The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 5 Chapter 17: : Decapitating Demons

Section 17: Slaying the Demon

"It's you, Chu Yun! Well, well, well, you don't want to go to heaven, but you must rush to die." Shangguan Feng Ye, who was running away, was suddenly involved in the formation space.

Looking closer, it was none other than Chu Yun who hated the bone marrow.

After being shocked, he said three good characters in a row, and his face was so dull that he could drip water.

"Little Bunny, you didn't appear very well. Actually when I was in the worst mood, I will use your blood to calm down my anger for a while. Five elements battle array!"

Shangguan Feng night roared, five strange lights flew out of the fairy sac, black, white, yellow, red, green and five colors of glory, propped up another position in the gossip battle. Facing Chu Yunyao.

Immediately afterwards, he slapped the fairy sac in his hand again, and the Xuanbao shot out, turned into a dry bone crow, and rushed straight towards Chu Yun.

This dead bone dragon crow has the peak spirit demon cultivation behavior. It is as big as a hill, with white bones all over the body, with a bird-like skeleton structure, and two dragon horns on the bird skull.

It is a very rare monster, and it has certain resistance to Taoist attacks from all walks of life. Especially good at close combat, it is a famous strong attack monster.

It soared into the sky and was so fast, like lightning and thunder, it quickly entered Chu Yun's gossip space position and bullied Chu Yun. The claws roared and scolded fiercely, trying to smash Chu Yun.

"Something I can't do, my boneless dragon crow, paired with the unrivaled series of Dodo. Can't think of it? Die under your recklessness and ignorance!" Shangguan Fengye seemed to have seen this scene, eyes burst With **** eyes.

But then, his pupils shrank and saw Chu Yun's head rising above a wheel.

With a loud bang, the dry bone crow was flew out. The flywheel turns, colorful Qixia, rolling up the sky. Withered bone crow rushed up again, but the sharp bone claws of the past were resisted by Xia Guanghuacai and could not fall at all.

"Good demon soldier! So lucky to kill ... kill you, it's mine! Rothearted centipede! Impermanent bamboo! Broken heart clock!"

Shangguan Fengye looked greedily at the Five Virtue Wheels, his eyes glowing like fire. He slapped the fairy capsule and flew three monsters.

The rotten heart centipede grew up ten feet long, wrapped in a hundred feet, a mouthpiece, and spewed out endless black poisonous mist.

The impermanent bamboo, black and white, devilish sky. Like a javelin, it came from the radio.

The heartbroken bell, suspended in the air, continually quakes, making the sound of Gui Xiao howl that urges the liver to split the lungs.

These three are all spiritual demon peak cultivation practices. Divided into left, middle, and right, like three sharp knives, piercing the space of gossip, the target pointed directly at Chu Yun.

"Your spirit demon, just had a battle, and you still want to deal with me? Well, I will let you come and go! Tianhu."

Chu Yun's voice thundered, shaking the world. With one finger, Qiguang spewed out of the fairy sac and turned into a mountain-like sky fox. The nine tails were shaken together. Various Taoisms and fireworks exploded, and the rotten heart centipede engulfed at once.

He pointed another finger and summoned Lishan longan flower branch to block the impermanent bamboo. Finally, take out the hurricane bow, bend the bow and shoot the arrow, the arrow shoots like rain.

All kinds of arrows, colorful, such as storms and rain, shot the broken bowel bells, and kept receding.

This time Chu Yun used eight fairy princesses to form a gossip battle array, which liberated the main fighting power at hand. In the gossip battle array has been increased, so that his combat effectiveness has been improved by two grades.

"You are too young to look at me and let you know the real gap between you and me." Shangguan Fengye shouted, prompting the Dao in the intestinal clock.

The heartbroken bell immediately exploded with a sonic attack, and the sound was extremely sharp, like the noise of nails crossing the blackboard. However, the five virtuous wheels kept turning, and the colorful clouds fell, and according to Chu Yun, they did not move.

"You actually have a defensive Taoism against Sonic ?!" Seeing this, Shangguan Feng Ye looked slack.

Among the 31 fairy concubines, there is one Yuantong fairy who is very good at tone law. With her help, Chu Yun was naturally not afraid of sonic attacks. He laughed loudly, poured himself into the attack, and shot a pour of arrow.

Arrow rains hit the heartbroken bells, and the rain hit the plantains, crackling and weakening its defenses. Immediately afterwards, an increased meteor arrow hit its clock face, as if the meteor fell to the ground, shooting it into a demon crystal.

"My clock!" Shangguan Feng Ye eye is about to crack. If it hadn't just been fighting Xixi, how could the bell body be damaged so much?

"Congratulations, you have angered me completely! I'm going to throw you ..." He heard another scream before he finished speaking.

The rotten heart centipede was sifted by Tianhu's various ways. Then it slammed into a demon crystal. It is not a defensive monster in itself, but Tianhu is a reborn, and all kinds of Taoism are carefully matched to form a mature tactical system.

