raging momentum of killing the Buddhas.

"Hum, actually unite" is I worry about comprehension of the Divine Channel, is it going to destroy my wine-making plan? "Jiuhao Wang snorted coldly. He has king-level aura, deep wisdom, and thoughts like electricity."

The opponent's intention was judged in an instant.

"Forming!" He roared, shot the fairy capsule, flew out several robbery monsters, formed a battle array, and included Chu Yun and others.

Faced with such a strong enemy, don't even think about fleeing, only confrontation is the wisest choice.


At the next moment, the formation space was violently broken, and also several demon robbers formed a battle array, and the Jiuhao King's formation division resisted. Along with it, there were six figures, which appeared in the crowd in a hurry.

"Jiuhao Wang, where do you want to go? Long Tomb's account, let's take a good liquidation." The greedy wolf king came out more and ynyn smiled, and his words were full of ambition.

He was tall and thin, wearing a dark green robe. A black, eagle-hook nose, thin and long eyes, flashing a fierce and greedy light.

He is one of the seven kings of Sin Chew, a master of the best. The debut time is comparable to that of Jiuhao Wang,

Become famous for a long time, deter the world, overwhelm one side.

"Huh, the greedy wolf king, you are afraid that I drink Jiulong Jiu, and understand the magical passage method and just say it.

There is a species, let's compete one by one to see if you are the king of the wolf king, or the king's mountains and rivers are better! "Jiuhao Wang is not afraid, but is diametrically opposed."

He has a strong eyebrow and a lion's nose, a tiger's back and a bear's waist, and he opens his lapel, and he feels a strong mountain of pain. The majestic spirit burst likewise, letting the robe sway without the wind and tumbling, as if the war flag was blowing in the wind.

Greedy Wolf King ynyn smiled and looked at Chu Yun's side with a playful look: "Jiuhao Wang, do you still want to treat me? To our level, with ample aura, any yn tricks can be seen at a glance. Did you gather so many people just to come and see us fighting alone? Let's go ahead and kill this group of small fish first, and then besiege the wine king! "

He is extremely fierce, and his combat experience is extremely clever. At first glance, he sees the biggest weakness of Po Jiu King and others. First deal with Chu Yun and others, let the wine king Wang Gu lose one another, and then siege him.

This tactic is steady and yn ruthless, two birds with one stone. It not only gives priority to eradicating variables, does not give Chu Yun and others a chance to pick up cheap, but also uses Chu Yun and others to let the wine king worry about it and affect his combat effectiveness.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" "Erlang Tianjun and Chu Yun killed me the elder of Jiuyou City. They were bold and forgiving, and their sins were unforgivable. Benhou had already considered it and cut you off today. Hang your head on Jiuyou Ten days and ten nights at the gate of the city, to be effective! "" Hey, hey, it's my favorite thing to torture these younger generations. "

"Princess Dunhuang stays, I want to be in the bag, and I will be the Lord of Dunhuang in the future, hehe hehe ..." A group of princes, like wolves and tigers, roared repeatedly and swooped over.

"I have some thoughts about you. The mountains and rivers are big wine tanks!" The wine king Wang snorted coldly, slapped the fairy capsule, and flew out of the famous monster soldier.

For nearly ten million years, the big robbery demon debut!

It is as big as a hill, and it is a huge round altar. The black ink sè's altar body has a huge wine word engraved on it. Just looking at the vermilion wine words, they are all thick and heavy, and the bold and unrestrained transmission of an unyielding will to the sky.


As soon as it debuted, it exploded into a magnificent imposing manner. The whole body is surrounded by the dazzling five gods, with it as the center, the waves are rolling, the mountains and the sea are generally spouting in all directions.

The rush of the five princes was suddenly blocked. Even the impermanence, all changed.

"What are you afraid of? I'm here! Meal!" The greedy wolf king roared out and called out the meal to the big wine tank of Shangshanhe years.

Meal is a dragon monster and one of the four fierce beasts in Xingzhou. It has a sheep body and claws like human hands. The head is huge and can almost be compared with the body.

It looks like a human face, but it has no eyes,

Its eyes grow under the armpit.

It has a huge mouth, and most of the mouth that covers the face is covered with sharp teeth, like tiger teeth.

It is famous for being greedy, especially delicious. It takes ten times more resources to develop a meal. If it is not fed on time, it will eat its own body. Until I swallowed all my body, only my head and head remained.

"Swallow the heavens and the earth!" The greedy wolf king yelled, this time it was to do his utmost to urge the talents of meals as soon as he came up.

