The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 5 Chapter 34: : Dafa Dafa

Looking at the white fat buns in Xiao Xiaoxian's hands, both of them were dumbfounded.

Anyone who wanted to break his head could not imagine that he actually found a meat bun from the black coffin.

Imagine that the night emperor was magnificent in all directions, sweeping the world, sweeping the four sides, suppressing the era of oppression. He is tall and mighty! Mysterious and unpredictable, his eyes are sharp like a sword, riding on Mo Qi Phosphine, the shadow surrounds him, and he is imposing. He looks at the world, leans over the world, holds the robbery soldier in one hand, and holds the buns in one hand?

At the thought of the army, the two suddenly shivered, only to feel that the image of the night emperor's tall and mysterious collapsed in his heart. They shook their heads quickly, daring not imagine any more.

"The things that can be stored in the black coffin by the Emperor Ye must be unusual. Even the buns are also unusual buns." Xiao Xiaoxian said definitely.

Chu Yun took the meat buns cautiously, and now he is also sealed by Taoism.

"Is this meat bun actually a monster?" The thought flashed through his mind, and he immediately put the meat bun into the fairy capsule.

"Quick, keep touching, our time is running out." He then urged Xiao Xiaoxian again.

Xiao Xiaoxian reached out again, delved into it, and explored carefully.

Suddenly, his face was flushed and his breath was fast: "I touched the hair, something slippery and greasy. But it was held by Ye Di's right hand."

The fine light flashed in Chu Yun's eyes. One can imagine how valuable this is. The connecting monument is just placed at the feet, but this mysterious thing made Ye Di dead and not let go.

"Can you dial it out?" As soon as he asked this, he heard a loud noise outside the tower. With a bang, thunder and thunder blew up on the dry land, and the ground moved.

Chu Yun's face was white, and Mo Qi Phosphine was invincible and unstoppable. He had broken through a palace and caused it to fall to the ground. Tiangangdisha array has a missing corner.

As for the two monarchs, the situation is even worse. The two monarchs killed the Quartet, and the three stock herds have been defeated, paying countless lives, and extremely reluctantly dragged the two at the cost of blood.

"I'm pillory ..." Xiao Xiaoxian was sweating.

"Well ..., it's so tight!" He gritted his teeth and sighed with emotion.

This is a very difficult action, not only to use appropriate strength, but also to test the technology, and be careful not to use too much force.

"Will it work? If not, change the place!" Chu Yun could not calm down. This is a difficult trade-off.

"It's fast, it's fast. Well, the plucked hair comes out." Xiao Xiaoxian was dripping with water and his body was soaked.

"It's too tight!" He didn't care about wiping his sweat, complained, and pulled out his hand, holding a jade slip.

This is a fine jade jade with delicate jade fat, just like the skin of a beautiful woman. No wonder it feels slippery and greasy.

Chu Yun saw his heart thump, he took the jade jade, infused his consciousness, surveyed it a little, and tasted it.

"It's really the full version of Dao Dahua! It's worth it, this time it's worth it!" He has seen a lot of secret possessions, but he has never been so excited.

As soon as he collected the jade jade, he heard Xiao Xiaoxian call again: "His other hand seems to hold a scroll."

A scroll that is comparable to the Dadao Fayu jade? What kind of treasure is this?

"It's so tight!" Xiao Xiaoxian's arms were hard, his face flushed anxiously, and his body was hot.

"Don't try too hard, calm down." Chu Yun said quickly when he saw that he was looking wrong.

Xiao Xiaoxian blinked his eyes, exhaled a breath, adjusted his emotions, and worked hard again. The time for this effort will be double that of Dao Yujian. But it was finally pulled out.

"Fortunately, my technique is good, alas, I'm exhausted. I've never been so tired!" Xiao Xiaoxian grinned palely at the loot in his hand. He was under tremendous pressure in his heart, like walking a tightrope on a cliff, but there were still falcons around him, and he needed to act quickly.

This loot seems to be a scroll without a scroll. There is nothing appealing about the gray appearance. Chu Yun took a look, but couldn't help moving.

This picture is covered with dense seal Taoism, there are thousands of Dao. Among the hundreds of seals, Chu Yun has never heard of it, but he has never seen it. The deepest ten seals are connected into one body, delicate and mysterious, and even Chu Yun has no grasp to break it.

What exactly is recorded on this scroll-like thing, so that the Night Emperor can be so cautious that he has not laid down so many seals?

This is an unsolved mystery.

"Not good. The two monarch-level strongmen broke through the defense line and have entered the tower." Just then, Chu Yun was shocked and said the bad news.

The two monarchs rushed through the tower, and Chu Yun opened the way for them. Chu Yun only knew how to use the pass token to open the channel, but did not know how to close the channel.

Although there is a pass order monument today, it still needs to be familiar before it can be used. It is already a remarkable achievement to be able to mobilize the sky and earth.

"Quick, there's still six o'clock. I'll touch it again!" Xiao Xiaoxian felt that his heart was about to jump out, which was simply playing with fire. In the face of the two monarchs, they have no chance of winning.

