The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 942: This is too much of a coincidence, right?

Zhan Momomaru's voice came from the phone!

“I’m in Area 7 and I’ve just solved three of them. If you don’t come quickly, I’ll take them away!”

Natsume Yang said jokingly, "Oh, by the way, there is another Kid in Area 5, so don't become someone else's wedding dress!"


  Zhan Taowan responded and hung up the phone.

 In less than five minutes, he arrived!

"That's pretty fast!" Natsume Yang teased as he looked at Zhan Momomaru, who was at least two meters tall.

“There are a few more, please catch them too!”

 Zhan Taomaru knew the strength of the man in front of him and said.

 “Well, okay, who can put me in a good mood today!”

 Natsu Muyang agreed, which surprised Zhan Taomaru.


Natsume Yoto disappeared in front of Zhan Momomaru in fear, and then appeared on a building behind them.

 “Are you going to be captured without a fight, or am I going to injure you and take him away, DJ Apu!”

Xia Muyang looked at him with a smile on his face. The young man in front of him, who looked more like his previous life in the Celestial Kingdom, was given two choices.

“It’s so scary that you discovered all the secrets I hid! Even Drought Jack didn’t discover me back then!”

Apu looked at Natsume Yang with a solemn face. This man was much more threatening than Drought Jack.

 “However, my choice is...”

Apu's eyes lit up and he punched himself in the head, "Psychedelic sound!"

 A circle of sound waves enveloped Xia Muyang, who had no resistance, and Xia Muyang's eyes suddenly froze.

 “Escape first!”

 Seeing that Natsume Yang was indeed fascinated, Apu and his men immediately hid.

 “Don’t even think about escaping!”

Seeing this, Zhan Taowan immediately shouted in surprise.

Just when he was about to give chase, he saw Apu running away. Suddenly his eyes widened and he fell down.

"How can it be!"

Apu said so lowly, but he saw that Xia Muyang, who should have been enchanted, was still looking at him with a smile, and put the sea-floor stone handcuffs on him.

 The inside of his body was completely frozen!

 “Okay, then there are only the last four left!”

Xia Muyang flashed and appeared on the ice wall.

  Hold up Guanyue Qianxia and then step on the ice dragon again towards the next place.

 The pirates who fled to the port in the Shampoo Islands suddenly discovered in despair that their ship was completely frozen.

 “What a joke!”

 “How can I stop here!”

 “Damn it, move it!”

At the port, there were all kinds of pirates screaming in despair.

 But they, like ants, have no way to change all this.

 For them, it is like a mighty force of nature, unattainable.

 “Hey, hey, hey, don’t be so scary!”

Luo Dahai couldn't help but swallowed when he looked at the frozen submarine pirate ship.

 In today's world, there are two people who use ice abilities, but no matter who they are, they are equally desperate.

 “If it’s a blue pheasant, that’s not bad, maybe there’s still a possibility of escape!”

 “But if it’s that guy, it’s really over!”

Even a person like Luo, who has always been calm, can't help but sweat profusely at this moment.

  But there is a saying: Talk about Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here!

 “Unfortunately, this time, it’s me!”

“Captain of the Heart Pirates, with a bounty of 200 million Baileys, Trafalgar D. Vatierro!”

 Natsume Yang leisurely rode the ice dragon and landed behind Luo.

"Hey, hey, Straw Hat Master, the consequences of this time are a bit serious!"

 Luo turned around as if faced with a huge enemy and looked at the young man in front of him. This was a more desperate existence than Doflamingo.

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