The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 23: : 5 spirit demon, fighting power broke out!

Section 23: Five-headed spirit demon, explosive power!

"Chu Yun!" With a soft drink, Chu Yun took a drunk snow knife and strode out of the woods, and appeared in front of everyone.

"Ah, Master Chu Yun!" The rouge door girls were overjoyed. Even Huamei's face appeared a layer of radiance.

"Little Overlord ..." All the faces of the Iron-Blood Alliance suddenly became dignified.

"Hahaha, okay! Very good!" Li Zheng was stunned for a while, and then called twice. He pointed at Chu Yun and grinned, "Heaven has a way, you don't go, **** has no door, you break in! No one will shoot, I want to fight this guy alone. I want to step on his body and achieve my glory, Get on the list. "

"Li Zheng ..." The blood axe hand opened his mouth to persuade everyone in the Iron-Blood League to cheer for Li Zheng in unison.

"Sura Army Soul Horse, come out!" Li Zheng shouted and summoned a monster beast. The horse was extremely tall, with pale ghost fire burning in his eyes. It is dark, but light and transparent, tangible and qualityless, and it is a very rare monster.

"Chu Yun, if you are kind, you will come up and challenge me! You are all optimistic, how can I kill the little bully alone!" Soar.

Chu Yun sneered, not even looking at Li Zheng. He is here to save people, but he is not looking for someone to compete. Why should we act according to the idea of ​​vigorously enlisting?

"Idiot!" He sneered, raised his drunk snow knife, and went directly to the throne of the God Seal.

"You!" The blood axe could not have expected Chu Yun to deal with it like this, which was simply not playing cards according to the rules. The Ranger is extremely honored, and being challenged face to face must show something. I didn't expect Chu Yun to ignore it, and directly rushed to the throne of the God Seal.

On the other hand, in the Jagged Alliance, Li Zheng, the master of the town, took the initiative to leave the field.

The battlefield had just calmed down, and Chu Yun was like a tiger entering the flock.

"Chu Yun! Are you still a man? Avoiding the challenge!"

"Little Overlord, you are nothing more."

"Chu Yun, do you understand the rules of the ranger world ... ah!"

The iron-blooded leagues all scolded and scolded, but Chu Yun had already launched a scream, violently. Between the wrist flips, the sharp blade of light surged, pouring out a streamer.

He thrived, and immediately started a **** conflict on the battlefield. Daomang was like electricity, and big heads rose into the sky, blood splattered. Various monsters screamed again and again and were killed by the sharp edge of the drunk snow sword.

"Chu Yun, you simply don't deserve the title of little bully. You don't even have the courage to stand alone with me!" Li Zheng was furious, and his face was fierce, full of shame.

Chu Yun turned a deaf ear, and had faced with the blood axe. The drunk snow battle is rampant, the offensive is fierce, the blood axeman is experienced, fierce and fierce.

The fighting style of both sides is of the masculine type. So the hands were up and the scene was very hot.

"This little bully ..." In a blink of an eye, the sword and axe were matched a hundred times, and the blood axe's hand shook. In the face of Chu Yun's attack, an old man like him also has a feeling of tightness in his chest.

He tried his best to resist and still couldn't stop stepping back.

Dacheng Realm's Sword Art!

"Even the blood axe hand collar was also beaten by Chu Yun!" The members of the Iron-Blood League saw this scene and all sweated out.

"Li Zheng, deputy leader, please take action quickly!" Someone shouted anxiously.

"Don't worry, there are a total of four spirit demon in the blood axe hand collar. Now he doesn't use his real strength!" Some people are not in a hurry, their eyes are sharp, their combat experience is extremely rich, and they see through the situation on the spot.

Although the battle between Chu Yun and the Blood Axeman was fierce and fierce, it was only a temptation. Neither side exerted all their strength.

"Three uncles, you let me go, I'll deal with him!" Li Zheng riding the Shura Army Soul Horse, pointed at Chu Yun with a battle halberd, and roared down with a loud roar.

"Good! You come to take over, I will deal with these immortal rouge doormen." The blood axe's eyes flashed with strange light, splitting three axes, and immediately retreated.

He saw that Chu Yunchong had formed a formation surrounded by them, and now the field is a mess. If you go on like this, the rouge door will come out of the trap.

"Huh? You still want to go ?!" The sharp blade-like light flickered in Chu Yun's eyes. At this moment, he was keenly aware of the fighter.

The blood axeman and Chu Yun confronted each other, and the momentum was fierce without falling. But when he retreated, his momentum suddenly dropped suddenly, and Chu Yun could no longer be restrained, giving him more room to swing.

With a bang, Chu Yun's momentum soared, and Lishan Longan flower branches were called out. He held the drunk snow sword in one hand and squeezed the Lishan longan flower branch in one hand.

"Not good!" Blood Axe groaned in his hand, but he didn't panic too much. He has rich fighting experience. For such a scenario, his opponent's momentum has skyrocketed, and he also expected it.

"It doesn't matter, it's not a single fight." Blood axe sneered at Chu Yun, who was rushing to him. His hope is Li Zheng.

Li Zheng was wrapped in a violent momentum, torn apart from the sky, falling like a meteor from high altitude. Swallowing the sea halberd pierced the sky and killed Chu Yun.

