The Venerable Monster Tamer

Vol 4 Chapter 10: : It turned out to be the little bully!

Section 1: It turned out to be the little bully!

In Xiao Feiyan's anxious urging sound, the rouge door increased in popularity, and gradually approached the battlefield.

Not long after, a large mountain lay in front of him, and the shock of fierce fighting was already resounding in everyone's ears.

"Sisters, a young man named Chu Yun, rescued Xiao Feiyan. Such a life-saving grace, our rouge door should be repaid. Fight! Fight!" Hua Mei cried out and took out a winter frost pride The plum gun, the foot on the snowless boots, are all demon soldiers of the spirit demon series. She rose from the sky, heroic and cool.

"Although the other party is north, but the main force that gathers our rouge door may not be able to overcome it!" Yi Yanyan's face is deep and his expression is firm. She took out Heluotu's body and squeezed black and white pieces as a hidden weapon.

"Once the melee, I secretly shot, and by my means, it was not impossible to secretly calculate the kid." Duxing Xingzi's heart was conspiracy.

"Cross this mountain, you're here! Brother Chu Yun, you must hold on!" Fei Yan clenched his teeth, and also took out his big demon soldier red cloud drum, the expression on his small face was both eager and dignified.

Just as everyone thought it was a bitter fight, when the coming roar came, the roar of the broken air came, followed by a roar of the Zhongshan wolf, leaping across the mountain in front of everyone.

The body of the wolf is so huge that it casts a large shadow, covering all of them. As soon as the person waited, before he could exclaim, he heard a loud voice from his ear.

"Bei Guangguang, where are you going?"

This voice is full of awe-inspiring murderousness and compelling war intentions. When everyone heard it, they all trembled.

Another huge figure jumped out from the side of the mountain.

Everyone couldn't help but look up, countless people's pupils gradually narrowed, stunned at a snow-white, Shenjun elegant spirit demon sky fox, flying over the sky from above their heads.

A young man was standing on the head of this unique monster.

He is sturdy and strong, standing upright and imposing. In the wild winds of hunting, his clothes fluttered and made the sound of a battle flag.

He held a sharp sword in one hand and a branch with bizarre eyes in one hand, and black danced in the air, his eyes bursting with fierce sharpness. The sun shone from high altitude, covering him all over with a layer of gold-like brilliance, as if the gods were descending.

This moment is so short, and in the sense of everyone, it is so long.

Everyone was stunned. Most of the roosters at Rouge Gate opened their mouths gaily and looked up.


Sky Fox landed and leaped away immediately, chasing down the Zhongshan wolf who had fled in panic in front.

Time seemed to be back on track again, and began to flow normally.

"This is a fantastic monster Tianhu ......" Huamei, the owner of the Rouge Gate, also lost his wind instrument at this time and muttered in his mouth.

"Who is this young man? Actually chasing after Bei Guangguang?" Xian Jingping and Yi Yan of Xìng Ge also lost their gaze. The wide eyes are full of shock.

Feiyan was shocked first, then burst into tears, shouting in surprise towards Chu Yun's back: "Brother Chu Yun! I know you are the strongest!"

The shout seemed to be a thunderstorm on the ground, waking everyone in a state of dementia.


The crowd exploded at once.

"Am I right? The famous north face, was chased and killed by an embarrassment ?!"

"This man is so brave! Too brave! Even Bei Guangguang lost in his hands."

"I wanted to go to the rescue, but I didn't expect it to be this situation. Who is this young man?"

All the daughters tweeted and whispered, and the discussion was quite lively.

"How could this be, how could this be ..." Po Xingzi's eyes had lost focus and fell into the mí confusion. The reality is completely different from what he expected. How is this possible? ! Bai Guangguang was defeated, but instead became the prestige of Chu Yun!

"People have told you a long time ago that the elder brother's surname is Chu and his name is Chu Yun." Xiao Feiyan raised his head and proudly announced loudly that his eyes were full of excitement.

"Six-tailed Sky Fox, Xueliang Saber, Chu Yun ... I remembered it, it was the little bully on the Ishi list!" Yi Yan suddenly flashed, with a shocked look, he blurted out.

"Little Overlord? He is the one who has been in the limelight recently and is fighting against the tens of thousands of troops with one person?"

"It's no wonder that he is also a person on the list of Isshi. It is not impossible for Beiguangguang to lose in his hands!"

"Xiao Feiyan, your luck is so good. You ran out and you could meet such a big celebrity! Tell me, what happened to you? Are you so concerned about him?"

The atmosphere of discussion was suddenly pushed to the top. All the girls turned their eyes to Feiyan, and the soul of gossip was burning.

"He turned out to be the little bully." The news, like a giant hammer, hit the poison star hard again.

"Little Overlord ..." Xingzi smiled bitterly. Chu Yun's background power is only stronger than Life and Death Valley. Knowing this earlier, he must go to Chu Yun with all his heart. Now that the matter is over, alas, it's too late to say anything.

"The little bully, Chu Yun, should be right. At the age of 15, he was promoted to the Ishizu List. Such a qualification ..." Huamei's eyes flickered, looking at Tianhu's back, and could not help but sigh.

"There is no fruit under the prestigious name! What should we do next?" The expected rescue turned into a bystander watching the drama, which made Yi Yan feel at a loss.

