“Humph, this has nothing to do with you. Let’s reflect on it in Impel Down City!”


There was only a click sound, and Blackbeard's eyes widened, turning into an ice sculpture.

Blackbeard capture mission, completed.

 Three days later!

When Natsume Yang went to Impel City to hand over Blackbeard, he could feel that the navy looked at him a little unfriendly.

Xia Muyang smiled disdainfully at this. If he has no ability, can he blame others for being too good? Of course it’s impossible!

 “Ah, finally calmed down again!”

Looking at the peaceful appearance of the Seven Waters City, Xia Muyang lay on the roof of his house, basking in the sun leisurely, feeling very comfortable.

 The days of peace cannot last long.

Not long after the incident at Bundivalt, things started to happen again in the sea that had just calmed down.

Of course, the matter is not that big, at least, in Natsume Yang’s view.

It's just that the new supernovae have gained a bit of fame.

 In Natsume Yang's view, the strength of these supernovae is actually a bit weak.

However, this is just Natsume Yang’s personal feeling.

 After all, a bounty of more than 200 million was already huge in the first half of the Grand Line, and even the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters had to take it seriously.

 Natsume Yang crossed his legs and continued to read the news newspaper to learn about the recent happenings in the sea.

“Has Rob Luqi joined the World Government again? Haha, he is really connected to the World Government!”

“Alabasta successfully joined the World Government. This is no surprise. The others are originally from a royal family that retains the characteristics of the Celestial Dragons!”

“Oh, did Fishman Island successfully join the government? It’s interesting!”

“The world government actually agreed. Has it discovered the important strategic significance of Fish-Man Island?”

 In general, this issue of the newspaper has a lot of focus. After the death of Whitebeard, the world situation has indeed undergone earth-shaking changes.

 Whether it is gratifying or hateful, in short, the world is developing.

Of course, the most concerning thing in the entire world is naturally the confrontation between the forces in the New World.

 Among them, the New Whitebeard Pirates are the most eye-catching.

During this year, the new Whitebeard Pirates relied on the protection of Natsume Yang and the Red-haired Pirates. Although they still lost a lot of islands, at least some key islands were not occupied.

Must admit, if it weren't for Natsume Yang and Red Hair covering them, they would have been torn to pieces by the invasion of Kaido and Big Mom!

 Because they basically have no ability to hold on to those islands.

Marco and Ace working together can only deal with Big Mom and Kaido.

 The rest of the people were basically unable to deal with the powerful people under the Four Emperors.

 It is already remarkable that we can maintain the current situation.

  Natsume Yang has always been paying attention to the affairs of the new Whitebeard Pirates, but he basically doesn’t interfere much.

 Unless Marco and the others speak, Natsume Yang does not have much contact with the New Whitebeard Pirates.

 Being able to help them frighten their enemies is already the most benevolent and righteous thing to do.

  Time always flies by so fast that people are a little caught off guard.

A tiger-like existence like Natsume Yang, entrenched in the first half of the Grand Route, frightens all pirates.

So much so that within this year, all pirates did not dare to be too presumptuous in the first half of the Grand Route.

To avoid the disaster of destroying the group!

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