"Chu Yun, you die!" He roared loudly and was extremely bloodthirsty, as if he had seen the wonderful scene where Chu Yun was smashed by himself.

Chu Yun had to stop and concentrate on dealing the blow from the air.

"Okay, Chu Yun, you're dead!" The blood axe's hands suddenly felt pressure, and at this moment his eyes soared sharply. Suddenly formed a situation of striking with Li Zheng.

This move to retreat, immediately showed the fierce and sharp fighting style of the bleeding axeman, as well as the extremely rich fighting literacy.

"Despicable!" The women at the Rouge Gate saw the cracks.

Even Hua Mei's heart was a little bit choking. She didn't have time to shoot, she could only whisper "caution", and then watched Chu Yun fall into a life-threatening situation.

Li Zheng went from top to bottom, the blood axe hand turned back, and the two masters attacked together to put Chu Yun to death.

"Three uncles, you let go !!" Li Zheng shouted. He wanted to fight Chu Yun alone and reap glory. The action of the Blood Axeman was beyond his expectation and made him extremely dissatisfied.

Blood Axe snorted coldly, his eyes flashing, but he didn't speak. He is a full-fledged old rivers and lakes, acting viciously and spicy, and has already passed the young and **** age. I just want to put Chu Yun to death first and decide the overall situation.

"To win!"

"This Chu Yun is still tender. This time, the overall situation is settled."

"Hahaha, this is the world of the ranger. This is the cruelty of the rivers and lakes! The dragon is nothing but the river, and the name of the little bully is about to pass away!"

At this moment, all the pupils of the Iron-Blood Alliance were all enlarged. Seeing that Chu Yun was about to die in the hands of the chief and deputy leaders, many people were shaking with excitement.

"Mr. Chu Yun ..." Huamei lost his color.

There was a cry of exclamation from the rouge women.

"Want to put me to death? You think it's naive! Spirit demon combat power, all released !!" Facing two powerful enemies, Chu Yun was in danger, and his pride was raging in his chest.

He continuously shot the fairy bag in the waist, the sky fox, the colorless rainbow demon, and the Huan Zhuan Yuan Yuan tree flew out violently. come out.

All kinds of Taoism spew out, converging into a bright and splendid torrent of Taoism, with a destructive momentum, sweeping the world!


In the huge explosion, Li Zheng and the blood axe hand couldn't resist a moment, so they vomited blood, and the body flew backwards like a broken kite.

"Five-headed spirit demon !!!"

"How could this be? His little bully is only 15 years old, and he has the power of a five-headed spirit demon!"

"Information says that he only has two spirit demon, how can he grow so fast ?!"

Everyone in the Iron-Blood League is crazy, and looks at Chu Yun's supernatural power in disbelief.

"Impossible! He obviously has only two spirit demon. Why didn't he see the five spirit demon in a few days?" Hua Mei was also extremely shocked, widening her beautiful eyes, exuding strange light. "What adventure did he get? Is there really another part of the beast king ’s heritage? "

Hua Mei was quick in thinking and immediately guessed the truth. But she did not have a little bit of jealousy, and some only admired Chu Yun.

Chu Yun paid more than her, and even risked her life trapped in the mist of Mí, under tremendous pressure and confidence in her own judgment.

"Xiao Ba Wang, Xiao Ba Wang, he really has the potential capital to dominate the world!" Huamei chewed the title of Xiao Ba Wang carefully in his mouth several times, and finally understood why the world would have such evaluation of Chu Yun.

"Five-headed spirit demon, five-headed spirit demon! He is only 15 years old, 4 years younger than me, and actually has 5 spirit demon fighting power! I am the youngest battle flag envoy in the history of the Iron-Blood League, and only 3 spirit Only demon! Impossible! This is impossible! "

Li Zheng roared with jealousy and horror, making it difficult to accept such a blow. Acted very gaffe.

"The information is wrong, there is a big mistake!" The blood axeman over there also yelled in his heart, "What kind of qualification is this! At the age of 15, I grew up to this point, and I will still be able to do it in the future? Go on! "

The Blood Axeman is an old and fierce Ranger master, and the pillar of the Iron-Blood Alliance. He deeply understood Chu Yun's terrible. This terrible is not only the superficial combat power, but also the potential for the future.

"Kill!" He yelled, UU reading books www.uukanshu. com forcibly stabilized his body, summoned all spirit demon, a total of five heads. Each urged Daoism to fight back to Chu Yun.

His murderous turbulence almost condensed into substance. In my heart, I made up my mind that even if I died together, I would have to eliminate Chu Yun for the future of the Iron-Blood Alliance!

"Good opportunity!" Hua Mei's eyes shot sharply, and suddenly pulled out the hairpins on her head, and sipped, "Liu Shen Ban Shu!"

This is her way of pressing the bottom of the box.

Once cast, yù hairpin stabbed the blood axe who attacked with all his strength and could not defend in time.

"Not good!" The blood axe hand moved forcibly, avoiding the crucial point, and was still stabbed in the right arm by the hairpin. The aura within him was immediately sealed, and he lost contact with the five-headed spirit demon. All of a sudden, his attack went away.


Immediately afterwards, a snowman's sword light traversed a mysterious arc in the air, avoiding the clumsy spirit demon with five lost heads, and splitting the blood axe in half.

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