The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 26: :kill!

Section 26: Kill!

"This peak is easy to defend and difficult to attack. If you force your shot, the price will be heavy!" Xiao Xingwang sighed at the foot of the hill.

The mountain is extremely steep, like a knife and axe, straight up and down. At the same time, there are hundreds of ng caves connected to each other, which are natural bunkers for battles of positions.

Since the siege, the people who were attracted by the secrets of the Beast King had several charges, and they all returned.

"Actually, it is not difficult to really attack. The key is that our personnel on the side are too complicated and have a lot of constraints." Standing next to Xiao Xing, it was Tang Jinghan.

He is an illegitimate child of Tiansha Gang, with excellent qualifications and a cold and indifferent heart, but a young and handsome man in the ranger world. Speaking at this moment, the tone is cold, and there is a trace of strategic demeanor.

Compared with him, Xiao Xing's ordinary appearance looked down at first glance. But as long as someone who is familiar with Xiao Xing's experience, he will never underestimate this seemingly ordinary young man.

"Yes, this situation is very complicated today. The people who spread the rumors have never appeared, which is a huge hidden danger. Among the rangers, there are several well-known scattered masters who are all eyeing the treasure of the Beast King. Everyone's strength is the one on the mountain. The team is more than a hundred times better. But they are prepared against each other, and dragging their respective hind legs only causes such a situation to procrastinate here. "Xiao Xing nodded, his eyes were transformed by Reiki, shining with stars.


Just then, not far away, a huge roar came. The two turned around and saw that the robbery cloud was rolling, the wind blade was densely covered, and covered a sky.

"At this time, some people are actually robbing!" Xiao Xing couldn't help being surprised.

"This person is in the vicinity of the robbery. So confident, aren't you afraid of someone interfering?" Tang Jinghan's eyes narrowed into a thin slit, and Yin Mang flashed in it.

After a pause, he said again: "When I saw the demon robbery, it reminded me of a man. This person once relied on the demon robbery to defeat the fleet of ten thousand people with one person ..."

Xiao Xing chuckled: "Did Brother Tang refer to Chu Yun? I heard that he also appeared here. He once entered the endless forest with Rouge Gate. Rouge Gate has achieved the inheritance of the Beast King, and his dignified little overlord will No gains. "

"Hehehe, Xiaobawang?" Tang Jing laughed coldly and shook his head. "What a powerful king Chu Chu is. The title of Chu Yun's demon master is really a bit over. It was actually named after Chu Bawang. I never I have n’t admitted his name. I wo n’t let him go. The heritage of the Beastmaster is not worthy of him. "

Xiao Xing nodded, and when he talked about the heritage of the Beast King, his tone could not help but warm up: "The most important nature of the Beast King ’s heritage is the luck monster. I do n’t know whether it is at the Rouge Gate or Chu. In the hands of the cloud. In addition, there is the famous Qingtuo Dan in the hands of the Beast King, which is the top-grade Dan for cultivating the monster. The Beast King does not have a hand to deal with the monster robbery. It has two great invisibility Taoisms. Use, can blind the sky, delay demon robbery, the effect is powerful. "

"In my opinion, in order to avoid long nights and dreams, I should still attack as soon as possible and settle the situation. The Iron-Blood Alliance has rushed to encircle and suppress another rouge door team, and I am afraid that it has already succeeded. I heard that the rouge door master Hua Mei, Yingzi is cool and beautiful, and she has a different appearance. It is a pity to fall into the hands of such a person who is incomprehensible. "Speaking of which, Tang Jinghan raised her lips, revealing a regretful and coveted look.

Xiao Xing raised his head and laughed three times: "Yes, this rouge door is indeed different, all the members are women. There are not many beautiful people. Look at this mountain, the mathematician is easy to smoke, elegant and beautiful Look at the girl named Xiao Feiyan, who is lovely and lively. After a bite, there must be no taste. If our two families join forces for the time being, these two women, Brother Tang, will be one for you and one for me. What will we do in detail? "

In Tang Jinghan's eyes, there was a flash of eagerness, hesitation, and nodded: "Okay, you made a very reasonable point. I think so too, it is really the same as the heroes see. Take action first, and then proceed according to what you get. Distribute! However, snipe clams compete for fishermen's gains, we still have to be careful of people who are not interested. "

"Relax. We are only deputy leaders, suitable for this kind of charge. Our respective leaders are sitting in the rear. Just to prevent such incidents. Even if Chu Yun comes, I am not afraid. It ’s just mine Net autumn dream sword, is hungry and thirsty. Killing him can also achieve my reputation as Xiao Xing! "Xiao Xing'ang, confident and outstanding.

However, before his voice fell, he heard the roar in his ears getting stronger. The wind swelled immediately, and the clothes fluttered, and the tip swayed. The strong wind blew on his face, even painful.

