The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 5 Chapter 54: : Refining the Drunk Snow Knife

In the end, Manshayuan is more than Master Yu Ya and Feiyang Fairy. She is hundreds of years old. She has rich experience and broad vision. From the drunk snow knife, she saw the abnormality. Some words even aroused everyone. Curiosity.

"There is a layer above the robbery? What is it?"

"Congenital monster," replied the master of Mansha, "the so-called congenital is born in the congenital world, which is longer than the age of the world in Xingzhou. It is above the heaven and earth avenue of Xingyuan. Everything born in Xingzhou. Are all acquired things, so they are restricted by the avenue. The most typical example is demon robbery. "

"The higher the cultivation level of the monster, the heavier the robbery will be. But once promoted to a congenital monster, it will wait if it is above the heaven and earth. It will no longer be restricted by the avenue, and there will be no monster robbery."

Speaking of this, the director of Mansha pointed at Zuixue's residual sword and said, "You look closely at this blade, lingering around insignificant plumes of black gas. This is the dark line of vitality constantly pouring into the blade and corroding the sword.

According to the truth, this is impossible. This must be a shot of a congenital monster, which is above the heavens and the earth, and the attack effect shows the truth and reason of this world, so there are still remnants to this day. "

"It turns out so." Everyone suddenly realized.

"Unexpectedly, the shadow is actually a congenital beast! Fortunately, he escaped in time." Chu Yun stunned, and in retrospect, he felt extremely fortunate.

Innate monsters are all unreasonable forces that are not restricted by heaven and earth. They are not like acquired monsters, they are restricted by monsters. In the world, you can move freely and freely.

"Forgiveness is incompetent, this drunk snow knife is destroyed by the innate monster, and to repair it, you must eliminate this innate gas. Unfortunately, Heaven and Earth Avenue can't take it. It is even more helpless for us born mortals." Man Master Sha Yuan sighed deeply and returned the drunk snow knife to Chu Yun.

"Is there really no way to eliminate this innate spirit?" Chu Yun was very reluctant and looked at the Mansha Dean with a distracted look.

Master Mansha slowly shook his head and said: "Only when the drunk snow knife is completely worn away, this innate energy will not dissipate between heaven and earth. Chu Yun Xiaoyou, you better be drunk The snow knife is abandoned, don't leave it in the fairy sac. Once the drunk snow knife completely wears off this innate gas and can't escape in the fairy sac, it will continue to harm your fairy sac. Of course, if you have a dark ìng The monster, when the will in the innate energy is completely dissipated, it is a big supplement, which can improve the quality of the monster. "

"Innate air can actually improve the quality of monsters?" Someone immediately exclaimed when he heard this.

"This is of course. Innate, is not only the highest state, but also the aptitude of the qualifications. Innate gas is the mother gas that once brewed this world. According to ancient records, once the monster becomes congenital, it will return to the original, and all Taoism will be transformed into instinct All the Taoism in the world is nothing but innate instincts, and it is slowly derived. "The chief of the Mansha Academy explained slowly.

Hearing her explanation, Master Yu Ya was inspired, and suddenly a big shot shouted, "I thought of a solution!"

"What way?" Everyone asked busy.

"Innate aura, in fact, does not need to be resolved. As the courtyard master just said, we can use this aura to remake the drunk snow knife." Master Yu Ya said so.

"This is not possible," said Master Mansha, vetoing, "It's a good idea, but this method only targets the innate gas of the unowned. Now this innate gas originates from the shadow monster, and has the will of the shadow monster. No If you drunk the drunk snow knife completely, the will will not dissipate. Therefore, this innate spirit is possessed and cannot be used. If the will is stronger, even if the drunk snow knife is worn out, there will still be. The qi of the Lord will also harm other things around. Therefore, the old body does not recommend leaving the drunken sword in the fairy capsule. "

"In this way, the drunk snow knife has only given up." Chu Yun sighed in the sky, his tone weak. Looking at the drunk snow knife in his hand, it was full of nostalgia and grief. "Alas, unless the innate gas is used to restrain the innate gas. But this kind of breath has been extinct since ancient times. Where will there be today's Xingzhou?" Sha Yuan also shook his head, expressing deep regret.

"Wait a minute!" Chu Yun's eyes were suddenly hot, "I don't have the innate spirit, can't the innate ingenuity be fine?"

"Of course it can be. The innate spirit, after condensing into substance, is innate ingenuity. Huh? Isn't there any innate ingenuity in the hands of Chu Yun Xiaoyou?" Looked at Chu Yun.

"I'm not good at refining soldiers. But I have a congenital monster! Please ask the masters for details." Chu Yun laughed and took out a jade jade with jade thread and gold pieces.

This jade jade, nothing else, is the Jinshaqi book from the Sands Palace in the Night Emperor City!

The Sands of the Sands is a means of restraint left by the Sands Palace Master who fears that Taoism will harm the world. Among them, there is a copy of the true essence of innate gold and a fine essence of innate sand. According to his plan, he wanted to rely on the mother gas of innate things, to trace the roots of various Taoisms, and finally form a top-level Taoism comparable to the Taoism.

But Chu Yun now has a full version of Taoism, where will he look for innate ingenuity to enrich this Jinshaqi book?

"Really innate and true! You Chu Yun, you are really lucky!" After checking, the owner of Mansha couldn't help but change, looking at this jade jade in shock.

