But Natsumeyo's hands were like iron pincers, and Saten Junichi couldn't break free at all.

He could only watch helplessly as Natsume Yang sealed all his chakra and even deprived him of his reincarnation eye!

 His so-called strength is just a joke in front of Xia Muyang, so pale and powerless.

"what happened?"

Throwing Junichi Saten out like a dead dog, Natsume Yang looked at Natsume Hotaru, frowned slightly, and asked.

 “Here’s the thing, Daddy!”

Natsume Hotaru took Natsume Yang's arm coquettishly, and then explained the whole story clearly in a few words.

“Then it seems that I really made a mistake. I didn’t notice you being such a white-eyed wolf!”

Natsume Yang looked at Junichi Saten and his tone was indifferent, with no hint of happiness or anger.

“Hmph, you are the king and the loser, why are you talking so much? If you are a man, just give me a good time!”

Saten Jun was so excited that he spoke out, as if he wanted to die.

"Give you a good time, huh, do you think I will let you go easily after destroying Yangyin Village like this?"

“Before I understood what happened to you, you thought you could die so easily!”

“How can someone like you who participated in the Fourth World War start talking in your sleep!”

“Jiu Yan, I leave it to you, you know what to do next!”

"I went to look at other places in the ninja world, and I found an unusual aura on him!"

Jiu Yan nodded and said, "Understood!"

 Then, Xia Muyang jumped onto Bai Ling's back and headed towards the battlefield of the fourth battle.

 He discovered the power of the Otsutsuki clan in Junichi Saten.

Of course, this is inevitable. Without the power of the Otsutsuki clan, how could it be possible to control the Samsara Eye? It might be directly backfired by the Samsara Eye.

“Furthermore, this power of the Otsutsuki clan is quite familiar!”

"It seems that some interesting things happened in the ninja world during my absence!"

Bai Ling galloped all the way, the wind roared violently, and he flew across the sky like a phantom, leaving a snow-white trail on the sky.

 The battlefield of the Fourth War, the place where Otsutsuki Momoshiki is sealed.

I saw that there was actually a thick small tree growing on top of the sealing formation. Where there should have been a fruit, there was no trace of the fruit!

“It seems I guessed correctly, Junichi Saten’s power does come from here!”

“The sealing technique was destroyed by as much as 20%, and his leaked power condensed into a chakra tree here!”

 “Think about it, this is how he got Otsutsuki Momoshiki’s power!”

 Seeing the real scene in front of him, Xia Muyang probably guessed what happened.

Suddenly, a violent voice came from Xia Muyang's mind, "We meet again, Xia Muyang, I thought I could regain my freedom through that trash!"

"I didn't expect you to suddenly appear again after disappearing from the ninja world. It's just a short move!"

"Otherwise, what you see now is the ninja world under my rule, a world completely filled with chakra slaves!"

Xia Muyang snorted disdainfully: "I didn't expect that this sealing formation, which can absorb natural energy and is constantly reinforced, can't do anything to you!"

“You’ve actually found a loophole, it seems I still underestimate you!”

Hearing this, the owner of the voice, Otsutsuki Momoshiki, couldn't help but laugh: "Who do you think I am? I am the strongest member of the Otsutsuki clan, Lord Otsutsuki Momoshiki. Do you think this seal-breaking formation can do anything to me? Got it!"

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