“Hahaha, you are so enthusiastic, I’m not used to it!”

Natsume Yang pretended to be young and scratched his head, as if he really looked like a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy.

 “Okay, Bai Xing, come on, take a seat!”

"You have to thank Brother Xia Muyang. Without him, you would still be able to stay in the iron shell tower!"

Nipton has spoken, otherwise, he is really afraid that Bai Xing will do something weird.

Just looking at Shirahoshi's eyes filled with stars, you can tell how much she admires Natsume Yang now.

Perhaps if these people hadn't been present, she would have been clinging to Natsume Yang by now.

 The atmosphere throughout the banquet was very harmonious.

Of course, Natsume Yo and Nico Robin were talking most of the time.

 One is very knowledgeable, the other is well-informed, and what he says is very attractive.

 “Your Majesty Neptune, thank you very much for your hospitality!”

“However, there is no such thing as a feast that lasts forever. It’s time for me to leave when I’m full!”

 After finishing eating, Natsume Yang said goodbye.

 “Sir Natsume Yang, are you leaving? Why don’t you stay for a while?”

 When he heard that Natsume Yang was leaving, Shirahoshi's face instantly showed reluctance.

 “Oh, there’s no way, there’s a lot to do, I’m not allowed to stop!”

Hearing this, Natsume Yang shrugged helplessly, said goodbye, and left the Fish-Man Island with Nico Robin.

 “Why don’t you stay, that is the fish-man princess, the most precious existence!”

 During the ascent, Nicole Robin said jokingly.

"Maybe, it is a very precious existence in your eyes, but I have very important things to do and I can't stop!"

"Besides, a gentle country like Fishman Island is not suitable for me. The new world is more exciting!" Xia Muyang leaned on the railing and closed his eyes to rest.

 During the ascent, we were escorted by Curaken throughout the entire journey.

As long as it is not a particularly terrifying Poseidon type, I am afraid that no Poseidon type is willing to provoke a deep sea monster like him.

 After all, ordinary sea kings are nothing more than younger brothers in front of this deep sea monster.

 Champaody Islands!

On this day, a group of pirates who were preparing to dive into the sea suddenly felt a sense of heart palpitations for no reason.

 Then, they saw bubbling suddenly and rapidly on the sea surface, and their heart palpitations became more and more serious.

 “Something’s coming out!”

 Everyone looked towards the bubbling place in the ocean.

 Only a little dark shadow can be seen under the ocean. The bubbles are getting larger and larger, and the sea surface is beginning to tremble.

 “What on earth is this? It’s so huge!”

The pirates were all good at sea. When they saw the black shadow and the area where the bubbles emerged, they couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

 Poseidons are not that big!

 “Quickly retreat!”

 Suddenly, a pirate captain seemed to realize something and quickly ordered to retreat.


Unfortunately, it was too late. The sea surface suddenly swelled and rose, a ship floated out, and the coating disappeared.

"That is…"

“The Carbon Snake Pirates, a large pirate group with a total bounty of over 600 million!”

 “How could such a pirate group suddenly appear here!” A group of pirates exclaimed.

Suddenly, a pirate noticed a larger black shadow appearing under the sea. He immediately exclaimed, "No, the real big guy hasn't appeared yet!"

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