The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 842: I don't think you have the strength

"It would be great if Lord Xia Muyang were here at this time!" Jiu Yan slowly clenched his fists.

"Yes, Natsumeyo-sama is the strongest ninja in the ninja world, a person as powerful as a god!"

Jiu Yan slowly tightened the sword in his hand, "Even if I can't wait for Lord Xia Muyang, I will not succumb to fate!"

"no way!"

Even if she is the last one left, she will fight to the end.


 Endless branches covered the area, and all escape routes were blocked.

Jiu Yan, there is absolutely no way out!

“Damn it, are we going to stop here?”

Jiuyan screams in despair!

 “That’s right!” Hei Jue shouted ferociously.

 He doesn’t think anyone can compete with Kaguya Otsutsuki’s powerful strength!

Even Natsume Yang, he didn’t think he could do it.

 “Immortal Ice Storm!”

At this moment, a sound like thunder suddenly exploded in Jiu Yan's ears.

Jiu Yan couldn't help but his eyes widened instantly, full of disbelief.

The next moment, the power of supreme ice and cold burst out, and a terrifying ice storm that covered the sky and the sun swept across.


 I saw that all the branches were crackling and freezing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Just like that, he stopped in front of Jiu Yan.

“I left for a while, but I didn’t expect that the battlefield would change its appearance!”

 “Finally broke through the seal, Kaguya Otsutsuki!”

 Natsume Yang's robes are billowing, suspended in the air like a god.

 Then he stretched out his hand and an ice sculpture shattered, revealing a dry 'corpse'!

Xia Muyang waved his hand, and an ice tentacle pulled the 'corpse' over.

This is none other than Kanyue Qianxia.

"You are very strong, even I don't have the confidence to defeat you!" Kaguya Otsutsuki said coldly.

Hearing this, Xia Muyang couldn't help but raise his head and laugh, "Haha, of course!"

 “If you could defeat me, I wouldn’t be here!”

  Kaguya Otsutsuki: "But I will determine the chakra of these people, and your chakra!"

"Then give it a try and see if you can do it!" Natsume Yang said without any care.

 The rich natural energy converged towards Kanyue Qianxia’s body.

Her body swelled up again at a speed visible to the naked eye, restoring the elasticity that her body should have.

 “Rabbit hair needle!”

Kaguya Otsutsuki doesn’t talk nonsense and just does what she says.

The long hair on his head turned into sharp needles, piercing the air and heading towards Natsume Yang.

This is a powerful move that can stop all tailed beasts at their acupoints!

If one of these endless hairs is hit, you will be dead.

 “Immortal Frozen Eyes!”

However, Natsume Yang just said in a low voice.

Then, the thousands of hair needles in the sky were completely frozen, forming a rather spectacular scene.

 “Senfa Hyōsūnmaru!”

Yang Natsume suddenly appeared from above Kaguya, holding a spinning ice ball as big as a basketball in his hand and pressed it on Kaguya's head.

 “Reincarnation fixation!”

Kaguya vomited softly, and Natsume Yang felt that he suddenly couldn't move, and couldn't help but be a little surprised.

 “Let’s kill the ashes together!”

 Three gray sticks pierced Natsume Yang's chest directly.

But before Black Zetsu could get proud, Natsume Yang turned into an ice cube, and then slowly turned into ashes.

Xia Muyang appeared in the distance. When he shouted, he opened his hands and said, "Immortal magic ice forest is coming!"

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