The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 825: Hit ten tails and share the credit

 “As you can see, join this war, don’t get me wrong!”

“It’s just that it’s more lively here! I don’t want to threaten you!”

Sasuke is always so arrogant, even if he can say it directly, he refuses to admit it directly.

"Itachi, Shisui, since you are here, why don't you show up?"

 “What, you want me to invite you to show up?”

If Sasuke's appearance only surprised the younger generation of Konoha.

So, when Natsume Yang called out these two names that should no longer exist in this world, everyone in Konoha was shocked.

“Natsume Yang, you are still the same as before, you like to poke people’s backs so much!”

 Two figures appeared in response.

Uchiha Shisui, who had the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan in his eyes, looked at Natsume Yang, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

"Itachi, why are you worried about Konoha?" Natsume Yang looked at Itachi, his eyes full of curiosity!

 “Probably a little!” Itachi replied with a specious answer.

 “Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui are not dead!”

"How is it possible? The rumors are not about the two of them!"

“What the **** is going on? Isn’t the Uchiha clan destroyed?”

Everyone has a question mark on their face and is confused.

 “No need to doubt, I saved them!”

 “Of course, it’s just the two of them.”

“The rest of the people no longer exist in this world!”

Natsume Yang spoke up and answered everyone’s questions.

“Now is the time when the Ten-Tails is weak. Everyone, it’s time to show our strength!”

“So what if we are ten tails, let’s go together, victory still belongs to us!”

Natsumeyo boosts morale.

As he said that, a hole appeared on the Four Red Sun Formation for everyone to enter.


 Compared with the Uchiha clan’s affairs, beating the Ten-Tails is obviously more fulfilling and more interesting to them!

The crowd rushed in like a tide, and it was very lively.


Seeing this, the Ten-Tails was not someone to be trifled with, and immediately formed many clones to deal with it.

 “Sasuke, Sakura, it’s time to fuck!”

Naruto shouted, and the two of them responded and rushed over as if they were one.

“We, Class 10, can’t lose!”

“Class 8, come on!”

 Inuzuka Kiba and others rushed over not wanting to lag behind!

Seeing this, everyone in Yangyin Village was not polite. Even a few people from Qiliangzhong shouted and rushed in.

  Ju Feng and the group of people who had all advanced to Jonin also rushed in!

 Those who have survived to this day are not simple things.

Even Kanyue Qianxia rushed in.

 Due to Natsume Yo's influence, the tragedy of the coalition headquarters being hit in the original work did not happen.

 But as a result, the first generation of Hokage did not have the opportunity to appear again, and the wonderful event of the Five Shadows fighting Madara did not appear.

However, after waking up, Naruto and Raikage directly joined the battlefield.

 “Their safety is protected by us, you, don’t think about messing around!”

The four shadows of wind, fire, thunder and earth stood guard in front of the four people maintaining the Four Red Sun Formation, guarding against Bai Jue.

And Uchiha Obito, who may appear at any time to threaten everyone's lives.

As for Uchiha Madara, Natsume Yang was staring at him tightly and it was hard for him to mess around.

Without becoming a Ten-Tails Jinchuriki, he would not have the confidence to fight Natsume Yang.

 He originally thought that after the Ten-Tails was resurrected, he could absorb it and become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki!

 However, what he didn't expect was that before the Ten-Tails really wanted to appear, it would have to go through two states.

 Hence, during this period, he must carefully guard Natsume Yang.

Even if he is not Natsume Yang's opponent, he must forcefully fight against him. If that doesn't work, he must drag Uchiha Obito with him.

 Their only hope now is to rely on the Ten Tails.

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