The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 58: : 8 great spirit demon

Boom ...

The two swords fought each time, and each time there was a thunderous explosion and a fierce battle scene, which was very magnificent. : \\ In this chapter, chastity hand hitting m \\ Huaying looked stunned, as if he had returned to the era of flood. In that era, heaven and earth had just formed, and all kinds of beasts and giants are all legends today.

Xingde's real body really restrains Huode's real body, Chu Yun's Huode's real body, up to two feet tall, is even more powerful than Xingde's real body. The fire was filled, and the heat wave emptied. However, Xing De was really swift and fast, Xing Hui was sharp, and she was suppressed.

However, Chu Yun's knife technique is more than twice as powerful as the opponent.

The opponent's disillusioned machete-each knife can turn into countless sword shadows, and the knife is majestic. The snake-eye round shield is offensive and defensive, and a snake eye in the center of the round shield blinks from time to time, shooting a gray light. Once hit, it can greatly delay the action.

Knife shields are extremely difficult to match. However, Chu Yun's swordsmanship has already broken away from her husband's realm, and is only one step away from "being enchanted".

Huo Dezhen's real body is not as good as Xingde's real body, but with the combination of sword and shield, he is not as good as Zuixue. The two advantages offset each other and form a deadlock.

The battle was very fierce, and every time the black assassin attacked-there was no going back and forth, and the viciousness and viciousness of bringing it all together. Chu Yun faced straight, the shadow of the knife turned into a dream, the sword was magnificent and the sword was magnificent.

In the end, he struggled for a long time, and at the cost of minor injuries, the other party was seriously injured and had to retreat.

Tianxuan is back, Tianji is now!

"Hehehe, Chu Yun you lost. In the space of the Seven Stars lore array, our Daoist effect will be doubled." The third flew down, this is a black woman, her body is four convex , But his eyes are as poisonous as a snake.

She smiled yell, a long snake wrapped around her wrist and ankle, all of them are spirit demon series.

During the speech, she flicked her left hand, throwing out the long snake on her wrist. This long snake swelled in the air, showing its original shape, and it was a king of serrated gnats.

It is more than ten feet long-thick like a wine tank. The snake scales are like blue and white flowers, and on both sides of the snake body are rows of grisly and terrible bones.

Chu Yun retreated slightly, and the saw-toothed Sen Wang entangled his right arm. The snake's body is entwined, ignoring the flame on the surface of Huo De's true body. Another waterway method was urged, and with a sudden effort, Huo Dezhen shattered it.

"Shui De's true body!" Chu Yun immediately changed a trick, no longer afraid of the entanglement of the saw-toothed Sen Wang. The surface of the Giant Waterwalk is turbulent, the inner current is surging, and the serrated forest Wang Wang roars repeatedly, but feels very sullen. The surface of the water giant is "smoother" than its snake scales, and no effort is made. Bone jagged, piercing the surface of the water giant-but can't break the water vapor.

"Humph! Always jump before you die." The female killer sneered contemptuously, one finger in her left hand, the snake demon on her arm, with a loud bang, ejected.

This is an ice crystal snake, which has turned into its original shape, and it is no less than the sawtooth forest. The snake's head was high, spitting frost, freezing Shui Dezhen's body.

Chu Yun urged the knife madly, the knife exploded, such as the Silver Light Waterfall, and the ice crystal snake. Ice Crystal Snake, however, has extremely powerful defensive Taoism, cultivated very well, hard against knife gas, frost spitting endlessly, is restraining Shui Dezhen body-so Chu Yun had to dodge around.

"Hugh is rampant!" Huaying shouted at this, raised the Hundred Flowers Bow, and remembered that the arrows shot, like a meteor rushing to the moon, killing the female killer.

With a killer's foot, the demon snake on his right foot suddenly spread and covered her whole body, forming a wicker.

It turned out that at first glance it seemed to be a demon snake, but in fact it was a demon planted snake.

The female killer dodges in the arrow rain, and a few arrows shoot at the vine, immediately sliding away, even if it explodes, it is difficult to have an effect. This is not Huaying's spirit demon bow-snake algae that is invincible.

It is the increase in the seven-star lore array that is really terrifying.

"Green Tooth Snake!" The female killer couldn't fight for a long time, flicked her leg, and threw out the fourth spirit demon. The green tooth snake grows into a spirit demon and has a huge body. A piece of snake mouth, two huge snake teeth, like a miserable green blade, are inserted on the upper wall of the snake mouth.


It sizzled, it was a green poisonous fog, which was suddenly changed by the star's glow, forming a dark green poisonous arrow, and flew.

Arrows cut through the space, silent. At the tail of the arrow, the berry gas permeated, and it was smelly.

Huaying flew a dive and was poisoning the arrow. The poison arrow exploded, and then formed again, then shot again.

"Damn, this is actually a continuous Taoism. Unless the green tooth snake's state of play is interrupted, the poison arrow will never dissipate, which is particularly troublesome." Huaying sinked in her heart and raised her bow to shoot green tooth snake- The decadent female killer stands proudly with a snake head, and the whole body is filled with snake algae, covering the green tooth snake, forming a large solid wicker.

To make matters worse, the poison arrow suddenly split into two and shot at Chu Yun and Huaying respectively.

"It's really tricky!" Huaying drew an arrow while dodge the dark green raspberry arrow, embarrassed.

On the other side, Chu Yun was alone, entangled by the serrated king, the ice crystal snake, and the dark green poisonous arrow.

"Lishan Longyan Flower Branch!" Chu Yun was once again calling out the spirit demon from the fairy sac.


