“Oh, is the new member Blackbeard? Mr. Sengoku!”

A smile suddenly appeared at the corner of Xia Muyang's mouth, and the Sengoku phone bug also perfectly conveyed this smile.

 “Yes, speaking of which, he is also an acquaintance of yours!”

 Sengoku admitted it directly and did not ask how Natsume Yang knew!

"I understand. See you at the headquarters then, Mr. Sengoku!" After saying that, Natsume Yang hung up the phone.

 “Naval Headquarters, I kind of hate it there!”

Kan Yue Qianxia suddenly spoke up, her expression a bit repulsive.

"It's okay, where am I? They don't dare to mess around!" Xia Muyang patted Guanyue Qianxia's little hand and consoled her.

 Haunted barque!

 “Yo **** ho, Mr. Straw Hat, thank you very much!”

Singer Sandinbrook thanked him. From today on, he is a member of the Straw Hats.

 “Ah, welcome, musician and soul king!”

Luffy smiled and extended his thumb towards Brooke.

"Damn straw hat kid, stop being so arrogant. When I recover, let's see how I teach you a lesson!"

Moriah had just woken up and was very dissatisfied with his defeat at the hands of the Straw Hats. He would never admit this result.

 Is Moria weak? Not weak. If he hadn't become a Shichibukai, his current bounty would be at least close to 500 million.

 His failure lies in not believing in himself. Forcibly devouring a thousand shadows seriously affected the performance of his own strength.

  His lack of confidence in himself led him to face Jinbe's attack during the top battle in the original work. Snakeskin's positioning made him use up the two powerful moves of Shadow Mage and Shadow Warrior.

 Then he also competed with Jinbe for his taijutsu strength, and finally lost to Jinbe in two or three blows.

 “I’m sorry to tell you, Moriah, your good days are over here!”

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded in front of Moriah, making him startled. When he turned around, he saw the smiling Natsume Yang.

 “Natsume Yang!”

 “Did those people from the navy ask you to kill me?”

Moria certainly understood Natsume Yang’s purpose of coming here and couldn’t help but exclaimed.

"I won't kill you, but you may never see the light of day again! The place you are about to go to is Impel Down - Impel Prison!"

Natsume Yang looked at Moriah, who was at least six meters tall, and raised his arm, "So, are you ready?"

 “Asshole, even you underestimate me!”

 “Shadow Horn Gun!”

Moria was completely angry, and saw the shadow behind Xia Muyang floating directly in the air and stabbing him, so fast that he didn't give Xia Muyang any chance to react.

 “Your mind is confused, Moriah!”

  However, Natsume Yang's voice sounded from behind Moria, sheathing her sword and standing up.


Just as Moria was about to turn around, a wave of blood suddenly burst out from his chest, and a wound appeared across half of Moria's chest, making Moria scream in pain.

Of course, it also alarmed the Straw Hats who were having a carnival.

"You bastard!"

Moria shouted loudly, and the silhouette sword struck down. At the same time, behind Xia Muyang, the shadow mage appeared, punched into the air, and attacked from both sides.

 “Frozen Eyes!”

Xia Muyang said lowly, everything he looked at was frozen!

Moria’s lower body instantly froze into ice, the sword stopped just above Xia Muyang’s head, and the Shadow Mage turned into an ice sculpture.

 The area of ​​a hundred meters in radius is covered with white snow and is filled with thick ice slag!

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