"Damn, I was stuck and couldn't go in." Xiao Xiaoxian once again reached into the coffin, but this time nothing was touched. After all, the coffin cover only moved a third.

"There is no time, let's go!" Chu Yun urged. In his mind, the two junior strongmen climbed rapidly, and the speed was extremely fast, and they had reached the first knife level!

Xiao Xiaoxian's intentions were still unfinished, but he was extremely helpless, so he had to withdraw his hands. Chu Yun held the pass monument in one hand, grasped Xiao Xiaoxian's arm in one hand, and urged the sky crane at the same time.

The moment the two men reached the summit, they only saw two figures that had just disappeared.

"Let the two thieves run away!" Fei Yujianjun snorted coldly.

"They can manipulate the space, and their monsters are very rare." The white-bone ghost licked his lips, his eyes flickering, very unwilling. In an instant, his eyes were fixed on the black coffin. The light of greed came out indiscriminately.

"Don't act rashly. It should be a shadow monster in this coffin!" Fei Yujianjun quickly reminded. They are so wise, they have read the blood books on the wall and guessed the truth.

"Of course I know the weight. It seems that the two little thieves also returned without success. The real treasure did not get their hands." Bai Gu Guijun sighed, but the remaining light in the corner of his eyes was aimed at Fei Yujian.

Just under the pressure of Mo Qi Phosphine, the two were forced to join forces. Now Zhongbao is in the present, but it has its own ideas.

If it were not for the shadow to protect the coffin, Hei feared that the two had already fought.

Under the watchful eye of the white-bone ghost king, Fei Yujianjun's face suddenly changed, "Oops! It's calculated!"

These words are nonsense, but the junior-level strongmen are all wise and excellent people. The white-bone ghost junior immediately understands Fei Yujian's worry.

If the opponent shoots, he can control Yedicheng and obstruct Mo Qi Phosphine. Then as if ...


An angry roar blew loudly. The two men's faces suddenly turned pale, without having to look at it, they guessed that Mo Qi Phosine was released from the other party.

"Hey, hey! The leader is wise, while Mo Qi Phosphine is entangled with the two monarchs in the tower, let's enter other palaces and search for it!" Inside the Jinsha Palace, Xiao Xiaoxian stood beside Chu Yun and smiled thiefly With.

Owning the pass order monument, together with the sky crane, they can ignore any protective means and easily enter any place in the night rate city.

"Will it be too greedy? Now is the best time to go." Bai Shasha's face was pale and worried. They were just hiding in the Sands Palace and had been in close contact with Mo Qi Phosphine. The terrible power of Mo Qi Phosphine has been deeply imprinted in their hearts.

"Do you want to leave or continue to search?" Chu Yun hesitated for a while. Through the passing order monument, he knew that the two monarchs were stuck in the tower, and were already fighting the adult-shaped Mo Qi Phosphine. Both of them have hundreds of years of experience, and the background is very deep. They certainly have the cards and can still hold it in a short time.

I have a pass monument on my hand and a sky crane, and the wealth of Yedi City is almost at your fingertips. Do you want to stay and continue to take risks?

"Shut up when you see it. As long as we have the monument and the sky crane, even if the Dunhuang trachoma is closed, we can penetrate the space at any time and arrive here. Why should we be in a hurry? Digest these harvests and our strength There will be considerable growth. When I come here, I will be more confident. "In the end, Chu Yun decided to close this. He felt uneasy in his heart, and always felt a little inappropriate.

Really good **** guests should be able to let go. You must not be as greedy as Xiao Xiaoxian, and you do not know how to advance or retreat.

"Oops! Must go quickly. Fei Yujian and Mo Qi Phos have reached an agreement. They are going out of the tower, looking for us." Chu Yun suddenly dropped his voice, and the uneasy premonition in his heart became reality in a flash.

"Ah!" Everyone exclaimed, UU reading This is a terrible news. In this way, wouldn't they have to face the alliance of Mo Qi Phosphine and the two monarchs?

"The two little thieves, if you have fun, get out of this monarch!" The white-bone ghost monarch was already embarrassed and angry, and his voice was thunderous, tumbling over the night emperor city.

"The thief who stole the stele, you absolutely can't go away! Obediently come out and die!" This quite clear voice, from Mo Qi Phosphine, he turned into a human form, just like a black long and handsome young man. But the momentum is awe-inspiring and daunting.

He was out of anger, and there was such a cunning thief. Taking advantage of the chaos, he entered the top of the tower and stole the passing stone. This means that the night emperor city will be changed from now on!

"If you two take the initiative to show up, I Fei Yujian Jun may be able to plead for you and spare your life." Fei Yujian Jun's words were even sharper, pointing directly to the thinnest part of people's hearts.

These three have already gone out of the tower, soared into the sky, overlooking the entire Emperor City. It was too late for Chu Yun and others to leave.

[... Section 34: The fastest way to update the Dao text ...] a! !

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