The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 64: : The second god

Huode City is not an ordinary city, it is also a demon soldier. The special thing is that it is composed of various buildings assembled together.

Different buildings have different qualifications according to different needs. If they grow up with time, they are all kinds of small demon soldiers, big demon soldiers, and even spirit demon soldiers.

Therefore, as a demon soldier, Huo Decheng's cultivation is not easy to estimate.

Tie Ao is right. It can be described as a phrase, pointing out the biggest weakness of Huode City. That is the deficiency of cultivation.

It is still a new city, and the repair of buildings such as gate towers, arrow towers, watchtowers, and so on, are only stages of young demon. It's also very difficult for the demon soldiers of this kind of architecture to be refreshed. It takes a lot of energy to breathe and accumulates every day.

For example, the main city of the mountain family has accumulated tens of thousands of years, and after several transformations, it has become the first male city recognized by the Zhuxing Islands. People refer to this city, sometimes referred to as the city of never falling, meaning the city that never falls. .

Even if the scope is expanded to Xingzhou, the main city of Shanjia is quite famous. Ranked in the Xingzhou Xiongcheng, within the first-class.

Compared with the main city of Shanjia, Huode City is far from being cultivated, as if it is a baby compared to an adult. But the qualification of this baby is far better than that of an adult.

As long as there is enough time, Huode City is likely to cross the main city of the mountain. But now, the most lacking is exhibition time.

Although Huode City was completed, none of the Temple of Heaven was built. Master Yu Ya has been non-stop to the Yaoshan Kingdom. In the endless forest, he will secretly build a giant gemstone door to attract the seven demon robbers.

For the Shu family, the longer the time, the better. For the Tiejia, naturally they also hope to be able to unite and save themselves.

Along the main road, a group of four entered the inner city. In the inner city, there is also a delicate layout. The pavilions, pavilions and pavilions are all in one, and the middle of the gorgeous is simple.

"This is my young master's house, all come in." Chu Yun introduced the four to his young master's house.

Unlike his original residence, this is a completely independent courtyard. A triple pavilion is the main building with magnificent structure. After that, there were five partial halls, such as the arch of the stars, surrounding the main hall. In addition, the cloister garden is embellished. With the help of Enron's mountain, the garden rockery created is even more prominent. When you look at it, you know that there are heroic characters living in it.

Due to the fact that they have not officially moved in yet, there are only a few servants in the young master's house.

In the main hall, Chu Yun took the seat, Tie Ao and others took the guest seat. Just sat down. Some people served exquisite refreshments.

These refreshments are exquisite and pleasant, the aroma is pungent, and it makes people have an appetite. But Tie Ao and others were heavy in their hearts and didn't move after a glance.

"The alliance is handled by me at my sole discretion. Tie Ao, the bright people don't tell secret words, and want my Shu's support, they have to pay a certain price." Chu Yun looked around, smiled slightly, and drank leisurely A bite of tea, straight to the local road.

Support is certain, but it cannot be free.

For this point, Tie Ao has already prepared in his heart. He laughed loudly and then said: "When it comes to this, I naturally did not come empty-handed. Please look at this weapon."

He shot a fairy bag in his waist, and suddenly shot a mysterious light, which fell into the hall and turned into a bed crossbow.

This crossbow is large in shape and delicate in structure. At first glance, it seems to be an enlarged bow and crossbow, but when you take a closer look, there are subtle differences, and there are many differences. The group of crossbows stretched out, and they were four feet wide. The twisted rope of the bed crossbow is translucent, thick like a clenched fist. At a glance, you know that it is a genuine war weapon.

Chu Yun is not good at training soldiers, but he does not hinder his vision. Seeing this bed crossbow, his eyes flashed suddenly, saying: "Is this the sky-crossing crossbow? The Shuijiajun used this weapon to see the ship destroy the ship, encounter the city and destroy the city, a large part of the intelligence, It's about this weapon. "

There was a painful light flashing in Tie Ao's eyes, and he said with a deep voice: "Yes. This is the sky-shattering crossbow, a very domineering name, and also quite domineering power. My iron family's thirteen cities, nearly a hundred warships , Just fainted under this weapon. "

"This bed crossbow, combined with a secret bow and arrow, is equivalent to a six-thousand-year-old spirit demon's full blow. The Shuijia Army has fifty full-fledged crossbows. I also spent nine The power of Niu Erhu, this is the one that has been painstakingly snatched over. The Shu family has Yu Ya, a master of military training. This bed crossbow is given to the master, and he can also refer to one or two. It is best to imitate it. Even if imitated Not coming out, designing a targeted defensive demon soldier is not bad. "

"Fifty sky-crossing archery crossbows? One piece snatched by you, and there are forty-nine. The forty-nine archery crossbow attacks together, even I can't resist it. The power is indeed quite overbearing, good I will take this bed crossbow first. "Chu Yun nodded and nodded his head, and put this broken bed crossbow into the fairy capsule.

