“Hmph, it’s interesting that a man like Rob Luqi could lose so completely!”

"Is there anything wrong with me about that matter? It's been almost a week!" Xia Muyang asked about business matters.

 “Not yet, but I think it will be soon!”

“As long as she is alive, there is no way she can be found!”

  When asked this question, Warring States suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Hearing this, Xia Muyang knew that Warring States Period did not take his matter to heart at all.

“Okay, I understand, Mr. Warring States, but I won’t be so talkative next time!”

 Natsume Yang smiled and hung up the communication, but his last words gave Sengoku an instant headache.

 Natsume Yang is not someone who is easy to mess with!

“You heard it, your captain has made another big news!”

As if seeing Robin’s gaze, Xia Muyang said with a smile.

 Then, they walked slowly towards the direction of Sifa Island.

"Are you planning to directly ignore Sengoku's orders? This is not a responsible Shichibukai!" Robin teased.

Natsume Yang said indifferently: "Since Mr. Sengoku can ignore me once, then why can't I ignore him once!"

 Si/Fa Dao!

 “Everyone, charge!” Luffy shouted.

 After being almost cornered by the navy, Franky used wind to blast.

Under the gazes of Ghost Spider and Flying Squirrel, they tore apart the navy's defense line and escaped.


 The two key lieutenant generals of the Navy Headquarters would be really embarrassed if they couldn't catch even a severely injured small pirate group.

“Sit down, everyone! The Wanli Sunshine has more than just these abilities!”

Frankie controlled the ship perfectly. After pulling away, eight cannons suddenly appeared on the ship's hull. "Cover your ears, everyone!"

 “This will be a super visual feast!” Franky shouted.

Eight cannons were seen firing at the same time, and the pitch-black shells accurately hit all the warships except the two ghost spiders.


Before the navy could react, another round of shells blasted over and directly hit the warship's gun emplacement.


 The navymen on the warship suddenly shouted something bad.

 But before they could make any reaction, they heard Franky suddenly shouting wildly, with hatred in his eyes: "Super explosion!"


 Seven brilliant fireworks suddenly appeared on the sea, shaking the entire sea.

 Then, the screams of a group of sailors continued to be heard, and they all fell into the sea like dumplings.

 “The wind is coming to blast!”

Franky shouted again, and the Wanli Sunshine once again used wind blasts to distance itself from them, and then flew away.

 “Damn it!”

Seeing this, Ghost Spider and Flying Squirrel couldn't help clenching their fists, their teeth clenching.

Their dignified vice-admiral, two of them went out together, but they didn't catch a Straw Hat boy with a bounty of only 100 million!

 It’s so embarrassing that I just left it at my grandma’s house.

 Luffy this way!

 “Huh, it looks like he escaped!”

 Frankie sat directly on the ground, breathing heavily.

 “Awesome!” Chopper’s eyes shone, looking at Franky with admiration.

“I don’t know how Miss Robin is doing now!” Sergeant Shanji sighed as he took a puff of cigarette.

"Following that guy, your life will be in danger!" Zoro said from the side, already exercising continuously.

 Luffy: "Hululu...!"

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