The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 911: You said you should be serious


 Ao Pheasant's powerful reaction turned into an ice blade, blocking the blow.

But the ground beneath his feet sank and shattered for more than ten meters, and even the green pheasant was knocked back several meters.

 “The distance is just right!”

Qingzhi suddenly said this, and then he saw his hands folded in front of his chest.

Then, he suddenly shot five icicles at Natsume Yang in the sky, freezing him into a ball without even giving him a chance to react.

 Natsume Yang was imprisoned inside as if lifelike.

 “Now, it should be solved, right?”

Green Pheasant let out a long sigh of relief.

Xia Muyang's strength was a bit beyond his expectation. He couldn't help but touch the blood mark on his chest, still a little scared.



However, the ice ball suddenly vibrated violently, and a terrifying sword intent raged out. The clouds in the sky rolled away and dispersed, which was astonishingly spectacular.

Then, eight cracks opened like this, and then the cracks were densely covered, and the next moment, it exploded like this.


As soon as he came out, Xia Muyang couldn't help coughing twice, and there was blood at the corner of his mouth. It was obvious that he was injured.

 “As expected of a naval admiral, he is really powerful!”

Xia Muyang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and suddenly a huge aura burst out of his body that made the ice explode, "Ice Beast Technique!"

Huge icy power roared out, and then, five fifty-meter terrifying ice beasts appeared on the battlefield like a crushing force.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's a foul. This is so embarrassing!" Qingzhi suddenly had a headache and couldn't help but protest.

“Didn’t you say you want to be serious? Then I’ll be serious too!” Natsume Yang said with a smile as he stood at the head of the ice dragon.

 “Come, let me see, the true strength of the majestic admiral in shaking the sea!”

As he said that, he saw the five giant beasts suddenly roaring, the ice exploded, and it was as shocking as the power of heaven, and they rushed towards Qing Pheasant through the air as if they were being crushed.

 “That’s it!”

 “The ice cube is so violent that the pheasant’s mouth is so violent!”

Green Pheasant shook his head helplessly.

Then, just like the originator who transformed into an extremely cold plain, a wave of ice surged out of his body and transformed into a thirty-meter-long bird.

It is as if it is made of fine steel, with a streamlined body that exudes unparalleled terrifying and sharp power.

Fluttering his wings, the ice surface below was dented more than one meter deep. The force was so powerful and terrifying!


In just a tenth of a second, even Xia Muyang only saw a white figure flash past, and then, the five ice beasts were dismembered like this.


A bloodstain also appeared on Xia Muyang's chest. Xia Muyang quickly froze the wound with ice, only to feel a powerful freezing force raging in his body.

 “If that’s the case, then I won’t be polite!”

Looking at the white phantom rushing over again, Xia Muyang shouted: "Ice Storm!"

The terrifying ice-cold force as mammoth as the ocean raged out, and the faces of Ghost Spider and the others changed drastically, and they retreated continuously.

 His body is already covered with frost, and if it's a little later, he will become an iceman.


A freezing storm surged from day to day, the air was blurred and rumbling, the ice surface trembled violently, and the heaven and earth lost all sound.

Wrapped in a large ice pick that seemed capable of destroying all millstones, it collided heavily with the thirty-meter-large ice bird.


The ice bird flipped over again at a high speed, exuding terrifying sharp power, and violently collided with the storm.

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