Tie Ao went on to say: "The strength of the Shuijia army is not just the sky-shattering crossbow. Among the Shuijia army, there is a flying sword elite soldier with more than 600 people. The maneuverability is extremely strong, and the amphibious warfare in the sea and air, The attacking power is terrifying. There is also an ice frog soldier with a larger number of more than two thousand people. They have a frost three-legged frog and more than two thousand frost three-legged frogs. It makes June fly frost, the sea surface freezes into frost, which is extremely powerful. It can be said that among the dry islands. There is no single soldier, it will be their opponent. "

"Flying sword soldiers, ice frog soldiers ... I have heard of these, and you are right. These soldiers are carefully cultivated by Jiang Han Guo, and the resources invested are several times that of any soldiers in the Zhuxing Islands. Ten times, it should be able to have this power. "Chu Yun said.

"These elite soldiers and crossbows are actually not terrible. What is terrible is that there are generals in the Shuijia army. Generals of Confucianism do not need to say more, you and I know that he has the Master Nanye Banner in hand, this is It is one of the five major military flags in Sin Chew, and can command thousands of troops and be as good as a commander. I even guessed that he already possessed the power of robbery and could be on the roster. "

"In addition, there is Yan Dongliu, this person is known as the field swordsman, ranking first in the ranks of the soldiers. He is the leader of the flying swords elite soldiers, and he has a trick of sword waterfall Dao, which can use the skill of six hundred elite soldiers. The attacks are combined in one place, forming a terrifying blow. Someone once commented that this trick of waterfall and waterfall has the power to rob monsters. This statement is not exaggerated. Our side is a partial army and 16 warships. This has no ability to resist the next bit. It disintegrated in an instant, the battleship shattered, and no one survived. "

Chu Yun frowned, this Yan Dongliu has now been sent to Yang Wanquan to sit in the town, threatening the Shujia waters.

"Besides Yan Dongliu, the Shui family also has a military division. His identity is secret and hidden behind the scenes. Even if we are, we have only recently captured his true identity from the clues. His name is Zhen Youcai. A well-known mathematician, he has a high algorithm, and he has unpredictable power. Our military operations can be counted by him even if they are secret. So the combat has always been very passive. "

The mad Confucian general is the handsome coach, Zhen Youcai is the mathematician, and Yan Dongliu is the general. This lineup is indeed a powerful and terrible one, passing either the Iron Family or the Shu Family.

The Shui family had a weapon such as a broken crossbow, as well as elite soldiers such as flying swords and ice frogs, as well as generals such as mad Confucian generals. Combined with the current military and financial power of the Shuijia, it is indeed a terrible opponent.

It has been extremely difficult for the Tiejia to resist until now.

"But all of the above are not all. Nowadays, the Shuijia, there are ancient monstrous monsters of the three tribes, there is also the Confucian general Renshi Nanye Banner, the four monsters unite, and the luck is continuous. "Harmony, how important luck is, you should be very clear about Chu Yun." "Tie Ao said that he couldn't help but speak heavily. Since fighting with the Shui family, he has suffered many times in terms of luck.

Many wars, whether it is naval battles or 6 battles, whether they are attack battles or defensive battles, have collapsed due to some luck factors, and the final battle has been defeated.

"Oh, oh, you are a Tie Ao, take the question. Just, the enemy is currently, I will not open the lion. Just ask you for an island." Chu Yun said with a smile.

The three entourage cronies were shocked when they heard this. Want an island, this is not a lion owe?

"Would you want me to be the main island of the iron family?" Tie Ao chuckled.

"Naturally not. It is Riyao Island. It is located on the edge of the sea of ​​snake algae and is a small town-level island." Chu Yundao said.

When Chu Yun said the name of the island, Tie Ao knew what was going on.

"Ruiluo Island?" He frowned, knowing why the Shu family wanted this island. In the sea area of ​​Shujia Island, there is a sea of ​​snake algae, which is a dead enemy. There are heads of snake algae with spirit demon levels, and there are thousands of big demon and tens of thousands of little demon. No one knows whether the inside is inhabited by the demon snake algae.

At the same time that this sea area became the umbrella of the Shu family, it also blocked their pace of outward expansion. Therefore, the geographical location of the Riveter Island is very important.

If the Shu family had this island, they could build a military town base based on it, which was equivalent to having a pedal for expansion.

But for the iron family, this rivet island is equivalent to a chicken rib. Its geographical location is too remote, lack of resources and sparse population.

The most important thing is that at this moment, the Shuijia army is under pressure. In order to show the sincerity of his alliance, what can he do other than give up the journey?

Anyway, at this time, Chu Yun said again: "Don't rush to promise, I want a complete Riluo Island, its population, and its garrison, I hope you can pass it on to me."

Garrison on Rivet Island?

Tie Ao thought for a while. UU reads The garrison with only 800 people on the island is old, weak and sick. The generals on the island are very famous.

He is a teenager, timid and cowardly, and often laughed at in the Tiejia army. Because there is a rabbit demon in his hand, he is also called "General Rabbit".

Tie Ao is now the owner of Tiejia Island, of course, he will not treat his subordinates with personal feelings. In his opinion, this rabbit general is also talented.

At least in escorting food military supplies, is a good player. He was too timid and afraid of things. When there was wind and grass, he could be alert, and then ...

Run immediately.

After thinking so much, it is actually just an instant matter.

"Okay, I agreed." Tie Ao said without hesitation.

"Hahaha, the second **** is coming." Chu Yun looked pale, but secretly he was ecstatic.

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