The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 48: : Little Arrow God

The aura of Yushusheng, as the psychic snake urged the talent Taoism, suddenly began to shrink.

After a quarter of an hour, his aura reduced to half of the original. In contrast, Chu Yun's aura has grown substantially.

After two quarters of an hour, Yu Shusheng's aura was completely annihilated, all absorbed by Chu Yun and turned into his own use.

"It's awesome! This is simply a way to go against the sky. This effect can be compared with the original Tianling Zhenxin Pill. However, the cultivation of the psychic snake is still too low, so it took two quarters of an hour.

In the future, as it becomes longer, the time will become shorter and shorter. "

Chu Yun successfully transformed Yu Shusheng's aura into his own body. This successful experience immediately gave him something new.

"The psychic Taoism is two-way. The psychic snake is equivalent to a bridge that communicates the aura of both sides. I can transform the aura of others. I can also transport my aura."

This present, Chu Yun is another surprise.

The value of psychic snakes can be said to double again.

This means that with the psychic snake, Chu Yun can not only improve his aura, but also help others.

The first thing he thought of was none other than Shu Tianhao, his righteous father.

Shu Tianhao has always had insufficient aura because of his broken arm. Now Chu Yun has dragon's eye fruit, which can improve physical fitness, and with this psychic snake, it helps Shu Tianhao to climb to the top. It can be said that it is easy.

"Now my Aura has gained considerable growth and I can add five more spirit demon. Speaking of it, I have to thank you very much."

Chu Yun meditated for a moment, looked at his aura, and immediately opened his eyes, looked at Yu Shusheng, and sighed.

Yu Shusheng's soul has been crushed by him. The body is intact, and now it has become a living dead. Even if his soul reunites in the future, the aura in his body will be gone.

Aura represents wisdom, and the aura absorbed by the psychic snake will disappear permanently. Even if Yu Shusheng condenses his soul and regains consciousness, it is just a fool with extremely low intelligence.

However, Chu Yun will not give him a chance to wake up.

"This jade scholar's collection is quite a lot." He searched the jade scholar's whole body and found many good things.

There are several bottles of fine medicines on his body, and there are two or three monsters in the spirit demon series. What's more, the trainer's handbook is written, and the unique secrets are not written.

"Yes, I remembered it. Yu Shusheng picked dozens of colleges, and he must have obtained the treasures of many colleges. No wonder he has such a rich collection."

Chu Yun suddenly thought of the reason. In the college exchange meeting, the winning party is likely to obtain the essence of the local academy. Yu Shusheng was born, and the five-headed spirit demon was in hand. He had strong combat strength and excellent record, and he naturally gained a lot.

"Unfortunately, these things can't be seen. Unless one day, I won't be afraid of Jiang Hanguo's revenge, so I can use them in a fair and bright way. But these mobile phone training units can be given to Uncle Yu Ya.

Yushusheng is obviously good at refining the military, and the collected refining manuals occupy the vast majority. This is definitely a wealth of wealth, not useful for Chu Yun, but extremely helpful for Yu Ya, a master of military training.

Then, Chu Yun turned the only two monsters left by Jade Scholar into his own.

Blasting grass shoes are one of the top ten footwear of Xingzhou. It can bring great advantages to the demon master.

In addition, Jade Scholar's Fang Yuxi is the trump card among his monsters. Named Mingquan Yuxi, it can transport demon yuan and is good at healing.

These two monsters are very rare and precious among spirit demon. It was very difficult to rob. However, after Yu Shusheng's aura disappeared completely, the contract between master and servant was naturally eliminated, and the two monsters naturally became unowned spirit demon. Was taken into the bag by Chu Yun one by one.

In the end, Chu Yun destroyed the corpse and set off a fire, which burned the jade student into ashes. When the mountain breeze blows and the ash is scattered, who can find the jade scholar again?

"I don't know what will happen to Lord Jiang Han after the disappearance of Yu Shusheng? In short, this place can't stay for a long time. I should go back to the Zhuxing Islands as soon as possible."

Anyway, the heritage of the Beast King is almost digested. If you continue to practice hard, it will be difficult to achieve results in a short time. Chu Yun decided immediately, and quickly set off to go back.

He had a colorless rainbow demon, wrapped himself, and flew in the air, no one noticed.

Three days later, he returned to the place where he had boarded 6 and found the Shu family battleship that had been waiting for him. Seeing Chu Yun's return, General Shu of the battleship was also very surprised.

Chu Yun's appearance has changed a lot, and the whole portrait is completely reborn. The appearance of a demon master has changed in a short period of time, and the fool can speculate that the newly acquired monster must be extremely amazing, so the feedback of the reiki transformation effect is so strong.

There is no doubt that Chu Shaodao has made a huge gain on this trip.

The warship set off in secret, and Chu Yun passed the white jade albatross on board to convey the message. Before he returned to Shujia Island, he had spread the letter of challenge to the Little Arrow God on the Zhuxing Islands.