"What's going on? This robbery cloud actually drifted over!" The two of them suddenly changed their faces.


The wind screamed, and the black-and-black hurricane rolled up large pieces of earth and rock, and uprooted the trees. The robbery clouds rolled endlessly, and the blue clouds flashed from time to time in the black clouds, arbitrarily exuding the power of terror.

The robbery cloud moved quickly, and within a few breathing hours, it was already very close to here.

"This is the Spirit Demon Tribulation-Wind Scream cuts Heaven Tribulation, powerful. Thousands of wind blades can smash everything!" Many people recognized this monster robbery and their face changed greatly.

"How come you are here again. If we continue this way, we will all be affected!" The surrounded ranger team exploded with a huge unstoppable movement.

"Which idiot is crossing the robbery! Can't cross it, do you still want to drag us into the water? Really **** it!" Many rangers stomped anxiously as the robbery approached. They could not let down the heritage of the Beast King, and they were very afraid of this spirit demon robbery.

"Look! Look at the attack center of the demon robbery, the person who crosses the robbery is actually intact!" Suddenly, a ranger who was transformed by Reiki and had a particularly sharp eye, pointed in midair and exclaimed in surprise.

The crowd exploded at once!

"Who is this guy?!"

"The situation is very strange! This person is intentional!"

"Damn, he wants to use the demon robbery to deal with us, break the siege, and take the treasure of Ten Thousand Beasts!"

The rangers cursed and angered.

"Chu Yun, it's Brother Chu Yun!" On the mountain peak, the haze on Xiao Feiyan's face swept away, recognizing that the person was Chu Yun, and shouted with joy.

Chu Yun swallowed three Huanhua Pills, and the aura was very abundant. He is also in possession of the demon crystal, and has capital at any time, which can immediately improve the cultivation of the monster and cross the demon robbery.

He also has a hurricane bow with a large demon series, a moon rabbit with a small demon series, and will also capture the light whip of Beiguangguang, and the Bihai Shengxiao from the Xinghai Dragon Palace is all for his own use.

He has successively obtained the five great Taoisms of thunder, fire, water, darkness, and wind, all of which are legendary Taoisms of the past-the branch of the Dao. For the demon robbery, there are very specific Gram making.

This is Chu Yun's biggest card and capital.

Others have made every effort to prepare carefully and go through the robbery. But he can use demon robbery to deal with the enemy.

Aura, monster, and Tao are missing a lot, and this unique tactic belongs to Chu Yun!

Brush brush!

The endless, dense wind blades constantly rotate and cut the air to form a huge black and black tornado, which is earth-shattering. Wherever you go, strangle everything.

"Run away!"

"This is a spirit demon robbery, powerful and terrifying. Don't attack the robbery cloud, otherwise it will cause a change!"

Some rangers shouted, some panicked and fled, 1uan became a group.

Driven by Chu Yun, the robbery rushed into the encircling circle and immediately rolled up a monstrous storm.

"Damn!" Xiao Xing struck Li Mang in the eyes, he recognized Chu Yun, he was very unwilling, but had to retreat.

The spirit demon robbery is so powerful that he can't commit a hard knock to help Chu Yun.

"Retreat first, wait for the Spirit Demon Tribulation, and then come to clean up Chu Yun!" Tang Jinghan stared at Chu Yun's figure, with a grin, he extended his scarlet tongue and dried his lips.

"Xiao Xing, Tang Jinghan, what are you running? Can you dare to fight with me Chu Yun?" Chu Yun shouted suddenly, he was condescending, and now two people turned around, immediately turned the direction and rushed to the past.

"Chu Yun, you have a kind!"

"Are you really a fool of us? Don't worry about you first, wait a while for you to look good!"

Xiao Xing and Tang Jinghan receded anxiously, and a vicious expression appeared on their respective faces.

Chu Yun laughed, while holding a hurricane bow, he used the wind-blown method in the demon bow to eliminate the sky-tribulation. On the other side, he urged the colorless rainbow demon and suddenly skyrocketed. The robbery cloud was rolling, and its own attack range was quite huge. The wind and the wind cut the sky robbery, and immediately wrapped Xiao Xing and Tang Jinghan into it.

"Chu Yun, you must not die!" Xiao Tang and the two opened their mouths and scolded, and immediately shut up. The hurricane was powerful and poured back into the entrance. At the same time, the wind blade was extraordinary and sharp, which made the two immediately feel great pressure.

Xiao Xing slapped a fairy bag around his waist and summoned a demon sword. Eight inches long, one inch wide and five inches, the front and back of the sword jade, each inlaid with green and amber, is netbsp; at the same time, Xiao Xing is also a body wrapped in demon vines. This kind of vine is gray and black in color and grows with natural grimaces. It is a rare demon plant-silk ghost withered vine.

