The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 5 Chapter 23: : How to deal with Xiao Xiaoxian?

Section 23: How to deal with Xiao Xiaoxian?

The prosperity is like a dream, and everything is empty.

Now Xiao Xiaoxian has such emotions.

"I lost, I really lost to you." He murmured, and gradually his eyes regained focus. "Well, losing is losing. From today, you are the master of my thief. This is Master Ring. "

He seemed to have lost all his fighting spirit and emptied his spirits, and it seemed that he was relieved and fell under a heavy burden.

With a very complicated expression, he took out his ring and handed it to Chu Yun.

Chu Yun had long since revoked his five virtues, and at this time he was expressionless, and he took the palm ring and put it on his left thumb.

"For many years, the thief door finally got the head. Ha ha ha ..." Xiao Xiaoxian looked like weeping and smiled, looking at Chu Yun for a while, suddenly struggling with his whole body strength, endured the severe pain and fell down.

He was extremely injured, his sternum was snapped, and his arm bones were smashed, so he fell down and vigorously exercised, and his mouth was sweet.

Just opened your mouth, just a spit of blood.

"Xiao, Xiao Xiaoxian met with the master!" He spit out words hard, and the seven tricks bleed, expressing surrender to Chu Yun.

"You are very principled." Chu Yun nodded, no surprise. Xiying shouted in battle. Chu Yun is also an exquisite person who has long guessed the truth of the matter.

He felt troubled how to deal with this Xiao Xiaoxian.

He also didn't know that the real identity of Xi Xiaoxian was actually a descendant of the thief. But although his reputation is not good, but among the four big thieves, only he is clean, and has never had any real violence. It's just that his actions are so terrible.

When I see a woman, when I go to the old lady of hundreds of years old, to the little baby girl of one or two years old, I have to make fun of it. Often a sentence, or even a look, can make people have the urge to beat him.

Therefore, it is called "Western cheap", it is almost to the extreme, completely messed up.

But now it seems to Chu Yun that laughter and scolding are just his appearance. He buried his deepest emotions deep inside. This is attribution, love, and loyalty to the gods ...

This is something that can't be disguised. Chu Yun's rich experience in handling affairs, he also sighed in his heart when he saw this scene of Xibian.

From the deepest part of his heart, Chu Yun didn't want to kill this cheap man. He was loyal to the thief, otherwise he would not violate the rules of the door and **** the inheritance, he would fall ill.

He has stolen the ring of the palm of his hand, and he can stand alone. But he still ran over and played against Chu Yun. During the battle, he had a sky crane. If he wanted to escape, Chu Yun couldn't stop him. But he played until the end, until he had a victory.

Especially for him, he has excellent talents and is not weaker than Chu Yun. At just 17 years old, he has formed a mature tactical system with abundant aura and has already possessed the power of robbery.

The battle with Xiao Xiaoxian was the most difficult battle for Chu Yun. He was almost always in the disadvantageous position, and was once beaten by Xiao Xiaoxian's supernatural powers. He did his utmost to rely on Moon Rabbit, Bliss Ship, Five Virtue True Body, and Baoguang Mengchen Tips, and finally won the game.

There is no doubt that Xiao Xiaoxian is a wizard, a good talent and beautiful jade. It's a pity to kill.

But for his own use, Chu Yun has scruples.

After all, he defeated him and won the position of the leader. This matter is impossible without leaving a pimple in your heart.

People's hearts are also fickle, especially Xiao Xiaoxian is such a talented genius character, possessing pride and arrogance. Can you really submit to Chu Yun's men?

There are variables in it, everything is possible. If it is really released, will it be an enemy in the future, wouldn't it be to put the tiger back to the mountain to stay in trouble?

Moreover, the monsters in his hands, treasure hunters, sky cranes, star picking gloves, etc., are rare and powerful monsters. In this regard, Chu Yun was also quite emotional.

After pondering for a moment, the original flash of light in Chu Yun's eyes gradually calmed down. With no tone of fluctuation, he ordered: "Very well, Xiao Xiaoxian, since you recognize me as the leader. Then you should obey the order of the leader. I will let you take the initiative to abandon the contract and transfer all these monsters. Give me, are you willing? "

Xiao Xiaoxian heard his words, his body shook.

He blinked and smiled bitterly. Although I understand my loyalty to God ’s stealing, it seems that the little bully does n’t believe it.

Transferring all the monsters in his hands to him is tantamount to abandoning himself. When the time comes, he has no use value, will he still give up on himself?

Will not. He Chu Yun wanted to remove himself!

"I can't think of Xiao Xiaoxian's ambitions in the world, and it finally ended today. Yeah! These things are all accumulated by me through inheritance. According to the truth, it is indeed the thing in charge!" Xiao Xiaoxian's thought flashed, he It has become clear that Chu Yun has the heart to remove him. But he didn't explain anything, but quietly released the contract and presented all the monsters in his hands.

The first is the treasure hunter, which is the pinnacle of the superb demon beast spirit demon, and has a natural sense of treasure. More able to restrain most monsters, even drunk snow knife, Lishan longan flower branch almost planted in its hands.

Then there is the sky crane. This monster can walk away. Even the cultivation of only the peak of the big demon also shines in the battle just now, playing a decisive role. With it, you can shuttle the space, whether it is an escape or a sneak attack, you can do it without knowing it, leaving the enemy helpless.

