"In that case, I won't bother you anymore and say goodbye!" After saying that, Xia Muyang turned and left.

“As expected of a monster from the new world!” Kosha couldn’t help but sigh as he watched the two people leave.

 Two days later, empty island!

“The holy forest under the deep sea, the buildings as red as blood… guide the navigation direction… to reach the final place!”

  Looking at the handwriting on it, Xia Muyang couldn't help but sigh: "Is this the same word puzzle again?"

 “Can’t you be more straightforward? You have to be so formal!”

“..., unlocked 25% of the strength, armed with domineering primary level, title: Knowledge Seeker!”

The sound of the system sounded again, and Xia Muyang also had an additional piece of information about armed colors in his head.

"Where is the next stop? Mr. Natsume Yang!" Nico Robin looked at Natsume Yang and asked with a smile.

She glanced at the ancient city building hidden in the devastation, with nostalgia in her eyes.

 A month ago, there was a **** named Enelu here.

“The next stop is Fish-Man Island, but before that, we have to go to the New World!”

 Natsume Yang let out a sigh of relief!

Murloc Island is Whitebeard’s territory. It’s not polite to just barge in without saying hello.

Even if he has a good relationship with Whitebeard, this is absolutely not allowed. It is tantamount to a slap in the face/provocation.

“Is it because it’s Whitebeard’s territory?” Nico Robin said.

 “Too smart, if you die quickly, Miss Robin should live a long life!” Natsume Yang smiled slightly.

 New world, Moby-Dick!

 “Berat Berat!”

Suddenly, the yellow telephone bug that Whitebeard was holding rang. A look of surprise flashed across his face and he answered the call.

"Moses, Moses, old man with a white beard, long time no see!" Xia Muyang's voice came from the other side.

“Natsume Yang, kid, why do you suddenly have time to look for me? If you need anything, just tell me!” Whitebeard is a very direct person!

 “Haha, let’s have an interview! This is no small matter!”

Hearing this, Xia Muyang grinned.

The phone bug also imitated this expression vividly, which made Whitebeard's brows move, and he kind of guessed what Natsume Yang was talking about.

 He smiled and said: "Kulala, I'm waiting for you in the new world, kid!"

"Then it's settled!" With that, Natsume Yang hung up the phone.

 “Let’s go, get up and go to the new world!”

After putting away the phone bug, Natsume Yang glanced at Nico Robin, and then jumped directly from the empty island.


 The speed of the ship cannot compare with his psychic beast.

 “Long time no see, Bai Ling!”

“Lord Natsume Yang, long time no see. Where is this place? It doesn’t seem to be the plane where the Bird’s Nest is!”

The moment Bai Ling appeared, he felt the suppression from all around and spoke out.

 “That’s right, this is a wonderful world that is not inferior to that of Naruto. Hehe, you will know it later!”

“Now you take me to a place first. It’s most comfortable to ride on you!”

 Xia Muyang sat on Bai Ling's head and said with nostalgia.


Bai Ling's eyes flashed with intense interest, and then he rushed in the direction pointed by Natsume Yang.

 Bai Ling, as the king of soaring in the sky, is completely unafraid of ordinary storms.

It can be said that the storm is regarded as nothing, and like thunder and lightning, it has absolute control of the air.

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