“It’s almost time, it’s time to turn on that!”

Zeng Guo narrowed his eyes, then picked up the phone, said a few words and hung up.

At this moment, Natsume Yang, who had been silent all this time, suddenly raised his head and looked up at the sky.

 All the naval forces were confused and looked towards the sky.

 Then, they saw a small black dot appear in their sight, and then it continued to grow larger.

 That's a warship!

"That is…?"

People around him also looked at the screen, only to see a plump young man falling down with a scream.

“Sure enough, Luffy, you’re still here!” Natsume Yang couldn’t help but sigh.


The warship hit the ground hard and opened a huge hole. Luffy smashed directly into the warship!

 “Those people are...!”

 “Former Shichibukai Crocodile, Kaixia Jinbei, Monster King Evakov, Clown Bucky, and many other extremely vicious pirates!”

“Hey, hey, are you mistaken? Why are these people here?”

 “Aren’t they staying well in the city?”

 Let alone Sengoku who looked confused, even Garp also looked confused.

 “Ai Si, I...are here to save you!”

Luffy looked at Ace on the execution platform excitedly, then jumped off the warship and rushed towards the execution platform at high speed.

"You bastard!"

 The appearance of Luffy undoubtedly made this war more interesting.

 A group of naval elites immediately rushed towards Luffy and left. Without him, pick the soft persimmon!

 Among them, Smoker was the most excited.

 “White snake!”

He approached Luffy instantly in his elemental form, and was bitten by a white smoke snake, but was knocked away by Luffy's punch.

 “I am different from that time, I have become stronger!”

 Luffy yelled angrily, and directly entered the second gear, and a set of rubber was violently blasted out, the air was about to be exploded, and the sound of resonance was endless.

 “White vine!”

 But unfortunately, all of this has no effect on the elementalized Smoker.

  His body turned into a white smoke vine, wrapping around and flying towards Lu.

 “Is that Ace’s brother?”

Whitebeard looked at the running road and flew away.

“It should be so, I didn’t expect him to come here!”

Marco on the side responded.

 “You are very young, but like little Ozzy, you are very reckless!”

Whitebeard looked at Luffy dodging away at the speed of light and couldn't help but shook his head.

 “White smoke injector!”

Smoker instantly appeared in front of Luffy, blasting out a set of equally violent smoke fists.

 Then, he directly used his own elemental transformation to approach Luffy in an instant. Baiman activated, and Hailoushi's ten hands hit Luffy's throat hard.

Luffy lost all strength in an instant and was pushed to the ground by Smoker.

 “I’ll kill you right now!”

Just when Smoker was about to take action, he was directly blown away by a sudden whip leg.

"You bastard, you dare to hurt a man from the Ai family. Do you want to die?"

 It was Empress Boya Hancock who took action.

 “Asshole, Empress, don’t forget your identity!”

Smog gritted his teeth and reminded, his eyes looking quite evil.

 “Humph, whatever Aijia does is right, because...!”

 “Aijia is so beautiful!”

The empress shouted arrogantly, and the marines on the side were instantly fascinated.

 “Luffy, are you okay?”

 As soon as Luffy arrived, the empress became gentle instantly.

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