The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 984: The fault caused by the battle for marshals

After the battle on the top, everything seemed to have returned to calm.

 Among the navy and pirates, no unnecessary news happened.

 In the meantime, only the recapture of the evil king and others can be considered big news.

 If I want to talk about it, it’s probably only Whitebeard’s funeral.

Natsu Mu Yang also attended. Although many people called Xia Mu Yang a white-eyed wolf, Marco was still very polite.

Their ability to maintain the title of Four Emperors relies on the reputation of Natsume Yang and Hongfa.

 Haunted by the fame of Hongfa and Natsume Yang.

Even though Big Mom and Kaido were jealous of Whitebeard's territory, they did not dare to make any aggressive moves.

 After all, the strength of the two of them is there.

Mainfando's reconstruction work is also in progress, and Sengoku also resigned from the World Government after presiding over the Great War.

Even though the World Government's Chief Marshal Cyborg Kong repeatedly tried to persuade him to stay, Sengoku still insisted on resigning as Marshal and asked him to choose a new Marshal from among the three generals.

"As expected of an old man from the Warring States Period, he was so decisive that he gave up the position of marshal. Most people don't have such courage!"

One morning in the Capital of Seven Waters, Xia Muyang was like an ordinary person, sitting at the door with a big bowl of noodles and eating deliciously. Patients kept coming to the door beside him.

 After the battle on the top, Bingshan finally knew why Natsume Yang looked so familiar.

 That’s when I realized that such a powerful person had come to my island. No wonder all the pirates were completely bypassing him!

Similarly, with the great **** Natsume Yang in the Capital of the Seven Rivers, in the first half of this great route, how can any blind pirate dare to come to the Capital of the Seven Rivers to cause trouble.

Even if this person is placed in the new world, he can shock anyone.

Natsume Yang did not pay much attention to the changes in the navy. In the competition for the position of marshal, the veteran Kizaru gave up directly.

 The Warring States Period recommended Aokiji, but the World Government was more aggressive towards Akainu because Akainu was more like a soldier.

 His radical approach is more suitable for the future navy.

 The navy in the future will need a marshal who is courageous, decisive in action, and capable of doing things.

Rather than a careless and lazy marshal.

 But the Warring States Period felt that after the Battle of Dingshang, the navy needed a peaceful marshal to allow them to repair this heavy damage.

 And seek progress while maintaining stability, and gradually grow the navy.

 Akainu’s work is too radical and does not suit the Navy’s current direction.

 But the two parties have similar opinions and can't argue with each other, and no one can convince the other.

 In the end, it was decided to use force to decide. The winner would be the marshal, and the loser would be the general.

At that battle, Natsume Yang was one of the few spectators.

It can be said that the sky and the earth were shattered, and the sky and the earth were eclipsed. What was a good island suddenly turned into an ice and fire island with two layers of ice and fire.

 No one gave in to anyone.

However, Aokiji eventually lost one of his legs due to his carelessness and was seriously injured and fell into a coma. Akainu won and became the navy marshal.

 Originally, the matter should be almost over here.

 Just one more promotion to admiral is enough.

The navy only needs to develop slowly for two years before it can return to the level it was before the war.

 But, at this time, Qing Pheasant suddenly quit the navy and wandered around the world.

 This immediately left a serious vacancy in the navy's combat capabilities.

 The two alternate generals, Taotu and Tea Dolphin, are still a bit unsatisfactory in strength and are not strong enough to convince the public to take over as generals. The navy under the major generals is also seriously depleted and needs to be replaced urgently.

 The navy is in direct danger of a fault.

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