Then there is Bafang Soutianjing, which is a pinnacle spirit demon soldier with a unique series. The demon soldiers belong to the detection category, and the Taoism is very powerful. Even Chu Yun's colorless rainbow demon already has perfect Taoist aids, among which there is even a little free aphasia, which is still illuminated by it.

Then there is the dark crossing shuttle. With it, Chu Yun's degree will skyrocket several times. After Chu Yun conquered these spirit demon, the original aura in the body was actually a ghost demon image.

Originally, he had absorbed the aura of the mad Confucian general, so the aura has also reached the rank of heroes, at least he can subdue a hundred ordinary spirit demon. However, Chu Yun's monsters are either of superior quality or unqualified qualifications, and the aura is very burdensome.

Later, he signed a contract with the fairy princesses. Although it is only an ally contract, the fairy princesses are very special. The aura in the body is the specifications of the delicate girl in the sky, and their aura can be comparable to the demon robbery of 100,000 years. So a lot of auras are used to bear them.

Up to now, Chu Yun's aura can only bear seventeen or eight ordinary spirit demon. As for the robbery, don't think about it.

Even with the Baoguang Mengchen tactics, which seals the practice of picking the glove, it cannot make its aura lighter. Baoguangmengchen's recipe also has its limitations.

Xu Shi was aware of Chu Yun ’s troubles, and Xiao Xiaoxian said suddenly: "This pair of glove for picking stars is actually my treasure of stealing the town. It is inherited from the Kaipai Patriarch. You do n’t need to worry about it, even if it becomes The unowned things will also be guarded by your side. Until one day in the future, you will be able to control him with abundant aura. "

He smiled bitterly again and again, already knowing that he would die. At the moment of dying, he was free and easy to get rid of the heart disease that had been hidden in his heart for a long time, and he felt relaxed.

"If you are the boss, you will be better than me. You are only 16 years old, you have defeated me. It is indeed deserved to be honored as the first person of this generation. Not to mention , You still have a Shu family to back up, which is much more powerful than me. The leader, really chose a good owner. "

"Ah, I look like this, I have made a contribution to the thief door? If you go to Huang Quan, and see the master, can you justify it? Unfortunately, I can't see the day that the thief door is magnificent and revives the majesty. But You also have to be careful, this time Yanwang Jianfu, Jiuyou City, Kutu Temple have descendants come to try. Their strength is not inferior to me. It is really impossible to meet them, but you can temporarily retreat ... "

Xiao Xiaoxian bitterly speaks his words, which can be regarded as a final entrustment. The language is full of decadence, relaxation, and sigh, and there is also the expectation and anxiety of stealing the door.

"Right." He suddenly remembered something. "I almost forgot. This is the treasure I stole from the Iron Mountain Prime Minister and the Tiansha Gang. There is also a pass token. It should be opened by the Tiansha Gang. The key to the Great Guardian Formation. "

He put these things up again with his hands.

Chu Yun was pleasantly surprised, and there was what he wanted in it: "Tian He Dan, Tian Bao Dan, ha ha, I couldn't think of these things, and finally returned to my hands."

"Tianbaodan?" Xiao Xiaoxian froze for a moment after hearing this, and shook his head with a wry smile, "I can't think of a bottle of Tianbaodan in my hands. I will definitely check it in detail in the next life.

If Xiao Xiaoxian used Tianbaodan, the result would be different. But facts are facts, and now everything is a foregone conclusion.

"Next life? Do you still want to be a thief?" Hehe, it's pretty beautiful. In this life, you are thinking about the next life before you finish it? "Chu Yunlang smiled.

"You're in charge ..." Xiao Xiaoxian looked amazed.

"You must think I'm going to kill you?" Chu Yun shook his head and smiled. "You think my energy is too low. Besides, it's really good to put you as a hitman. It's a pity to kill."

"The thug ... Please speak to the head, don't you be so direct with the Throne of the Seal?" Xiao Xiaoxian could only smile bitterly and lost his heart. Now that you have lost all the monsters, even if you become a thug, it will take some time to accumulate slowly.

"These monsters, you take them first. This is the lease contract, I will teach you." In Xiao Xiaoxian's surprised eyes, Chu Yun returned all the monsters from him.

"Lease contract?"

"Yes. This is a special contract. The real master of these monsters is me. You can control them and train them for me. But as long as my thoughts move, they will be out of your control and come back to my hands. Even if I suddenly give a command to fight, even if you are their former owner, they will attack blatantly and kill you. "Chu Yun was very frank. The lease contract was obtained from the inheritance of the Beast King, and it just took advantage of the current situation.

In this way, all problems were solved.

It can not only keep Xiao Xiaoxian's powerful fighting power, but also possess various monsters. And putting these monsters beside Xiao Xiaoxian can also prevent his rebellion, and at the same time, he loses a lot of his energy and allows Xiao Xiaoxian to train for him.

"You, you ..." Xiao Xiaoxian understood all this and looked at Chu Yun, unable to speak for a long time.

He was ashamed of the original, suffered a heavy blow, and lost all his fighting spirit. But now Chu Yun has given him the opportunity to rebuild his glory and start again.

Can he refuse?

He couldn't refuse, UU read www. Whether is the identity of Chu Yun's head, or his ambition to recover from his heart, or his emotions and expectations for the stealing door ...

"It's really turning the hand over the cloud and the hand over the rain. Master, you are awesome, I really see it." Xiao Xiaoxian sighed, his expression very complicated.


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