Meal meal enchantment〗 〖Bo, a big mouth, a powerful suction will swallow the mountains and rivers into the abdomen. In an instant, it has a big belly, and indigestion seems to be nine months pregnant.

It came out, and the sound of Heng Hum, swallowed a large wine tank repaired similarly, it also felt uncomfortable, and no longer had the power to fight back.

All of this is born between electric light and flint. The talent and Taoism of the meal are extremely powerful. Coupled with the elaborate calculations of the greedy wolf king, the wine king is unable to stop it because of his loss of power.

"Damn it!" The wine lord Wang roared and rushed to the crown. From the fairy sac, six heads of robbery flew in a row, sweeping forward like a sea.

The six-headed monster scoured past, and under the command of Jiuhao Wang Miao to Haoding, all six enemies were circled in.

For a while, the roar was like a thunder, and the dazzling Daoist law burst into pieces of streamer and broken rain. The spiritual pressure of the two kings, the spiritual pressure of one Hou class and four monarchs, are entangled together, bringing unparalleled heavy pressure, and even the air seems to be frozen.

The battle scene was so magnificent and impressive, which made Chu Yun and others see it. Jiuhao Wang showed amazing fighting power, even with the strength of one person, fighting against the other six strong ones!

"You go and kill these miscellaneous fishes. King Jiuhao gives it to this king!" King Greedy gritted his teeth, and his face was grim. Then call out a six-million-year-old robbery monster white-eyed wolf!

The white-eyed wolf is a rare demon beast, with a white body, a pair of wolf eyes, no pupils, and everything is pure white, and the whole body is disheartened.

It looked up and howled, and suddenly changed. Facing the wine king, immediately sharing most of the pressure.

"Cack!" The impermanent figure was like a ghost, immediately grabbed the defensive gap of the wine king, laughed loudly, and rushed to Chu Yun and others.

"Chu Yun, Erlang Tianjun, you are destined to come!" He shouted wildly, his eyes red, full of mad killing intent.

Hou-level spirit pressure, rolling over, brought mountain-like heavy pressure, "All together!" Chu Yun shouted and burst out of Jun-level spirit pressure, wrapped in no rainbow monster, holding a drunk snow knife, Outrageously counterattack.

"Unrestrained!" Chang Hou Bao smiled, holding a funeral hún clock, a hand holding a lifeline hook, and a yn wind with a call sign, as if death came, and he would crush Chu Yun and four others to death with a violent offensive .

Even if Chu Yun and Erlang Tianjun can resist, the remaining two must be killed.

Uncertainty kills 1ù and shoots vicious bloodthirsty gods in his eyes. He didn't make it, it would make the other party see the blood and die, especially the Dunhuang princess!

He wanted Chu Yun to grieve and grieve, and tortured to death.

"Be careful!" King Jiuhao shouted and called out a robbery demon during his busy schedule.

"Hey, hey, die for this lord, eh?" Suddenly, the impermanent hou smiled for a while, and he felt the martial arts, the king, the holy king, the sacred king, the night kill, the **** seal, the throne, the magic, the world, the strongest, and the best. The Zhou Clan will kill the God Seal of the Throne in the night and ask the Devil Ao Ninth Heaven to abandon the youngest. The throne of the Indian throne begged to be the strongest to abandon the royal family of the young and big Zhou to Xiao Xiaoxian and Jin Bihan, and they exploded into junior spirit pressure, and together with Chu Yun and Erlang Tianjun, they rushed to kill.


Dao exploded ~ ~ The air wave rolled, the impermanent vomiting blood flew out, his eyes were rounded, the shocked **** still remained on his face.

"What's going on? How did they become monarchs?"

(Thanks to Jiao, Mo Xieming, Dingzong Li Chen, Fei Tian Man Xue, Du Yue Xin Bei Mou Mou Xin, big drift, falling 6 Long Tian 6 envoy and other students in the past few days monthly pass. Thank Fei Tian Man blood, falling 6 falling And Tian 6 envoys, the letters after the plan, Wei 6 Hui and other students are rewarding these days. There are also reminders voted by the students, I also saw it. But now I am still on the card ... "... today One more, sorry.)

(This battle is a melee, involving too many characters, to show their own characteristics, different fighting styles, and show unique monsters, it is a test for me. Because the works of pets are difficult to write Locally, the biggest point is that the battle is complicated. The protagonist alone has a lot of monsters. Every strongman naturally has monsters at the bottom of the box. I really want to write it better. I hope everyone understands one or two. )

(This battle, I have to conceive carefully, not ambiguous ..

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