The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 806: Thunder dissolves water, when Qi meets thunder flowers, it explodes

 It’s just that the area is so wide, how can it be so easy to avoid it?

 When the clone landed on the ground, I immediately felt something was wrong, and the resistance to progress became much greater.

 “It’s actually glue, this kid’s head turns so fast!”

The second-generation Mizukage, who was secretly manipulating it, couldn't help but praise, "But just like that, it's not that easy to hinder me!"

As he spoke, he strengthened his control over the clone, and saw that the clone that had been hindered in its movement actually accelerated again.

"As expected of the second generation Mizukage, it seems that defeating you is not that simple!"

Seeing this, Zabuza was not surprised, "But don't underestimate me!"

Zabuza quickly stepped back, forming seals while his body erupted with a chakra aura that made the earth come alive.

 “Let me see what you should do in the face of this move!”

Of course he has heard of the power of the Steaming Danger Explosion, and he naturally also knows how entangled this move is.

However, he did not intend to let the power of this move be fully demonstrated, because it was as difficult as the Second Hokage's mutual multiplication detonating talisman.

"The chakra in this kid's body suddenly became so violent that even I felt scared!"

“It seems that the power of the move he is going to unleash next is very powerful!”

 The second-generation Mizukage, who was secretly manipulating, said this in his heart as he watched Zabuza's aura becoming more and more manic.

 “Then let’s see who is faster!”

 He knew that the outcome was likely to be determined by this move.


Zabuza formed the hand seals quickly, but it was obviously impossible for the Second Mizukage to let him complete the hand seals smoothly!

 “Phew!” The clone jumped up and appeared in front of Zabuza, and fell with an axe.

If you don't want to be hit in the air, you have to give up the seal and dodge instantly.

 “It’s the second generation Mizukage after all, he’s really awesome, but he’s almost there!”

 Looking at the huge clone that landed and rushed towards him again, it was almost on the verge of exploding.

Zabuza showed a smile on his lips, stepped back, and then formed seals again.

 But this time, the aura on his body was not manic, which made the second generation Mizukage start to feel a little confused!

 What's going on, something doesn't seem right!

 “Lei Dun Chao Di Walk!”

 Zabuza actually used Thunder Release!

In an instant, the manic thunder and lightning occupied a 100-meter area nearby. Naturally, there was no possibility for the huge clone to escape, and it became a completely thunderous person.

 It's just that Lei Dun doesn't seem to have any problems with water attribute clones!

Even the second Mizukage was a little confused, "What is Zabuza doing? Use the Thunder Release to deal with it. Are you sure you're not mistaken?"

 To be honest, he was a little puzzled.

 “Just use this trick to make a decision!”

 Zabuza shouted loudly, and actually increased the output of thunder and lightning again.

At this time, the second generation Mizukage suddenly sensed a dangerous aura coming from him, and the source was his clone.

The clone that was supposed to explode in a few seconds has actually reached the critical point of explosion.

"what happened!"

The second generation Mizukage was puzzled. Then, he watched the huge clone explode in a thunder and lightning.


The violent air wave instantly lifted everyone around, and even the earth exploded, like thunder roaring, shocking people.

Zabuza relied on his beheading sword to resist, but he was still forced back nearly five meters, and a scratch nearly half a meter deep was made.

 There were many wailing ninjas lying around, and they were helped down by medical ninjas.

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