Seeing that the impermanent bamboo would also be poisoned by the opponent's demon plant, Shangguan Fengye had to sacrifice his only demon fighting power.


The bark of the dog was roaring like a giant thunder, and a huge demon dog of the same size as Tianhu appeared in front of Chu Yun.

It is a thunder dog. Among the dog monsters, it also belongs to the petite body type. After growing up to rob the demon, it is also similar to a hill, and Chu Yun is quite small and small at its feet.

The demon's breath made Chu Yun suddenly stressed. Fortunately, its body is scarred and not full.

"Chu Yun, tremble under the horror power of the robbery monster. You are really ignorant, and actually came to challenge me." Shang Guanfeng night was in the array, carrying his hands, looking down, looking at Chu Yun's eyes as if See the dead.

Yin Thunder Dogs are all covered with blue hair, and from time to time there are green lightnings, lingering on the fried fur. It has fierce eyes, fangs and sharp mouth, showing fangs, the blade is generally sharp, and the woods are generally tight.

Suddenly spit out, the thunder spewed out, the blue electric awn was like raindrops, and the majestic thunder destroyed the world. Dianmang Thunderlight interweaves into Thunderbolt Hell, pierces the gossip battle array, and envelopes Chu Yun.

"People rely on dogs. Five virtues!"


At the next moment, Wu Delun violently shot out Chongxiao's colorful color, which was fixed behind Chu Yun's head and turned into a colorful aperture, illuminating the four sides.

Xiaguang diffused like a cloud of color. The thunder and thunder were unable to land and were resisted by Caixia.

"This is ..." Shangguan Feng Ye's eyes stared round, he felt the martial arts, Qiankun, the holy king, the sacred king, the night killing the god, the throne, the begging of the god, the world, the strongest abandoned the young Zhou Dynasty, the night will kill the god, the seal Throne Devil Ao Nine Heavens Strongest Abandon Shaozhou Zhou Royal Martial Universe Qiankun Night Kill God God Seal Throne Qiu De Aoshi Nine Heavens Strongest Abandon Young Da Zhou Imperial Clan Gods Kill Night God God Throne Seek Devil Ao Nine Heavens Throne The abandonment of the imperial family of the young and big Zhou to a sky-high momentum is brewing in Caixia. It was like a sleeping lion, waking up from a dream. See the world, sweep the world, and deflect from all directions!


Yin Thunder Dog does not believe in evil, kicks his legs, and rushes into the space of gossip battle array. The dog's paws were raised high, and they were photographed as if the Caixiatai Mountain was overwhelming.

It was greeted by a white sword.

This is a knife from the sky!

The Throne of the Immortal Imprint cut the claw of the Yinlei dog, and the collision was hard. The Yinlei dog wailed with a whine, a huge wound appeared on the dog's paw, the blood was violent, and the bones were sensuous.

Chu Yun's five virtues were almost collapsed, but the five virtues spewed the demon crazy, making it stable again.

"I slaughtered your dog first, and then I slaughtered you!" Chu Yun's voice, like thunder, rolled around in the entire tactical space.

The giant of the Five Virtues burst out of the colorful cloud, holding a drunk snow giant sword and slamming it down.

The sword light skyrocketed to the ground, the sword was as long as tens of feet, and there were ghosts and spirits to surpass the power.

Yin Thunder Dog once again made a huge wailing sound, and was spotted by a fierce knife. A huge wound of two feet appeared immediately on the back. For a time, the dog hair flew and the blood shot.

Shangguan Fengye saw twitching eyes and wanted to command, but his thoughts couldn't keep up, and it was always a beat slower than the actual combat situation.

The Yin Thunder Dogs were not willing to show their weakness, barking again and again, spewing out countless Yin Thunders that merged into an electro-optical Thunder Sea, forming a vast thunderstorm wave of thunder, surging, turbulent waves, and swept toward the Five Deities.

Chu Yunyi was not afraid, and rushed into the sea of ​​thunder and light with the might of the world. He was like the legendary **** of war, a sword of war broke the mountain, the thunder all surrendered at his feet, and the electric light also disappeared.

"How could this be ?!" This situation is not in line with common sense. Shangguan Fengye roared in horror, and never saw a person so galloping in the sea of ​​thunder and lightning.


Chu Yun directly hit the Thunder Dog with the Throne of the Immortal Imprint. What he bullied was that he was good at the Lei system and not good at melee.

The dog's claws turned and shot the five virtues. Every record was vigorously sinking, and the rays of light burst, forming a splash of sky and rain.

Drunk snow knife hacked away, cut pieces of dog meat, dog blood spewed like a river. The paw of the dog that was hit the most was chopped bloody.