"I can't think of the age of my life, I can really see the existence of innate essence!" She heartily sighed, "Little friends, with these two innate essences, you can completely kill the innate spirit of this dark line. , Recast the drunk snow knife. The old body strongly recommends that you take this gold line innate essence and re-forge the drunk snow blade. As for the sand line innate essence, it is not the earth line essence, which can give the chaotic sand monster Promoted to a congenital monster. From then on, there will be no more monsters. "

"But in this way, this wonderful book is considered half-waste. The person who refined it was not easy. It can extract the true essence, and it can continue to seal the received innate truth. This method of refining, It's worth my research. "Master Yu Ya took the Jinshaqi Book and read it for a long time without nodding.

"If that's the case, it's more trouble for the two shots to help me re-make the drunk snow knife. Please!" Chu Yun looked earnestly.

"The old body is unsatisfactory! Refining the innate demon soldiers, I believe it is the opportunity that every soldiers division dreams of." The director of Mansha immediately agreed to come down.

Master Yu Ya has no reason to refuse.

"There are us, there are us too!" Feiyang Fairy and others' voices were also lingering in Chu Yun's heart.

Of course Chu Yun wanted the fairy princesses to take action, but considering their identity, they had to refuse.

Just kidding, these are two master soldiers! In front of them, the fairy princesses are quite likely to be noticed.

"Although we can't do military training, we can observe and make suggestions on the spot!" Fairy Feiyang and others were the idea.

No way, Chu Yun had to bite the bullet and put it on his head: "The kid recently has some experience in refining soldiers and wants to participate in refining soldiers. I wonder?"

Master Yu Ya frowned: "Oh? Is Young Master also interested in refining soldiers? Innate ingenuity is a peerless refining material. Young Master can discuss it, but if you want to participate in refining, you can avoid it."

"I just want to discuss with the two masters." Chu Yun quickly said.

Regarding how to re-make Zuixuedao, Chu Yun and Master Yu Ya and Mansha Academy have been discussing for three days.

Chu Yun inevitably became the object that Yu Ya was very appalled by the owner of Mansha Academy.

Feiyang Fairy was originally a master of military training, and was comparable to Yu Ya and Man Sha. In addition to her, there are other digital fairy concubines, all of which are close to the level of the master.

Chu Yun just retells their words, but others don't know.

"The talent of Shaodao Master is really unimaginable. In addition to the lack of military training experience, you are already a master of military training." Yu Ya lamented.

"Chu Yun, you can no longer define the word genius. If I had n’t seen it with my own eyes, I could n’t believe that there would be a wizard like you in the world! The old fellow Feng Bole, it ’s his blessing to accept your disciple Points! "The director of Mansha looked up at Chu Yun.

Facing the praise from them, Chu Yun didn't know what to say.

In any case, after three days, they finally decided on their military training policy. This is the most perfect plan conceived by three military refining masters and several senior military refining divisions.

In the current Sin Chew, who can come up with this luxurious lineup to work together to refine a demon soldier? The master of military training is the pinnacle of the military training division. Just like the status of Guaxian in the world of mathematicians. Even Jiang Hanguo and other forces wanted to dig up Master Yu Ya, which was not available.

After the refining plan is set, the next step is to collect materials. These materials are rare and extremely rare. Chu Yun searched the Shu Family Treasury, Jin Bihan contributed to the Dunhuang National Treasury, and the Master Mansha even donated a lot of individuals to search for the collection.

In the end, the three of them compared the plan and fell into a new dilemma. As far as the current collection is concerned, there is still some distance from the target.

"What should I do?" Master Yu Ya spread his hands, he couldn't help himself. "He just wrote a letter to Feng Bole. The students are in trouble, so the old things must be put on the blood!" He picked up the pen on the spot and began to write.

"Even if it is funded by the director of Feng Bole, it is still much worse. Unless there is help from the power of a country. Um ..." Chu Yun thought for a moment, and finally made a determination, "It should be sold by Yu Jianjun. Time

Hearing this, Master Mansha and Master Yu Ya were both startled by Chu Yun's sturdyness.

In fact, since Erlang Tianjun appeared to rely on Yu Jianjun, the latter became a hot potato in Chu Yun's hands.

It's very wrong to keep Liyu Jianjun all the time. Both Yanwang Jianfu and Jiang Hanguo are serious provocations. Although Erlang Tianjun did not rescue Liyu Jianjun, he passed the news back to Jiang Han Guo.

In fact, the UU reading book Jiang Hanguo's messenger rushed to the Dunhuang King City long ago, with a tough attitude, and wanted to redeem it secretly by Yu Jianjun.

After all, a monarch-level strongman is the signature of every force. Once the news of the captivity spread, not only Liyu Jianjun, Jiang Hanguo will also lose his prestige and face.

It happens that Chu Yun's aura is limited by his physical qualities and cannot continue to be learned. Let's just let go, and on the condition of relying on Yu Jianjun, kill the Jiang Han Kingdom and fill up the materials.

Chu Yun thought so and did the same.

Jiang Hanguo deserves to be a veteran first-class country island with rich heritage. Chu Yun slaughtered, not only supplementing the materials for refining soldiers, but also asking for many other medicinal materials for refining elixir.

The process of refining the drunk snow knife was very smooth. After adding Jinxing's innate essence, the demon soldiers directly broke the throne of the Immortal Seal to 100,000 years of robbery, but no demon descended.

However, the accident happened.

"This is the drunk snow knife ?!" Chu Yun pinched his palm-sized drunk snow knife, very speechless. a.

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