The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 78: : The decisive battle!

Section 78: The Great Decisive Battle!

January 18, 755

The Shui family is headed by generals of Confucianism, Zhen Youcai as a military division, 80,000 troops, more than 1,000 warships, a mighty military force, hundreds of nautical miles, and active attacks.

The two coalitions, Tie and Shu, with more than 40,000 military forces and more than 500 warships, were forced to face the battle head-on.

In the early morning, the morning glow rises, and the rising sun rises. On the rolling sea, the gold shimmered. The two armies spread out and faced each other.

"Today's battle will be the battle that decides the ownership of the Star Islands. It must be won!" Chu Yun stood on the ship's building and looked away with dignity, but he saw the dense enemy in the field of vision, like a wolf. .

Look at your own Chinese army, where the Shu family banner hunts in the wind. Shu Tianhao stood tall and stood upright, like a **** of war, giving the soldiers around him unlimited courage.

The coalition forces are divided into left, center, and right forces. The left army was led by Tie Ao; the Chinese army was led by Shu Tianhao, Yan Que and Huaying; the right army was led by Chu Yun.

"Unfortunately, if there were three more days, the eighth Temple of Heaven could be completed." Chu Yun frowned slightly, but it was a pity.

The seven heads on the free mountain, plus the angry king, a total of eight heads of demon, is the biggest card of Chu Yun's battle. But the robbery cannot easily be dispatched, the higher the cultivation base is, the more so.

Once it is sensed by heaven and earth, it will be the biggest culprit if it comes down to heaven. Even before the enemy was killed, he died.

It's the epoch-making general pen of the mad Confucian general, but it is only one hundred thousand years of robbing demon cultivation behavior.

Chu Yun's eight-headed robbery are all the kind of goods that will be struck by thunder once they shoot. The only way is to form a gossip battle array and play in the array space, which will have a lot of freedom. It can hide the evil spirit and make the Avenue of Heaven and Earth difficult to sense.

Master Yu Ya, together with Feiyang Fairy and others, worked around the clock, and now only seven temples have been built. If there is no eight-headed robbery to form a gossip battle array, Chu Yun's hole card can only be regarded as a deterrent, and it can't be played at all.

Once the fight is over, the Sky Tribulation will come down, and it will be okay to cross over. I can't pass it, but I've suffered heavy losses, and I show others jokes.

Of course, he also tried to use Xinghai Dragon Palace fairy bag to store. However, the Xinghai Dragon Palace Immortal Sac, although mastering the small free aphasia technique, but Xiu Wei was once shot down by the Chu Overlord and could not load the demon. Once forcibly loaded, it will only be exploded.

In other words, in this battle today, Chu Yun must completely rely on his own strength.

"I waited a long time on this day! The Shu family and the Tie family will surely perish today! Fate-the vanguard advances, and the left and right wings cooperate with the march." General Kuangru was full of confidence in this battle, and he ordered, Suddenly the army drums beat up, and the bugle sounds long.

Woo ...

The long and loud horn sounded the prelude to this decisive battle.

Chu Yun immediately saw that there were more than 100 vanguard squadrons in the Shuijia army, all of which were iron armored clippers. At the same time, the enemy's left and right sides, the huge scale of tens of thousands of people, also slowly started to cooperate with the vanguard fleet.

The strong wind swelled, the drums sounded sharply, and a powerful army was overwhelming, pressing against the side.

It was Chu Yun ’s determination, feeling the martial King Qiankun ’s holy king made the sacred king to kill the God Seal of the Throne at night and begging for the Ao Ninth Heaven ’s best. The Zhou Clan martial Qiankun will kill the God Immortal throne in the night to seek the Demon Ao Nineth Heaven's strongest to abandon the young Da Zhou Clan's god-making the night kill God the Immortal Throne begging the Ao Nine Chongtian the strongest to abandon the young Zhou Clan to this atmosphere Pupils shrank uncontrollably.

Although he has an eight-headed spirit demon, he did not dare to challenge him with such a lineup. He has calculated it himself, and has also tested it in practice. With his current strength and relying on guerrilla tactics to clean up an army of 3,000 men, he can still do it.

However, in the face of such a 10,000-level battle, his personal combat power seems insignificant. Sometimes when the quantity goes up, the quantitative change will inevitably cause the qualitative change.

This kind of army attack, even if it is only the demon's combat power, everyone uses the inferior Taoist method, but it is overwhelmingly overwhelming, and the ant sea kills the elephant, and the spirit demon cannot stop it. Only robbery can cross.

But the demon robbing should also be afraid of the induction of the world. If it is shot with all its strength, once the combat power is lost too much, the sky robbing will come down and cause a death. Therefore, there are very few demon masters who rob the demon's combat power and fight alone.

At the moment when the Shuijia took the initiative to charge, the coalition responded. The Chinese army divided a fleet, led by the big head of Wu, sailed all the way, split the wind and waves, and slammed into the enemy vanguard fleet.

Kill it!

The two sides collided together in the central waters and had a fierce contact battle.

"My big head of Wu is here, to stop me from dying!" Take the lead of the big head of Wu Da, holding a rifle of rifled dragons, and he is in a state of verticality. Under the transformation of Huanran Zaohua Pill, he is now wearing a black ink spirit demon battle armor and holding a spirit demon war gun.

He went down the mountain like a black tiger, unstoppable. The iron gun round was swept round, a large group of soldiers of the water family were swept, all cracked skin and blood spattered. Some were even more unfortunate. They were swept by the sharp points of the guns, and their limbs flew immediately, with a screaming sound.