The Lishan longan flower branch turned into the original shape in the air, the branches were lush, and the dense dragon eye fruit flickered the dragon eyes repeatedly, shooting hundreds of thousands of rays. Among them, Ice Soul God Light, Thick Earth Mysterious Light, and Clutch God Light are the strongest and strongest.

The female killer resisted for half a quarter of an hour, and finally couldn't resist. The monsters who had to recall the battle had to fly up.

She is just the celestial position in the seven-star lore array. The seven-star lore array has seven positions, and there is a dark pavilion killer in each position. Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Tianheng, Kaiyang, Yaoguang, each of the seven positions has a powerful killer.

Among them, the killer leader of the Tianshu position has the strongest combat power and has five spirit demon. Tianxuan is a killer. Although he only has three heads, Xingde is very powerful. Tianji, a female killer, three monster snakes, and one snake algae, are even more difficult.

Heavenly power killer, has two spirit demon. Be good at stealth attacks. In particular, I like to talk about things and use the dead corners of my thinking to make Huaying almost dead several times. If it were not for the timely rescue of Chu Yun, I was afraid that Huaying would have died long ago.

The horizontal killer has a doppelganger, it is really hard to identify. The Kaiyang bit killer is good at healing, and has two spirit demon-the protracted battle consumes Chu Yun and Huaying in the hands of demon reading books * the demon element that comes from the thing, making people helpless. Shake light killer, good at all kinds of hidden weapons, tricky and poisonous, almost imaginative

This is an unprecedented hard battle.

In the space of the seven-star lore array, avoiding is inevitable, and escape cannot escape. Fighting is fighting power is also the mind, the bottom is the perseverance.

"This seven-star lore array is really terrifying. The seven killers in the dark cabinet are tricky to face alone. Not to mention the fact that the seven are all together. The most important thing is that in this seven-star lore array, they unite. In one body, the Daoist attacks can be combined at will, which is almost invulnerable. If such attacks are not Chu Yun, I ca n’t even hold a round! "

Now after three rounds, Huaying has been bathed in blood, embarrassed, feeling a deep sense of powerlessness, and the fighting spirit in her heart is also weakened.

"Yes, yes, you can withstand three rounds offensive. You resisted very well and will kill you later, there will be greater pleasure."

"Dare to rebel against our dark pavilion! You will not die so soon, I swear! Before death, I will peel off your skin-cut off your flesh, let you feel the martial arts The sacred king will kill the gods and seals the throne in the night Moao Shijiuzhong's strongest abandoning Shaozhou Zhou's royal gods to make the night kill God God Seal Throne begging Moao Shijiu Chongtian's strongest abandoning Shaozhou's royal family to what is called life is better than death! "

"There are eight-tailed sky fox and Lishan longan flower branch, even the drunk snow knife is a gem! The monsters you own are really good. These will be kept for you after your death."

Some of the killers laughed arrogantly, some murmured to others, and some laughed rashly. They seem to treat Chu Yun and Huaying as little white mice, playing slowly.

"Have you laughed enough? You said nothing to me. It was really noisy." Chu Yun looked calmly. "Three rounds have passed, I have already known your combat capabilities, and I have roughly modeled this formation. Dark cabinet You should be a small unit in the dark cabinet. There are three big teams in the dark cabinet, and each small group has three small teams. That is to say, there are only nine small teams in the dark cabinet. There will be only eight teams left. "

"Hahaha! Did I hear it? What more nonsense did this kid say?"

"It seems that we have been attacked in turns-stupid."

"Xiao Ba Wang, you die when you die. Do you think we are afraid of bluffing? You have less dreams!"

The killers burst out laughing and sneered at Chu Yun.

"Really?" Chu Yun sneered and reached out to pat the fairy pouch around his waist. Suddenly a mysterious light emerged and turned into a thin man with a green robe in the ring. As soon as he appeared, he used various healing methods to heal his own monster.

The laughter of the killers stagnate, but then returned to normal.

"I didn't expect you to hide the strength, the six-headed spirit demon, yes, I have to admit that you are a genius. But even then, it can't affect the overall situation!" The female assassin surmised.

"Do you think the seven-star lore array has changed a little bit? Tianji and Tianquan double stars come out together!" The words didn't fall, the two killers moved in unison and flew down.

"The seven-star lore, the fierce name, there are really changes. Chu Yun's sixth spirit demon was also offset by this change!" Huaying's face sank like water, and the surprise that had just risen suddenly disappeared.

Chu Yun didn't move, facing the two killers without moving. He slapped the fairy capsule again and flew out a woman with a slim figure and glorious glory. It's really the life fountain jade seal ~ ~ The seventh spirit demon! "Huaying was shocked.

The seven killed were too late to react, and Chu Yun slapped the fairy pouch again, and this time they even flew out two-hand in hand. It's the little boy transformed by the blast of wind and grass.

"Eight-headed spirit demon, can't think of you hiding so deep, there are actually eight-headed spirit demon!"

"This genius is to be strangled, absolutely to be killed! He is only fifteen years old, and he has mastered the eight-headed spirit demon. This number can only be possessed by the king-level strong when he is young."

"Chu Yun, you are truly dead, and the eight-headed spirit demon is useless. I want you to die in deep despair, the sky will reappear, and Samsung will kill!"

The eighth head spirit demon came out-the dark court killers could no longer conceal the shock in their hearts. They roared, and the murderous victory was even more violent.

"Seven Stars Massacre Array? What's the matter. Today I'm going to break the array." Chu Yun's eyes flashed, and Shi Shiran took out the Bihaichao.

To be continued, please read the latest chapter at:

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