The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 874: It's your turn to show off

“Twisted waves, mysterious light, the conspiracy of ancestors, many hatreds intertwined..."

“There are ancient secrets hidden under the deep sea... On the incredible islands, the past glory is recorded!”

 “It’s a bit obscure, but it’s more interesting this way!”

 Xia Muyang put the paper away, stood up and left the temple.

“Ding, it’s detected that the host has read the historical text stone tablet, the progress of unlocking secrets has been accelerated, and the strength has been restored to 20%!”

The sound of the system came, and Xia Muyang couldn't help but be startled. The power that originally belonged to him was constantly swimming in his body.

That feeling of being in control of everything is really good.

 In the palace!

“Thank you very much for your help, His Majesty King Kobra!” Natsume Yang bowed again and thanked him.

 “I don’t know about asylum!” Cobra’s eyes were full of expectation, and he was afraid that Natsume Yang would regret it.

Seeing this, Xia Muyang couldn't help but smile, "Haha, don't worry, I said Xia Muyang is not the kind of person who wipes his mouth after eating and refuses to acknowledge it!"

“His Majesty the King can start sending people to spread the word, just like Crocodile did!”

 “If there’s nothing else, I’ll leave first!”

Cobra nodded, stood up and sent him back, "As you please!"

"Your Majesty, what's wrong, the Iron Rhino Pirates have entered the desert river and are heading towards the royal city! Captain Jaka and Kosa have both suffered heavy losses!"

Suddenly, a messenger hurried over and reported in a panic.


Hearing this, Kobra was startled, and then looked at Natsume Yang, as if to say, the time has come to show your commitment.

  "Nico Robin, stay here, I'll come back as soon as I can!" After saying this, Natsume Yang disappeared from the spot.

 Outside the royal city!

 “Jiejiejie, Alabasta, the historical text stone tablet, here I come!”

A stout man with a ferocious look on his face kept charging forward among the city guards.

Wherever he passed, the city guards were on their backs and screaming in agony. They were not opponents of the same level at all.

“Get out of here, get out of here, you ants, you want to stop me, you don’t know your own strength!”

“Damn it, why would a big pirate with a bounty of 150 million appear here!”

 Jaka looked at Jazela the Iron Rhinoceros who seemed to be in a deserted land, and couldn't help but clenched his fists in despair.

“Asshole, can I, Alabasta, just watch him do whatever he wants?” Kosha gasped, holding his chest.

The two of them had just come together, and they only blocked him for less than half a minute. He was seriously injured even though he was in a casual state.

“Bengdada, give up, you can’t stop us, we are the Iron Rhino Pirates!”

A four-meter man wearing leather armor and a horned hat waved the big racquet in his hand casually and rushed among the city guards as if for fun.

 With every beat, dozens of people were swept up into the sky.

"Is this the strength of Cang Xiong Binsi, who has a bounty of 96 million Baileys? The gap is too big!" a squad leader of the city guard said desperately.




 Shells and bullets have no effect on him at all.

 The Iron Rhino Pirates and other captains are also in the midst of a crazy massacre!

 The 20,000 city guards seemed to be not enough to kill them, and the situation was completely one-sided.

“Hahaha, Alabasta, I’m going to make a decision. Who else can stop me? Anyone who stops me will die!”

 Tie Xi opened his arms and laughed wildly. He seemed to have steel and iron bones, and nothing could break his defense.

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