Logically speaking, if Hawkeye, the greatest swordsman in the world, speaks in person, he should not be rejected.

  However, Xia Muyang refused without even thinking, "No interest, no fun!"

 Then, he took Kanyue Qianxia’s hand and left.

 “Fufufu, you have a personality...” Doflamingo also left immediately.

 “I don’t dare to challenge, or I’m not interested at all!” Hawkeye thought in his heart as he watched Xia Muyang’s leaving figure.

 “Let’s go to the Navy Headquarters for a walk!”

 It’s rare to come to the Navy Headquarters, so I have to go to the business district for a walk.

 Don’t you see that Kanyue Qianxia’s eyes have started to sparkle?


 Walking on the commercial street, Kanyue Qianxia’s little face was filled with happiness.

 Looking here, trying there, just like a child who will never grow up - Guan Yue is three years old!

Of course, Kanyue is three years old and does not panic. Anyway, there is Natsume who is three years old and goes crazy with her. She will not be embarrassed if she goes shopping with her.

 “How about it, does this skirt look good?”

“Let’s see if this dress matches me!”

 “Wow, these shoes are so good-looking, shall we buy them?”

“I want this too, it’s nice and shiny!”

Along the way, Xia Muyang looked at more and more packages on his body and couldn't help but smile bitterly, "Guanyue is three years old. If you buy more, I won't be able to hang it on my body!"

“Hehe, I didn’t pay attention, I bought so many at once, I’m so happy!”

Kantsuki Qianxia looked at Natsume Yang who was almost submerged in the packaging. She couldn't help but stick out her tongue playfully and reluctantly moved her eyes away from various shops.

Of course, if a dangerous person like Natsume Yang wanders around the commercial area of ​​the Navy Headquarters, he will naturally be secretly monitored by the Navy to prevent any accidents.

 But fortunately, nothing happened!

“I’m tired, I really want you to carry me... Oh, if I had known better, I wouldn’t have bought so much!”

Looking at Natsume Yang, who was carrying large and small packages, Guanyue, three years old, pouted with an annoyed look on her face, which was so cute.

“You also know that you bought a little too much. I finally saved some pocket money, but you almost lost it!”

Xia Muyang couldn't help rolling her eyes, almost giving her a headache.

 “Let’s go back!” Xia Muyang reached out and grabbed Guanyue Qianxia’s hand. Just as he was about to leave, he was stopped by a voice.

“This beautiful lady, you are so cute, you are simply a gift from God to me. Please be my woman, okay!”

 “I promise to give you endless money, enjoy endless blessings, hold supreme power, and overlook all sentient beings!”

A young man in fine clothes with a proud face blocked the road and said in a condescending and commanding tone.

There were two tall men in black standing behind them, exuding a violent aura, and they were not easy to mess with at first glance.

As he said that, he glanced at Xia Muyang with contempt, "He is a loser who doesn't even have the strength to let you shop as much as you want, so why do you continue to suffer with him!"

"Be my woman, and I will let you rise to the top and enslave the common people to your heart's content. People like him are not even worthy of licking your shoes!"

 “It’s Aifeis, the prince of Taya Kingdom!”

“Is it the Taya Kingdom that has friendly cooperation with the Celestial Dragons?”

 “I heard that the women he targeted never escaped!”

"What can we do? Who dares to disobey? The person standing behind him is a Celestial Dragon. How can he offend this young man!"

 Some people around him recognized the identity of this young man in fine clothes and couldn't help but exclaimed.

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