“However, anyone with a bounty of less than 10 million can leave, we don’t need this kind of garbage!”

 A man who was two meters tall and looked like Natsume Yang came out.

If Natsume Yang himself didn't expose it, no one would doubt that he was fake.


 But his words were not ridiculed, but received strong support from everyone.

 After all, this is a world of pirates where the jungle prevails.

From the perspective of these pirates with a bounty of more than 10 million, this is what a strong man should look like.

 “Damn it, you’re not even qualified to join?”

The pirates whose bounties were less than 10 million gritted their teeth unwillingly, and most of them left.

 But there are still some people who are lucky enough to stay.

But they didn't dare to have any dissatisfaction at all. He was a super strong man who couldn't even match the three disasters. He could kill them with just a backhand.

 “Hey, hey, hey, it seems some people are still unconscious!”

“Didn’t I say that I won’t accept a bounty of less than 10 million? How come there are still people who are lucky!”


The next moment, there was a gunshot, blood splattered, and a big man fell to the ground unwillingly, clutching his chest.

"This is the consequence of disobedience. I advise you not to take any chances!"

Charles' cold gaze swept across the pirates in the square, as if he was Natsume Yang, the strong man who could defeat Quinn.

 Not the little pirate with a bounty of 35 million Baileys.

 “Damn it!”

 The **** methods and the threat of death naturally made the remaining pirates who were still lucky enough to leave obediently.

 The remaining pirates in the entire square were tens of millions of pirates, and Charles was almost overjoyed.

 Just one name, I have deceived so many people, haha, I have made a lot of money.

“Hahaha, idiots, I say I am Natsume Yang, and no one dares to question me!”

“It’s not in vain that I, Charles, have been hanging around for so long, and I finally have a chance to make a difference!”

 “Hey, Natsume Yang, I’ll borrow your name!”

“When the time comes, when I become the master, what if you discover it, hahaha!”

“Young men, starting from today, our Sword Tiger Pirates are established!”

“So, I decided to have a day of carnival today, go and rob, this island is our goal today!”

With Charles’s order, these tens of millions of pirates suddenly showed their fierce looks.

Even though they are just like trash fish in the New World, in the Grand Line, they can be regarded as good players and are feared by everyone.

 “Oh, boss!”

The crowd rushed out without any suspicion at all, like a pack of howling wolves, extremely ferocious.

 “From now on, my name will be Natsume Yo, and there will be no more Charles!”

 Seeing that all the pirates with tens of millions of levels were completely at his mercy, Charles felt unprecedented satisfaction in his heart.

 He couldn't help but open his arms in intoxication, as if he had seen the new world waving to him.

About a kilometer away from this square, in a restaurant at the foot of the mountain, Natsume Yang, who had been traveling all day, had a rare opportunity to enjoy this delicious lunch.

“It seems good to have a meal like this once in a while!” The restaurant was very quiet, the lights were dim, and the atmosphere was quite good.

As for Natsume Yang’s money for food, haha, that’s quite interesting—the head of a captain of a ten-million-level pirate group.

 Just put it **** on the bar.

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