The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 932: The reason is that the fist is big

 “Kneel down and apologize? Humph, you thought…!”

 “Are you nothing in my eyes?”

Xia Muyang's right hand was like an iron pliers, grabbing his neck and lifting him up like a chicken, making a scornful sound.



Ephesus was really panicked and struggled violently. He looked at the two marines with hope in his eyes, hoping that they could save him!

“Natsume Yang, don’t act recklessly, that person is from a country that is a member of the World Government.”

"If you touch him, you will be held accountable even if you are a Shichibukai!" One of the marines said.

“A country that joins the world government? Huh, so what!”

As he spoke, there was a click. Aifeis's eyes suddenly widened and became bloodshot. Then his head tilted and he lost air!

“He should have thought of this moment when he shot me!”

After throwing away Ephesus's body like trash, Natsume Yang clapped his hands in disgust and said: "If the World Government wants to be held accountable, just go ahead and hold it accountable!"

“If the King of Taya Kingdom is unwilling, I welcome him to send people to hunt me down! Of course, I don’t mind letting the Kingdom of Taya change its name!”

 “Let’s go!”

Killing Aifeisi, Xia Muyang was like killing an ant. He didn't care at all, and left with Guanyue Qianxia in hand under the watchful eyes of everyone.

 “Is this the Shichibukai? It’s really unruly!”

“But there is no way, he has that strength, after all, he is a terrifying existence that can tie with General Kuzan!”

 The two navy men looked at each other and saw the helpless look in each other's eyes.

 In addition to helplessness, there is also a little bit of envy. What does it mean to be strong? This is it!

 “Natsume Yo, this bastard!!”

  When Warring States heard the news, he almost broke down his desk, but what else could he do after it had happened? He could only be asked to wipe Natsume Yang's butt.

No matter how much pressure the Tenryu people put, or how much pressure the Taya Kingdom puts, he can't revoke Natsume Yo's qualifications from the Shichibukai now, and he can still be of great use if he is retained!

 “Natsume Yang, I’m not done with you!”

After hearing the news, what else could the King of Taya do except roar!

 Chasing Natsume Yo? Where can I find someone who can assassinate Natsume Yo who has the strength of a general?

On the contrary, he also wanted to find someone from the navy to protect him in case Natsume Yang attacked him.

 Besides, the World Government may not necessarily turn against Natsumeyo, a super powerful warrior, for him, and he is not a Celestial Dragon.

 “Fufufu, you have personality!”

Doflamingo, who was still in the Celestial Dragon Holy Land, smiled evilly after hearing about this.

 This is the style that an absolutely strong person should have.

 World government? navy? In the face of absolute strength, it is not worth mentioning!

 A prince who joins the kingdom should be killed!

 The capital of seven waters!

“Look, are you in the news again, or on the headlines?” Looking at the newspaper in her hand, Kanzuki Qianxia pointed at the big-character poster on the newspaper and smiled.

"Then what can I do? He wants to kill me. How can I stand and let him kill me?"

Xia Muyang shrugged and said helplessly.

“In the final analysis, it’s not my Chinatsu who is so charming!”

Hearing this, Guanyue Three-year-old rolled his eyes and said, "I won't bear the blame!"

“The next step is to get the historical text in the hands of the monsters in the new world. It’s a bit difficult!”

  "Big Mom, don't be too difficult to communicate with me, otherwise, if you kill one of the Yonko, you'll be in trouble!"

Natsume Yang thought to himself, lying on a chair and basking in the sun.

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