The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 5 Chapter 80: : Soaring strength, the highest peak

The first time I took a bath in Yijin Dianding Ding, the effect was good. // Text tone! But when Chu Yun couldn't wait and wanted to continue the second time, he was warned by Yi Jin Xi Ding.

Although the medicated bath is effective, it requires at least six hours of physical suction. In other words ... the sky can only be soaked twice.

However, Chu Yun heard the voice beyond words: ‘If I say so’, there is still some medicine remaining in my body 〖body〗, there is no absorption, right? "

"That's exactly what happened," Yi Jin said.

Hearing such an answer, Chu Yun couldn't help but express surprise.

what does this mean?

This means that the effects of this medicine bath are not the only ones. After six hours, the medicinal power was completely absorbed, and only then was the full effect of a medicated bath.

"Calculate like this, is it not a medicinal bath, equivalent to swallowing a rare dragon eye fruit?" Chu Yun was very excited for this.

"Make two more syrups." Chu Yun ordered Yi Jin to wash his marrow. He did not forget that besides himself, there are Jin Bihan and Xiao Xiaoxian.

"I don't want to! We only signed an ally contract, you can't order me to do things." Yi Jin Xi Ding began to play.

"Very well" It seems that you really want to beg! "Chu Yun slapped the fairy capsule and was fully armed again.

Bang Bang Bang ...

After a fat beat.

"I can't make it?" Alas, my old man is so pitiful ... "Yi Fu Xieding pours his nose and tears, and succumbs to Chu Yun's yín prestige again.

The second medicinal slurry was freshly baked soon.

Chu Yun didn't give it to Jin Bihan, but called out Xiao Xiaozi first.

"Lord, the main wind ..." Xiaobaozi's image of a boy, carved in jade and carved with iron, is very bold and easy to wash his marrow, scared to hide behind Chu Yun, and the fat little hand grasped tightly Chu Yun's tuǐ feet, small body choked with mischief.

"Another robbery ?!" Yi Jin Xieding immediately widened his eyes, and immediately his face became solemn, and asked Chu Yun, "What kind of monster is this?" Not the feeling of a monster soldier, nor the breath of monster beasts and monster plants. I couldn't even see his heels. "

The three emperors and the four emperors are in different times. It is normal for Xiaobaozi to be kept hidden by the night emperor.

"Yi Jin Xi Ding Ding 'you are old. Times are changing all the time." Chu Yun did not answer him and took the opportunity to beat.

Yi Jin Xiuding Ding retracted his gaze to Xiao Baozi, and then looked at Chu Yun. He pondered, how could this young man in front of him feel an unfathomable feeling? The hole cards are endless.

Chu Yun asked Xiaobaozi to eat a dragon essence tiger fierce dragon ... After Bao Baozi closed his eyes and tasted it, he immediately gave a detailed recipe of Dan and the powerful sequelae of dragon essence tiger fierce dragon.

Longjinghumengdan is not only more expensive but also has a very low power, which is less than 10%. After the effect of the medicine, it will fall into an extremely weak state, less than one-tenth of its strength. At the same time, for every serving of a dragon, a tiger, a tiger, and a fierce dragon, it takes three years of life.

Although the sequelae are very serious, a dragon, a tiger and a fierce pill can actually promote a junior strongman to a Hou class strongman. This medicine is still very impressive.

As for how to use it in the future, it depends on the specific situation and the choice of the demon master.

Then, Chu Yun let the small buns swallow a small portion of the mycelium washing pulp. Bu Baozi soon said that the two kinds of medicinal materials of Yijin a and medulla. But when Chu Yun asked him if he could refine it ... he shook his head and said it was difficult to succeed.

"Your robber demon 'can actually push the Danfang according to the finished elixirs, which is great. But to refine Yijin's pulp-washing syrup, he must not be able to get rid of the genius. , Innate wood essence, innate water essence, can be manufactured according to the essence of the road contained in true essence. "Yijin Xianding is a little proud of authenticity.

"It turned out to be so." Chu Yunmo held his chin and pondered, "saying this" only to find these three essences, to train my robbery demon into a congenital robbery demon, it is feasible. Is not it? "

"In fact, only a sufficient amount of innate Yuanjing is needed. Innate Yuanjing is the purest innate essence. If it is mixed with a fire gas, it will be transformed into innate fire essence. When it is combined with water vapor, it will form innate Water essence. However, that being said. Nowadays, where is there congenital innate essence in Xingzhou? "

Speaking of Yi Dian Shi Dian Ding, Xue Bai raised her eyebrows triumphantly: "So, if you want to make Yi Jin Dian Shi Dish, you must rely on me, the old guy!"

"It's not necessarily. If you are split, you will get innate ingenuity?" Chu Yun didn't want to see Yi Jin Xieding so proud, deliberately looked him up and down.

He was really nervous: "Hey! What are you thinking? How is it possible! These essences have been fully integrated. If you take me apart, you will get nothing."

"It's not certain. Maybe you lied to me."

Chu Yun was so surprised that Yi Jin Xianding was shocked.

"Forget it. How much do you want, I'll refine it for you and leave. Don't look at me like this, let me feel the wind ..." Yi Jin was very discouraged, and he didn't dare to joke about his life. .

In the next three days, Chu Yun soaked in six medicinal baths. Each medicinal bath is better than swallowing a unique dragon eye. After six baths, Chu Yun's physical quality has been greatly improved.