"Chu Yun, I want you to die!"

"If you want to use the spirit demon to deal with us, you think it is really naive!"

The two men deserved to be the leaders of the younger generation, and they stubbornly withstood the pressure of the demon robbery, and even turned over. One-on-one fierce, wanting to kill Chu Yun directly in the throne of the Spirit Seal in the spirit demon robbery!

"Good, you're done!"

"To kill Chu Yun, he is too shameless, actually want to use the spirit demon robbery to deal with us. Also want to use our power to help him deal with the demon robbery."

"The little bully is dead, and Xiao Xing alone has made him tired to deal with. Now Xiao Xing and Tang Jinghan join forces together, he has no way of life!"

The broken rangers, all overjoyed, looked up and saw the hope of breaking the crisis.

"Okay, come on well. Let the world see who is naive? Spirit demon combat power, let me explode!" Chu Yun was not surprised but rejoiced. He stood by the sky, the black mad roll, his body shocked, and he jumped. drink.


Suddenly, the five-headed spirit demon appeared once again, bursting a powerful torrent of Taoism.

"What ?! Five-headed spirit demon!" At this moment, Xiao Xing's confident look disappeared, replaced by extreme shock.

"How is this possible? At the age of 15, I have mastered 5 spirit demon !? So many spirit demon, such strong Taoism! Dangerous, too dangerous!" Looking at the glorious and magnificent, magnificent light of Taoism to himself After the bombardment, Tang Jinghan's aspirations collapsed, leaving nothing but horror.

The torrent hit, and the earth shook, like the ascending dragon, the Tianhe pouring.

"Binghai Strange Branch, Xuan Qinghe!"

"Spirit Mirror, Xianzhi Shizhicao!"

Tang Jinghan and Xiao Xing both roared fiercely and fought back.

They all have three spirit demon in hand, but in a hurry, they have no time to evade, they can only choose hard resistance by surprise.


A huge explosion, an incandescence in the sky, tingling eyes, and a vast white in the field of vision.

"Tang Xiao was defeated!" With tears in his eyes, people looked up and were shocked.

Tang Jinghan vomited blood violently and flew back. Xiao Xing seemed to be a kite with a broken thread, and he fell from the sky.

"Little Lord!"

"Leave people under me !!"

Huimengge and Tiansha Gang shot two figures immediately. They are called "Sleep Venerable", a "yin old", are their respective leaders in this trip. Not only is the combat experience extremely rich, but the spirit monster has at least four heads, mature tactics, and a deep card.

All of this was born too fast.

No one expected that Chu Yun, a young man, would possess a five-headed spirit demon!

Almost in a blink of an eye, Tang Jinghan and Xiao Xing suffered a fiasco.

"Leave a line under your hands, good to meet in the future!"

"If you kill my young gang leader, Tiansha Gang will swear with you."

The two leaders glared anxiously and howled.

Chu Yun snorted coldly and killed decisively. Regardless of whether the other party is begging for mercy or threats, he is deaf, and controls the five-headed spirit demon to resist the two collars.

He didn't need to shoot in person at all. The hurricane bow's spirit demon robbery and dense wind blade shrouded and cut, instantly cutting the two into countless pieces, blood flying across.

Immediately, in a blink of an eye, these blood and bones were again divided and cut into fine dust.

"No-!" Venerable Sleeper couldn't believe the scene in front of him, howling, anger, "Chu Yun! How dare you, how dare you! Kill our Patriarch, I want to put you down ! "

"Kill kill! Don't kill him ~ ~ It's difficult to go back to help the master!" Yin Lao's complexion was sullen like water, and his heart was tumbling and endless.

"Kill the two small ones, and the two old ones again." Chu Yun's fighting spirit was boiling, and he was not afraid. The demon crystal that was blown up by the sky robbery swept away, and he fought with the opponent.

He has the Taoist way, almost ignoring this spirit demon wind robbery. In contrast, his opponent was suppressed and weakened.

"Gosh, Chu Yun killed Tang Jinghan and Xiao Xing. His courage is too big!"

"Xiao Xing is the young patriarch of Huimeng Pavilion. Tang Jinghan is the only son of Tiansha Gang's prince's illegitimate son. They are all about to succeed their fathers and become stars of hope. Now they are killed."

"It's too cruel, it's too cruel. Even without blinking your eyes, you will kill the two. This little bully is not afraid of the sky, even the old strong men like Yin Yin and Sleeping Venerable. Can't hold him. "

Everyone sighed with sighs, surging hearts, and shock. No matter what kind of mood, after this battle, Chu Yun's image will be completely imprinted in the hearts of these people!

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