“The holidays are such a big deal. Every time I see him, the suffocation I felt before seems to come back again!”

Smoker touched his neck. The despair and powerlessness that Natsume Yang had picked up like a chicken a few months ago surged up again.

 “That man is so desperate, I can’t keep up with him at all!”

To be able to make an arrogant person like Smoker accept his fate, it is enough to imagine how desperate Natsume Yang was for Smoker that time.

 “Is that the Ice Emperor? So young!”

 “If he can stand shoulder to shoulder with General Aokiji at such a young age, is he a legendary genius?”

Dasqi followed Smoker's gaze and saw Natsume Yang with a smile on his face, appearing in front of the naval formation.

 “Cheer up, everyone, this time, our enemy is Whitebeard!”

 A naval vice admiral began to lecture, asking the naval elites to pay more attention!

“Fire Fist Ace, tell everyone who your father is!”

 The Warring States Period also began the familiar torture in Natsume Yang’s memory.

 “Whitebeard!” Ace replied without thinking.

People all over the world are watching all this through the real-time broadcast of the phone bug.

 “No, your father is someone else!”

Sengoku suddenly shouted loudly, and Garp beside him suddenly clenched his fists.

 “My dad is Whitebeard, no doubt about it!”

 Ace drank wildly!

“Years ago, at the same time that the Pirate King Golden Roger was beheaded, on a small island in the South China Sea, a baby who had been pregnant for more than a year was born!”

 “That woman’s name is Portcas D. Lujiu!”

“Do you think you can hide the truth by taking your mother’s surname?”

"Portcas D Ace, your father is the Pirate King, Gol D Roger!"

 “You have his sinful blood!” Warring States shouted wildly.

 “Stop blabbering, I only have one father, and that’s Whitebeard. I don’t have a father like Roger...”

Ace roared while holding back tears.

 But his words undoubtedly directly confirmed what Warring States had just said.


 The whole world was suddenly in an uproar!

  Panic and abuse are endless!

 Then, all the people unanimously demanded that the Navy execute Ace immediately and let this evil bloodline disappear completely!

 The captain of Whitebeard's Second Division, coupled with Roger's bloodline, is enough to become a huge source of turmoil in the world.

Only by eradicating the danger can all the people in the sea feel at ease!



 At this moment, there was sudden movement on the sea.

 “Something’s coming out!”

 The eyes of the navy immediately gathered towards that place.

 “Could it be...!”

 Warring States may have thought of something, and his expression changed.

 “Brace yourselves, the enemy is already here!”

 The words "Warring States Period" made the naval elites present swallow their saliva.

 Just kidding, the enemy is Whitebeard, how many people can not be nervous!

 “It’s coming out!”

 Suddenly, the place where the bubbles just occurred suddenly swelled, and something was about to break through.


The next moment, a huge coated whale ship rushed out and appeared in front of everyone.

 “It’s Moby Dick!”

Everyone present exclaimed in surprise!

People in front of the screens all over the world also exclaimed with their eyes wide open, wanting to see if the strongest man in the world has three heads and six arms!

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