"Damn! Damn!" Shangguan Feng cursed nonstop, he wanted to command the battle. But in close combat, often the offensive and defensive changes are very rapid. His mental loss is too great, he often thinks more time-consuming, commanded a few times, often because the missed opportunity, but caused the Yinlei dog to be hit hard.

Chu Yun's Vietnam War became more fierce. Yin Thunder Dog was obviously after a fierce battle. Before fighting with him, he was scarred. Now there is a lack of command, and the danger has plummeted to half.

"Chu Yun, I'm going to kill you!" Shangguan Feng Ye looked very stunned and anxious. If he didn't fight Xixi, could he be rampant to this level?

He summoned a battle flag, nine feet long and fifteen inches wide, with a rolling flag and a **** sea of ​​corpses. This is the Chisha Banner, and it is the most promising monster in the hands of Shangguan Fengye.

He shook the Chisha flag, flew out of a group of Chisha mysterious light, and fell into the sea of ​​Leiguang. Chisha mysterious light immediately attached to the thunder. The original ordinary thunder, the power of the instant increased greatly, forming a red shady thunder.

The Yinlei dog got this strong help, the offensive soared, the dog barked, the waves were all directions.

Under the huge pressure, Chu Yun's five virtues were madly urged by Yin and Thunder, and they almost broke apart. The knife light also dimmed, and the drunk snow knife was blown and shivered.

He threw his bliss ship while trying to support it.

"Support Chu Yun!"

"Beheaded the old thief of Shangguan Fengye."

"Sisters work together!"

Bliss rejoices that the ship is like a flying arrow, and it shoots up to the official night. Twenty-three fairy concubines stood on the boat and played infinite ways, the light flashed, making people unable to look at it.

"This boat? This boat!" Shangguan Fengye roared in shock, his eyes bulging, almost glaring to the ground, "It's actually a ship of bliss and joy! My God, what I saw!"

"I hate this look most!"

"Damn old thief!"

"Sisters, he has recognized us. We must not let go."

The fairy princesses were covered in frost, and the eyes were astonishing. They surrounded the Shangguan Feng Ye, and various attacks hit the sky. They smashed the Shang Guan Feng Ye with blood, screaming again and again, and were in danger.

Shangguan Fengye held the Chisha flag and blocked it from the left to the right, yelling at the Thunder Dog to rescue him.

Where can Yinlei get away? Without the aid of Chisha Banner, it was firmly entangled in Chu Yun. And because the master was in desperation, Gu Yun lost one another and was chopped violently by Chu Yun, flesh and blood flew, sharp teeth were cracked, and bursts of terrible dogs howled, terribly tragic.


The dog's paws chaosed and finally shot Chu Yun fiercely, smashing Wu Dezhen's body into pieces. The cloud behind Chu Yun's head was dim and reverted to the Five Virtue Wheel.

Fei Xuan Yu Tian Dao!

Chu Yun spurted blood and flew out of the war knife.

This knife pierced the space, faster than lightning, and stronger than thunder. Inside the body of the thunder dog, pierce its heart!


The Yinlei dog opened its mouth wide and made an extremely tragic cry of tragedy, and a large stream of dog blood spewed out from the heart, like a **** waterfall. It attacked violently to the limit in an instant, but it was chaotic. This was just the madness before death.

"Yin Thunder Dog!" Shangguan Fengye watched this scene, his face suddenly pale, with a roar that he couldn't believe.

"It's your turn!" Chu Yun beheaded the demon Yinyin dog, and his momentum was soaring. He recalled the drunk snow knife, waved his hand, and the spirit demon rushed.

The five-element battle line only insisted on half a breath, and then completely collapsed.

"You don't want to kill me!" Shangguan Fengye was exhausted, throwing all the fairy sacs around his waist.

The fairy capsule exploded, exploding a gap in space, and blinked.

"You can't escape." Chu Yun was about to come over, but the Yinlei dog returned to the light and spit out the last thunderbolt light flow, which blocked it.

Shangguan Fengye took the opportunity to escape.

"It's faithful." Chu Yun snorted coldly, put away the gossip battle array, and continued to kill.

Shangguan Fengye now arrived at the Bliss Ship, must be killed!

The two tore one after the other, tearing the air and blowing out sound bursts, both of which were incredibly fast.

"Chu Yun, if I can escape from birth this time, I will definitely tell you not to die!" Shangguan Feng Ye's face was distorted, and he was ruthless in his heart.

"Shangguan Fengye, you will definitely die today." Chu Yun's eyes were as sharp as a sword, no matter **** Shangguan Fengye.

The two chased and fled, breaking the sky. Along the way, all the forces in the ancient city were staring.

"Me, UU reading I am not mistaken? That's Shangguan Fengye Lord!"

"Master Shangfeng Feng Ye was actually chased and killed ?!"

Everyone who saw this scene was shocked and unbelievable. The news spread quickly and shocked everyone's heartstrings.


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[... Section 17: The fastest update of the Slaying Demon Text ...] a! !

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