"The other party has deep potential, excellent fighting power, and there are great forces behind him. Moreover, Feiyan has been rescued, and it is kind to us. Of course, he must be assisted in the pursuit of Beise. Just because of his status, we may not be able to see us as such The third-rate ranger sect ... "Huamei said that he couldn't help but show a bitter smile.

"Bei Guangguang, you run very fast. It seems that your kung fu is all running away." Chu Yun chanted, chasing and urging all kinds of Taoism while striking Bei Guangguang.

Bei Guangguang was so angry that he was vomiting blood, and Chu Yun shouted all the way, leaving his old senior's face blank. Actually being hunted down by such a junior, this made him feel sorry.

"Your Excellency Chu Yun, our rouge door comes to help you!" The chasing room, Huamei and others came to the support.

"Rouge Gate! You a small third-rate school, dare to come over, not guts!" Beiguang's voice shivered with anger. Not only was he chased down by Chu Yun, but now he is also chased by this kind of third-rate gangster. However, there are still two masters in this small martial art. He was injured in his soul and could only run away, not fight. This feeling of suffocation made him crazy.

"Hahaha, thank you for the help of Rouge Gate. Let's work together to kill this scourge!" Chu Yunlang smiled, with the help of Rouge Gate, he was even more imposing.

"Oops! If you go on like this, I'm afraid I'm really going to fall here!" Bei Guangguang's heart was gradually sinking, and the rouge door cooperated superbly, forming a trend of encirclement, so that the space for him to avoid was getting smaller and smaller.

"If Lao Tzu does not die this time, you will have to pay the heaviest price!" Under the helplessness of Bei, Guangguang Guang resolutely turned his direction and even plunged into the endless forest.

Endless Forest is the largest forest in Xingzhou. Perpetually shrouded in the mist of the mí fantasy, there are extremely fierce, countless monsters and plants, extremely dangerous.

Only at a specific time of the year, the mist will be reduced, and the danger will be reduced, so that outsiders have the opportunity to go deep into it and find the long-standing inheritance of the Beastmaster.

"It's two days since the mí fog is reduced and the endless forest is officially opened. At this time, the endless forest is entered, and there are many evils!" Hua Mei shook a shot and had to stop the pace of pursuit.

rǔDense white fog, covering the sky and the sky, reaching out with five fingers, Beiguangguang pierced in, and only a moment, completely disappeared.

"This north face, but it's a real heart, but it's a choice for me. After all, between the mortal and the nine-death life, it is also wise to choose the latter." Chu Yun sighed and gave up. Chase.

The endless forest is very dangerous. Various monsters and monsters are emerging one after another. Big monsters are very common, and there are also many spirit monsters. It is said that there are people who feel the martial arts, the Holy King, the sacred king, the night killing the god, the throne, the throne, the king, the strongest abandonment of the young, big week, the royal family, and the night killing the god, the seal, the throne, the strongest abandon the young, big week. Move the heaven and earth to kill the gods and seals the throne in the night to seek the demon Ao Chongtian strongest to abandon the young Da Zhou dynasty. More than one share.

More importantly, this mist of magic can make people irrespective of southeast and northwest, and even fall into a dream, unable to extricate themselves. In this mist, let alone chase the enemy, even saving one's life is a big problem.

"Brother Chu Yun!" Converging with the Rouge Gate, Feiyan was as happy as a bird, plunging into Chu Yun's arms. Although the time spent with Chu Yun was short, the experience was unforgettable. Feiyan has agreed with such a big brother.

"Ha ha ha." Chu Yun smiled and patted Fei Yan's small head gently. This action made Hua Mei and others secretly relieved.

Chu Yun's record is sturdy, and the title of demon master is really domineering, giving people a sense of oppression. But at this time, the women felt Chu Yun's approachability.

"The name of the little bully is well-deserved. Huamei is a witness today. This is the demon soldier left in the battlefield. It must be your spoils, and the original is returned." Huamei shook Chu Yun shrewdly and skillfully, and the voice did not fall , Someone put a whip on his hands.

Although this ancient demon soldier, UU reading is broken, but the power is peculiar, combined with Chu Yun's soul and will, it will be a new hole card.

Chu Yun was delighted for a while: "The Master Huamen doesn't have to be polite, just call me Chu Yun. I saw Xiao Feiyan at first sight, and saving her was also something I expected."

"Oh? How do you say that?" Hua Mei was stunned, and there was a trace of doubt in his bright eyes.

"Because I'm also a mathematician, I would like to cooperate with you this time and enter the endless forest together." Chu Yun also came up with a reason to trick Xiao Feiyan, and at the same time he was outspoken about his purpose.

"It turned out to be like this!" Hua Mei and Yi Yan couldn't help but looked at each other, and they all felt that Chu Yun was acting like a horse and a man, acting unexpectedly.

Thinking about it, Huamei immediately accepted it: "Mr. Cheng Yun Yun can afford it, and cooperate with us and other third-rate schools. With this strong aid, we are happy to be too late."

"Ha ha ha, happy cooperation." Chu Yun suddenly smiled. In the memory, it was the Rouge Gate who fortunately reached the land of the beast king during this expedition and won the beast of the beast king. With them, half of the heritage of the Beast King has been handed over.

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