Seven days later, he returned to Shujia Island, where Little Arrow God had already been waiting for him on the island.

This little prince of Meng Yuan Kingdom looks very similar to the master of Meng Yuan Kingdom. He wore a sky-blue tight robes and showed a strong and strong body, standing tall, like a javelin.

His eyes flashed with unstoppable fierceness from time to time. As soon as Chu Yun saw him, he knew that he was a typical Mongolian Yuan nationality, with a bold temperament, eclectic style, and a special hero.

"Little Arrow God is famous, like Lei Guan'er. See you today, it is really a dragon among people." Chu Yun looked at it and laughed.

While he was looking at Little Arrow God, the Prince Meng Yuan was also looking at Chu Yun.

"You are Chu Yun, why is there such a big gap with the appearance of the father?" The news of Beastmaster ’s treasure is true. "

"How many spirit demons can you control now?" He asked.

"How much the spirit demon can control is just a number. The real result can't be seen until after the battle. You say it?" Chu Yun gave a haha. If you tell the other party, you have now controlled the eight-headed spirit demon, several big demon, and little demon. He even signed a contract with the seven-headed robbery demon, did this not scare him?

"Looking at Xiongtai, you are so confident, and your appearance has also changed. You must have newly subdued the powerful spirit demon. This is good. I have five headed spirit demon. Wu. It ’s interesting now. ”After a pause, the little arrow **** said again,“ But when it comes to thunder, your name is much louder than mine. With a total of one enemy, this record sounds incredible. , I really do n’t know how you did it. "

"Don't talk about these, let's talk about one after another." Chu Yun invited the battle.

"Don't worry, you Binggang came back from Yaoshan Kingdom. You are tired, so let's rest for a night before talking." Little Arrow God waved his hand. He could see the dust on Chu Yun's face, unwilling to check this cheap.

Chu Yun's eyes flickered and nodded: "That's good."

Of course, he confidently defeated the little arrow **** in front of him, but if he forcibly invited to fight, he seemed to look down on the other side.

This is not a battle with Yu Shusheng, it is a life-and-death struggle that no one watches.

The battle with the Arrow God not only attracted everyone's attention, but both sides were not alone and had power behind them. This battle can only be a discussion, but it is not a simple meeting of friends with Israel, but with a strong diplomatic character.

"It seems that my son's trip has another big gain!" After more than two months of separation, Shu Tianhao saw Chu Yun with a big change in appearance, and he was surprised and happy.

"Hehehe, dad, this time it's more than a big gain. I'm going to startle you!"

"Oh? Then I'm going to listen to it in a faint. Prince Mengyuan, please rest for another night, and discuss the competition tomorrow." Shu Tianhao coped with the scene.

"When the father and the son met, I wouldn't be bothered by this outsider." Little Arrow God was also very interested, laughed loudly, and went out.

Shu Tianhao led Chu Yun into the secret room, and there was a close conversation between father and son.

"What? The true inheritance of the Beastmaster, won by you alone?"

"My God! Am I right? Seven-headed robbery ?!"

"Psychic snake, there are such monsters in this world? Top secret, this is top secret. You can no longer let the third person know."

"Yu Shusheng also died in your hands? Well, it's okay, kill it well. Want to move me, little rabbit! What if it's exposed? The Star Islands have the luck guard of the Five Deities Kings, who was before Jianghan It ’s not that I have n’t had an idea, but I do n’t come back every time? "

Shu Tianhao listened to Chu Yun's words, and his mood fluctuated accordingly. He showed his true feelings, and when he heard Chu Yun's adventure, he looked dignified. When Chu Yun said about the harvest, he raised his brows and laughed. Finally, when it comes to Jade Scholar, he patted his chest even more and told Chu Yun to be assured that everything is carried by him!

Shu Tianhao and Chu Yun ~ ~ Although they are not biological fathers and sons, they are very biological. Apart from the secret of rebirth, Chu Yun did not hide Shu Tianhao from other things.

"Okay, very good. Originally I was still a bit worried. You and the Mengyuan little prince have a discussion. Now it seems that the kid is going to be out of luck. Give the dad a good beat and let the world see my son clearly. Be the first person of the new generation! "

Shu Tianhao clenched his fists and cheered for Chu Yun.

"Do n’t be afraid of the Mongolian Yuan Kingdom. Although it is a first-class country island and a behemoth. But our Shu family is not vegetarian. It ’s our Shu family ’s prestige! As for the psychic snake, do n’t worry. You have this filial piety. That ’s it, Dad ’s heart is taken. No one thinks too much about Lingguang. Do n’t bother me with psychic things. ”Shu Tianhao was unwilling to drag down Chu Yun ’s exhibition and rejected Chu Yun ’s proposal.

"Old and"

Chu Yun asked to persuade, but Shu Tianhao waved his hand and said, "I'll talk about it today. You have a good rest tonight. After tomorrow's war, our father and son will talk by candlelight. Yan Que's kid is really a personal talent. I contribute. I think I can do it. "(To be continued)

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