The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 978: A look that daunts all the heroes

 “Is this your fruit power? Teach!”

Xia Muyang suddenly raised his head and glanced at Tiqi with eyes like stars.

The coldness in that indifferent gaze makes even an old man like Blackbeard feel afraid!

 “Frozen Eyes!”

Xia Muyang's eyes lit up, and Blackbeard felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar for an instant, with endless icy power coming in. His body froze directly, and he even lost consciousness.

In the blink of an eye, Blackbeard's right leg was completely frozen.

 He tried to devour it with his ability, but it didn’t work at all, just like using a TV remote control to control the air conditioner.


Natsume Yang’s cold voice came again.

Without giving Blackbeard a chance to react, his right leg was ripped off from his body with a click!


Even Blackbeard couldn't bear the severe pain of his thigh being directly broken. He almost fainted from the pain and fell to the ground holding the wound and howling incessantly.


Xia Muyang suddenly tilted his head. No one saw how he took action. He grabbed a bullet in his hand.

 “Otonoko Van Oka, it’s not a good habit to shoot cold shots!”

Xia Muyang glanced at the latter, and again, without giving him any chance to react, endless icy power swept out.

The latter was horrified. When he was about to escape, he found that he could no longer move.

Amidst the intense and heart-wrenching sound of freezing, it became a lifelike ice sculpture.


Everyone present could not help but collectively swallowed their saliva, it was too strong!

This kind of intimidation is even more terrifying than Whitebeard.

“You guys, are you still going to follow Blackbeard’s path to the dark side?”

 “Do you think Blackbeard can win that bet?”

 Natsume Yang looked at Yu Zhiliu and others again, and was so frightened that they immediately activated their armed Haki.


 “This is the style that the Shichibukai should have!”

 “This is the Ice Emperor, who is said to be as powerful as General Kuzan!”

 The navy has never felt so happy and refreshed on a day.

They were a group of extremely vicious pirates, with an average bounty of more than 400 million, but they were frightened by Natsume Yang's look.

This is the style of an extremely strong person!

“Blackbeard, I want your life, it’s just a thought.”

"If you think that you can be arrogant in front of me with the Dark Fruit, then I will tell you rudely, you will die miserably!"

“Also, the life and death of Otonoko Van Oka is just a matter of my thoughts..."

 Natsume Yang just sat down cross-legged next to Whitebeard's body, looking at Blackbeard's group with a smile.

 “Now I want to know how you escaped from the navy!”

“Two admirals, marshals, and naval heroes are all here. It shouldn’t be a problem to deal with you few crooks!”

 “What do you think, Shiliu of the Rain!”

 Natsume Yang changed his face faster than flipping through a book, took out a bucket of popcorn from the system, and said as if watching a show.

It was as if he was not the one who cruelly cut off Blackbeard's leg just now.

“Hmph, Natsume Yang, you are the first person in more than thirty years to make me so helpless, very good!”

After Blackbeard barely stopped the bleeding, he hugged his right leg and sat slumped on the ground, with a cold look on his face.

 “I believe that will be the last one!”

 “Right, Shanks!”

Natsume Yang threw a can of wine to the left behind him.

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