Physical fitness has always been a shortcoming that restricts his strength. Now that he is promoted, he immediately has the capital to absorb Dongyín's aura.

Dongyín really understood Chu Yun's intention.

"You can't do this, just let me go!" He cried and wailed, begging for mercy constantly, and Chu Yun turned a deaf ear.

"You will treat me like this, you will not die well! I am a brother of impermanence, my blue locusts and blue gourds, all my brothers went to Huangquan and charged me. You killed me, my brother is absolutely It won't spare you! "In a hurry, he broke a secret and tried to threaten Chu Yun.

"Don't think that Dongyín and Master Jiuyou are brothers! This is an anecdote."

"It's nothing. The passionate king was still the head of my stealing."

"Ha ha ha, although there is nothing comparable between the two, but there is one thing in common, that is, there are too many enemies. The forces behind them dare not admit it, fearing to cause trouble."

Chu Yun and the three laughed for a while, listening to Dongyín's threat as a joke.

Dong yín finally completely desperate, let Chu Yun use his means, he was motionless, like walking dead.

His aura was drawn clean, but Chu Yun only absorbed more than one-third of it and reached the limit of his body again.

These auras are far from enough to change the allied contract that is easy to repair. Unless Chu Yun reaches the king level, there is capital.

He hatched six monster monster eggs, and got this unique monster monster. It was only about the size of a slap at birth, like brilliant crystal, shining six colorful colors alternately.

The rogue demon crystal of the rioting ape has also been completely absorbed. The cultivation practice of the innate drunk snow knife immediately skyrocketed, almost doubling to 360,000 years.

He also checked the fairy pouch of the passionate king. This first-class fairy sac is often called a paradise, with a bird fragrance inside, a spring breeze blowing in the peach forest, and a pleasant scenery. In the middle of Taolin, there is a luck demon plant. Nothing else, it is the flat peach tree.

The flat peach tree is not yet fruitful, but it is said that a flat peach can increase the life of the demon master for ten years. Chu Yun couldn't help but think of the dragon and the tiger. If he had a flat peach in his hand, he would be able to use the dragon and the tiger.

With the paradise of the paradise, the original two medium-sized capsules are dispensable. It was given to Xiao Xiaoxian and Jin Bihan by Chu Yun.

Now he only hangs two fairy sacs around his waist, which is more convenient than the ordinary five or six.

The last is the group of monsters, the Biluo locust swarm and the Bilu gourd. Chu Yun is lacking the means of group attack, so they all accept it for their own use and sign the master-servant contract.

In this way, he has added three robbery monsters to his monster lineup. Easy to wash the pith ... Biluo locust king and Biluo gourd.

His aura has also reached the peak of the junior level, only one step away, he can be promoted to Hou class strong.

However, this step is difficult.

In addition to spiritual light, one must also perceive nature, walk out of one's own way, and realize one's own reason. For example, Erlang Tianjun realized the principles of landscape and opened up his own way.

Only in this way can he be promoted to the Hou class powerhouse and release the Hou class spiritual pressure. Otherwise, even if the aura increases through the psychic snake, it will not cause qualitative changes.

Of course, Chu Yun is not alone in his soaring strength.

Xiao Xiaoxian and Jin Bihan originally had higher physical qualities than Aura, and they took a medicated bath in the past three days, once again raising their bodies to a higher level.

Chu Yun used the psychic snake to first absorb the aura of Dongyín, and then infuse these auras to them both.

They had their own foundation and were vigorously promoted by Chu Yun. They were immediately accumulated and promoted to the rank of junior.

Xiao Xiaoxian was moved with binocular eyes, and jī was speechless: "Master, from now on you will call Xiaoxian to the east, and Xiaoxian will never go to the west. If you call Xiaoxian to the Daoshan, Xiaoxian will never go down into flames. Even if you have special needs, Xiaoxian sacrifices his face, but also to meet your needs! "

"Go!" Chu Yun kicked Xiao Xiaoxian kick.

Xiao Xiaoxian's **** was faintly painful, but he felt extremely happy, his eyebrows smiled, and his psychology was sweet.

"It's hard to imagine, I actually became a junior strongman." Jin Bihan felt like a dream. After breaking through the window paper, the relationship between her and Chu Yun has heated up sharply these days, and she is also immersed in happiness.

The stark contrast to them is Dongyín.

His face was expressionless, UU reading face was gray, his eyes lost focus. The fact that Lingguang has been exhausted has made him lose hope of living.

His family, Qiujia Manxingzhou, could not survive without strength.

"You killed me. It's an honor to die in your Chu Yun's hands." In the end, he took the initiative to seek death, but he was a little manly.

Chu Yun met his request, and after another half a day, Jiuhao Wang and Erlang Tianjun finally came together. Both had minor injuries.

"There were some accidents. We now have a dragon tomb, and we had a fight with the greedy wolf king, Wu Changhou and others." The wine king laughed, obviously gaining a lot.

"It seems that you have a chance encounter with Brother Chu." Erlang Tianjun saw the unique exhibition of Wanli at the foot of Chu Yun.

"Nothing, just met Dong yín Bi Miao pardon." Chu Yun smiled faintly.

At this time, King Jiuhao also saw Chu Yun changing his bipedal gear, and couldn't help but move: "You actually eradicated Dongyín?" A.

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