But Big Mom, whose head was full of veins, was knocked down with a bang and knelt in front of Natsume Yang. In an instant, there were several wounds that were deep enough to see the bones on his body, and he was bleeding!

Katakuri knew that he could never continue to watch the excitement. Looking at it, Big Mom might really die in the hands of Natsume Yang.

 He originally thought that he had sufficiently overestimated Natsume Yang, but now it seems that he still underestimated him.

 Able to suppress Big Mom directly in front of the force, Natsume Yang is more powerful than he imagined.

 He slapped his palm on the ground, "Flowing glutinous rice balls!"

In an instant, the earth suddenly turned into a soft glutinous ball, and then rolled up, swallowing all of Bigum.

 And teleported away instantly, causing Natsume Yang's sword to miss.


The giant sword of ice fell to the ground, causing the entire island to tremble again.

 “How about it, Big Mom, would you like to discuss the relevant matters carefully!”

"Still, if you want to ask for advice again, I don't mind giving you another blow!"

“But at that time, I don’t know if your Cake Island is still there!”

With a thought in Xia Muyang's mind, the giant ice sword once again floated into the air with ease, covering the sky and the sun, making everyone's eyesight dim.

 He looked at Katakuri and his group with cold eyes, arrogant and contemptuous.

But this time, no one dared to underestimate him.

  Big Mom was damaged by one blow, and they were even more out of luck.

“Jie Jie Jie, kid, you are very good. No one has been able to hurt me like this for a long time. I will make an exception and allow you to read it once!”

“However, you have to give me the content of the same historical text tablet in exchange!”

Big Mom broke free from the flowing glutinous rice **** and watched Natsume Yang put forward his own conditions.

 With the lesson she just learned, she naturally no longer dares to underestimate Natsume Yang.

She and Katakuri may be able to compete together, but she doesn’t know that Natsume Yo has other trump cards.

Just like Natsume Yang said, she was the one who suffered heavy losses in the end.

It’s not worth it for a historical stone tablet!

“Okay, no problem, but if you don’t keep your word again, don’t blame me for tearing down your kingdoms!”

 Xia Muyang dispersed the ice sword and warned.

“Well, well, as the fourth emperor, I still have some confidence!”

Bigumam laughed loudly, turned and left, not feeling sorry for his men who turned into ice cubes at all.

Seeing this, Xia Muyang immediately followed him. As for those who were frostbitten or dead, it was none of his business.

 This is the price Bigumam paid!

 "Brother Katakuri, this...can't we just let him...!"

 Everyone looked at Katakuri. As the second master here, he had high prestige among all the brothers and sisters.

“Let’s take it step by step for the time being. Since mom has promised him, we can’t go back on our word easily!”

Katakuri glanced at Natsume Yang's back and said this.

“Perospero, Smoothie, and Cracker, let’s keep an eye on him and don’t let him mess around!”

Although he didn't say what he would do to Natsume Yang, he didn't intend to relax his vigilance towards Natsume Yang.

 Treasure Pavilion!

This is an absolutely forbidden area on Cake Island, collecting rare treasures from all over the world: living animals, rare toys, and treasures and antiques!

“Mama, I agreed in advance that I will only give it to you for reading, but not for making rubbings!” Bigumam tried to confuse the audience again.

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