
Dense Chakra fist shadows also appeared in the sky above Kaguya, and they all seemed to have the power of a broken planet, and they all headed towards the ice sword.


 The violent collision scene was no less than the previous one in the magma space, or even worse.

 After all, this is Natsume Yang's strongest attack move, a powerful move that can easily shatter meteorites.

Space folds, the earth screams, and the cracks are shocking.

  Natsume Yang’s chest suffered another heavy blow!

The Eighty-Sky Divine Strike, which could crack a mountain with every punch, almost killed him.

His body has been repeating the process of breaking and repairing, not to mention the pain.

  But it has to be said that the gravitational space is indeed solid, and there are no space cracks at all.

But Princess Kaguya was horrified to discover that the Eighty Sky Divine Strike would not be able to stop the falling speed of the giant sword.

That sword seemed to carry supreme sharpness and an unyielding will to move forward, completely unswayed by the huge force.

Even if the ice sword is broken, it will be reassembled in an instant.

 The surrounding space seemed to be completely locked by this sword, making it impossible to move at all.

Can only look at this sharp ice sword, splitting them in half.

“Is mom going to be sealed again? That’s definitely not the case, no!”

Hello Zetsu screamed in horror, and saw Kaguya's Heavenly Control moving again at the moment when the giant sword was about to come.

  But due to the influence of gravity space, Kaguya did not disappear until the entire right half of her body was completely cut off.

"Frozen Eyes!" Kaguya can be sealed, but Black Zetsu must also be eliminated. Natsume Yang will not forget this.

Black Zetsu and the entire right half of Kaguya's body were frozen into ice. He slowly walked to the ice and threw it into the ninja bag.


Xia Muyang suddenly fell to his knees and vomited out a large mouthful of blood mixed with visceral fragments. His face turned pale rapidly.




“If someone tells me in the future that Princess Kaguya is weaker than those of the Otsutsuki family, I will definitely let them feel the terrifying strength of Princess Kaguya!”

Natsume Yang looked like he had just climbed out of the water, completely soaked with sweat.

 “The next step is the final finishing work!”

 “All we have to do is defeat and seal Kaguya, and the mission of the Naruto world is completely completed!”

Xia Muyang endured the pain in his chest, stood up, and used his hand as a sword to use the wind sword technique.

  No, it should be called space swordsmanship. It opened a passage in the gravity space, leading to the place where Princess Kaguya is.

 Starting ball space!

 Kaguya, who has only half her body left, is constantly replenishing her chakra.

 But the arrival of Natsume Yang broke her tranquility.

 “The final victory is coming soon!”

“Kaguya, I am ready to fail. Are you ready?”

 Natsume Yang was sweating profusely and looked extremely weak, floating in front of Kaguya, looking at her with firm eyes.

 “Looks like there’s no way to escape!”

 Natsume Yang suffered a severe injury immediately, and how could Kaguya fare better? Half of her body was gone, and her strength was seriously affected.

 “Immortal Ice Storm!”

Natsume Yang shouted angrily, and a terrifying gust of wind instantly set off in the space of the first ball, and ice kept crackling.

The ice cones as big as millstones hit Kaguya like a heavy rain, instantly forcing her into a desperate situation.

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