The four Hokages in the plot did not appear, and Orochimaru was not resurrected.

The Eagle Squadron gathered together again and followed them towards the battlefield.

This night seems calm, but in fact, there is an undercurrent.

  Just because Uchiha Madara disdains to do things, it doesn’t mean that Uchiha Obito won’t do them.

What’s more, I absolutely agree with this approach.

Hai Jue pretending to be a member of the Ninja Alliance and sneaking into the alliance is still happening as usual.

However, due to Natsume Yo’s prior reminder, Nara Shikaku has already taken relevant measures.

 Therefore, it did not cause any big panic, but Bai Jue suffered heavy losses.

At the other end, they are determined to attack the famous names of various countries in order to threaten the ninja alliance.

 But was interrupted by Mizukage, and even Jue himself was hit hard!

Of course, the main reason is that White Zetsu's body was severely damaged, and Black Zetsu is completely fine!

 Dawn came soon, and all the teams concentrated on the battlefield where Gaara and the others were.

 Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Obito, as if they had made an appointment, also appeared in front of the ninja coalition.

 “Natsume Yang, you will pay for your arrogance soon!”

In Uchiha Madara’s eyes, the power of the Ten-Tails is invincible!

 Becoming a Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki can reach the same level as the Six Paths Sage.

 There is no one in the entire ninja world that can be his opponent.

 His Eye of the Moon plan can be successfully implemented.

 At that time, the entire ninja world will enter a peaceful era, and he, Uchiha Madara, will be the only king.

"Really? Let me see where your confidence in saying this comes from!"

 Xia Muyang's face was full of provocation and he said it completely nonchalantly.

 With his current strength, even if the Six Paths Immortal is resurrected, he cannot be his opponent.

 Only Kaguya is a threat to him.

As for Six Paths Madara, he didn't take it seriously, he was just on the same level as the Six Paths Immortal.

 “Hahaha, okay, I hope you can still be as optimistic as you are now!”

 Uchiha Madara laughed wildly, and then angrily formed a seal and released the seal of the three tails.


  The heretic demon statue suddenly roared as if it had taken stimulants!

  A terrifying gust of wind was set off, and the earth was torn apart by his steps. It was rumbling and trembling, and it was like the end of the world.

 Then, the heretic golem began to deform and became thinner and thinner.

 The original nine eyes have turned into a nine-magatama samsara eye!


 The weight of the air suddenly doubled, causing everyone to groan and their expressions changed drastically.

 The earth was compressed and cracked loudly, slowly cracking apart.


The Ten Tails came to life, and the ten tails danced wildly, and then, with both feet on the ground, they roared again.


This roaring sound was simply extremely destructive, instantly setting off a terrifying gust of wind that spread wildly.

 The earth is cracked like tofu!

  Such a terrifying scene has never been seen by a ninja coalition.

Even the strongest Kyuubi does not have such terrifying strength. In an instant, countless people were blown away, and screams could not be heard.

Rivers pour in, the color of the sky changes, and lightning roars. The real end of the world is nothing more than this.

 “Hahaha, you see, this is the terrifying power of the Ten-Tails!”

 Seeing this scene, Uchiha Madara smiled, laughing wildly with satisfaction.

His samsara eyes are almost going to pop out!

 The proud smile on his face could not be concealed at all, and everyone had a bad feeling in their hearts.

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