"Hugh is going to be rampant, let me kill you with mirrors!" The enemy's vanguard generals are also very powerful. He bears his back and bears a double sword, fighting with Wu Datou.

The two knives turned and flew, the iron spear was like a jiao, and the two sides were entangled together. The shadow of the sword spreads, the wind and thunder rolls, and no one dares to come up and intervene. A battleship has become a stage where the two generals will fight alone, and it has become a place where the sight of hundreds of thousands of soldiers on both sides is concentrated.

"This big head of Wu was originally just an unknown soldier. As a result, he was cultivated by the Shu family, and he could actually stop General Luo Jing!" General Kuangru's face sank.

"According to the information I have obtained, I have calculated that Chu Yun is probably in the endless forest, and he has obtained the remedy of Huanhuahuadan. He used this remedy to refine a large number of elixirs all at once, leading General Shu The fighting power has skyrocketed. This was also the main reason why our secret cabinet assassination failed. "Zhen Youcai stood aside and slowly responded.

"This is how a person can get a chicken and a dog to heaven. Chu Yun, a little rabbit, really has some skill. The Shu family can be so strong. Eight of the credits belong to him! Today I will cut off his head with my own hands. "As a result, General Kuangru shot the fairy capsule and summoned a military flag."

This triangular military flag has a blue flag with layers of mountains painted on it, and there are countless cities in the mountains. In the city, the soldiers are strong and strong, the military capacity is prosperous, and the banners are standing. This is the famous Renshi Nanye Banner, and Huang Xiao's Wangshi Zhongyuan Banner are the second of the five major military flags in Xingzhou.

"Let you see, what is the art of war!" The Confucian General's flag was on his hand, and his face appeared confident and proud.

He gently waved Renshi Nanye Banner with a clatter, and the wind gusted up, flying like clouds.

Waving another military flag, the blue mango covered the ground, and fell on the Shuijia army at once.

Waving the military flag again, there was no need to pass orders at all. It seemed that the Shuijia suddenly became the most sophisticated war instruments in the world. No communication is needed between the generals, and the orders of the mad generals are passed to each of them.

Ula ...

The sound of the bugle sounded one after another, and the three fleets rushed out of the formation and rushed to the Shu Tie Allied Forces.

"A decent opponent has finally arrived. Niang, you are watching in the sky, your son will never live up to your expectations." Huang Xiao withdrew his gaze looking up at the sky, and at this moment his whole body was boiling with blood, struggling against the sky.

"This battle is the battle of fame that Huang Xiaoming moved to Sing Chau! General Madman, come on, I have no fear of you. Wang Shizhongyuan Banner!"

He evoked the battle flag and waved it three times in a row.

The majestic Huangmang spewed out of the battle flag and quickly spread to Shu and the Iron Alliance. In an instant, the entire battlefield became a confrontation between blue and yellow!

"Shihuo Jingbing!" Huang Xiao whispered, Qi Feng pointed to the left front.

Boom ...

Almost at the same time, the stone fire soldiers from the Yan family urged nearly a thousand volcano turtles to work together. Numerous lava shots from afar, drawn a long flame arc in the air, and finally smashed down.

"Damn it!" The enemy generals shouted, looking at the fire rain falling from the sky, helpless!

The overwhelming lava fell and the fleet immediately fell into chaos. Numerous lava, some broke the mast, some ignited the sail, some hit a big hole in the deck, some were inserted into the ship's side, and fell into the sea, causing turbulent waves, and then the water vapor filled.

"Wow ..." the general yelled, riding the spirit wind leopard's cold wind leopard, flying high into the sky, doing his best to resist the endless lava.

"Archery!" Huang Xiao sneered and the battle flag waved.

Brush brush!

Countless flying arrows screamed out densely, covering the sky and sun, and the military general resisted for a moment and fell down.

It fell on the deck, whether it was his body or the monster under the crotch, his body was full of arrows, and he couldn't die anymore.

There are too many flying arrows, tens of thousands, and the attacks of several elite squares, even the generals with the spirit demon's combat power, can't resist.

This is the power of human tactics. In this kind of sea battle of more than 100,000 people, it is no longer the previous trifling, even Chu Yun dared not fly into the sky. He doesn't have a powerful defensive monster, even if he does, tens of thousands of flying arrows can't be blocked.

"Carved insect skill!" The mad Confucian general sneered three times and also waved the benevolent teacher Nanye Banner.

Swish swish!

The dense sea of ​​arrows ~ ~ flew out, making the whole world dark. Countless arrows, no lack of powerful attacks from the demon series, poured down like a storm.

Suddenly, the men on the coalition ship turned their horses upside down and shot a large area. Blood flew, howling and screaming were endless.

Various long-range attacks are interwoven into a dense firepower network in the sky. It took less than a moment to fight, and the sea was already red.

Under the firepower net, one of the three fleets from the Shui Family assaulted was destroyed on the way, while the other two were rushed to the coalition by the cover of firepower.

"You can't let them destroy our formation. General Yan Jisi and General Wang Zelong!" Huang Xiao's eyes flashed intimidatingly, he did not speak, but conveyed his heart with the help of Wang Shizhongyuan Banner.

"Finally, Wang Zelong should play."

"Let the world see the immortal bravery of my Yan Family!"

Both brave generals roared, and each led a fleet out of the way, hitting the enemy head-on. ! ~!

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